

  1. There's nothing to tell #我没什么好说的 #不想理会别人是可以说这句话
  2. He's just some guy I work with #他不过是我的同事
  3. C'mon, you're going out with the guy #少来了,你们都在约会了
  4. There's gotta be someting wrong with him #这个男人一定有什么问题


  1. I ralized that I was more turned on #我发现我对这个调味汁瓶
  2. by this gravy boat than by Barry #比Barry更能引发我的兴奋感
  3. and then I got reallyfreaked out#然后我真的吓坏了
  4. and that's when it hit me #突然想到
  5. how much Barry looks like Mr.Potato Head #Barry 真的超像薯头先生

freaked out 害怕、惊慌、失去控制


  1. Wait. Your not a real date tonight is with Paul the Wine Guy? #等等,你今晚的非正式约会对象是调酒师保罗吗?
  2. He finally asked you out? #他终于开口约你了吗?
  3. Yes!
  4. Ooh, this is a Dear Diary moment #噢,这真实值得永久铭记的时刻

Dear Diary是外国人写日记的开场白,类似于把日记看成一个很亲密的朋友。Dear Diary moment 是指意义非凡,值得写进日记


  1. I‘m all better now
  2. I helped!
  3. Okey, look, this is probaly for the best, y'know? #probaly可能, 瞧,或许这样反倒最好
  4. Independence. Taking control of your life #你独立了,可以主宰自己的人生

take control of 意思是掌控


  1. So Rachel, what're you, uh… what're you up to tonight? #Rachel,你……你今晚打算怎么过
  2. well, I was kinda supposed to be #这个嘛,本来我应该
  3. headed for Aruba on my honeymoon, so noting! #在阿鲁巴岛度蜜月,所以,没事做
  4. right, your're not even getting your honeymoon, God #在阿鲁巴岛度蜜月,所以,没事做

what're you up to tonight?  可以理解你想邀请某人出去吃饭或者约会是,先询问对方是否有空