
gcn如何做图像分类 hog图像分类_机器学习

😸本代码主要由 4python 文件和 3 个文件夹组成。其中,dataset.py 用以加载数据集(MNISTcifar10);hog.py 实现了 HOG 算法;svm.py 实现 SVM 算法;main.py 用来测试分类效果。文件夹 model 用来存储训练好的 SVM 模型;feat 文件夹存放 HOG 特征;data 文件夹存放读取后的数据集信息。

  1. dataset.py 文件可通过参数 kind 指定读取训练集还是测试集的数据,通过参数 reload 来指定是否重新获取数据,通过 path 来指明数据集的根目录
  2. hog.py 中类 HogDescriptor 提供函数 get_feat 来获取 HOG 特征,通过参数 data 指定处理的数据,通过 kind 指定数据的类型(如:mnist.trainMNIST 的训练集),通过 reload 参数指明是否重新获取 HOG 特征
  3. svm.py 中多分类 SVM 是借助于 sklearn 库来实现的,该文件主要定义了 4 个类,分别是 SMO 算法求解器类、带核函数缓存机制的 Solver、二分类线性 SVM 和多分类线性 SVM
  4. main.py 根据前面 3 个文件中定义的类来处理主要逻辑,内容包括用以处理分类的 classification 函数和主体逻辑 main 函数

✍️HOG 特征检测算法,最早是由法国研究员 Dalal 等在 CVPR-2005 上提出来的一种解决人体目标检测的图像描述子,是一种用于表征图像局部梯度方向和梯度强度分布特性的描述符。其主要思想是在边缘具体位置未知的情况下,边缘方向的分布也可以很好的表示行人目标的外形轮廓。HOG 特征检测算法主要包含以下几个步骤:

  1. 颜色空间归一化:主要包括图像灰度化和 Gamma 矫正,可通过以下代码处理
  2. 梯度计算:对经过颜色空间归一化后的图像,求取其梯度及梯度方向。可通过 Sobel 算子分别在水平和垂直方向进行计算,然后进行融合
  3. 梯度直方图计算:当梯度方向大小不是恰好在某一个 bin 上时,需获取距离该方向最近的 2bin(超过 bin 个数时取模),然后根据其于这两个 bin 的距离来获取相应权重 weight 并为直方图赋值
  4. 重叠块归一化block 默认由 4cell 组成,其移动步长为 1cell,并且采用 L2 范数来处理归一化(L2-norm)

✍️支持向量机 SVM(support vector machines)是一种二分类模型。其策略是间隔最大化,这等价于正则化的合页损失函数最小化问题。在学习算法上采用序列最小最优化算法 SMOSVM 通常可分为线性可分支持向量机、线性支持向量机、非线性支持向量机。线性多分类 SVM LinearSVC 继承自二分类线性 SVM BiLinearSVC,并通过 sklearnmulticlass 模块实现了多分类。其主要包含用以训练模型的fit函数,用以决策的 decision_function 函数,用来预测的 predict 函数以及用来评估的 score 函数

gcn如何做图像分类 hog图像分类_机器学习_02


😿本代码中只实现了 CIDAR10MNIST 数据集的加载。其中,函数 _unpickle 用来解压 CIFAR10 数据集,函数 load_cifar10 用来加载 CIFAR10 数据集,函数 load_mnist 用来加载 MNIST 数据集。

gcn如何做图像分类 hog图像分类_gcn如何做图像分类_03

gcn如何做图像分类 hog图像分类_机器学习_04


😶🌫️建议先调试一下 dataset.py 能不能正确获取数据(路径要自己修改),再调试一下 hog.py 能不能提取特征,接着再调试 svm.py 进行分类(处理 CIFAR10 时建议直接调用接口,精度可达 50% 左右,不过依赖于前面提取的 HOG 特征)。在调试时直接注释 main.py 中相应代码即可

# dataset.py
import os
import numpy as np
import pickle
import struct

class DatasSet():
    def __init__(self, name='data'):
        self.name = name  # 存放数据的目录

    # 用来解压 cifar10 数据集
    def _unpickle(self, file):
        with open(file, 'rb') as fo:
            dict = pickle.load(fo, encoding='bytes')
        return dict

    # 加载 cifar10 数据集
    def load_cifar10(self, kind='train', path='./', reload=False):
        self.root = f'{self.name}/cifar10'
        # 若存在相应数据且不重新加载数据,则直接读取
        if os.path.exists(f'{self.root}_{kind}_data.npy') and os.path.exists(f'{self.root}_{kind}_label.npy') and not reload:
            images = np.load(f'{self.root}_{kind}_data.npy')
            labels = np.load(f'{self.root}_{kind}_label.npy')
            print(f'Get data from {self.root}_{kind}_*.npy')
            if kind == 'test':
                f = os.path.join(path, 'test_batch')
                data = self._unpickle(f)
                images = np.reshape(data[b'data'], (10000, 3, 32 * 32))  # 测试集图片为 10000 张
                labels = np.reshape(data[b'labels'], (10000, 1))
            elif kind == 'train':
                _images, _labels = [], []
                for idx in range(1, 6): # 总共有 5 个训练数据集,每个数据集 10000 张图片
                    f = os.path.join(path, f'data_batch_{idx}')
                    data = self._unpickle(f)  # 解压 cifar10 数据集
                    _images.extend(np.reshape(data[b'data'], (10000, 3, 32 * 32))) 
                    _labels.extend(np.reshape(data[b'labels'], (10000, 1)))
                images, labels = np.array(_images), np.array(_labels)

            np.save(f'{self.root}_{kind}_data.npy', images)
            np.save(f'{self.root}_{kind}_label.npy', labels)
        return images, labels

    # 加载 MNIST 数据集
    def load_mnist(self, kind='train', path='./', reload=False):
        self.root = f'{self.name}/mnist'
        # 判断是否重新加载 MNIST 数据集
        if os.path.exists(f'{self.root}_{kind}_data.npy') and os.path.exists(f'{self.root}_{kind}_label.npy') and not reload:
            images = np.load(f'{self.root}_{kind}_data.npy')
            labels = np.load(f'{self.root}_{kind}_label.npy')
            print(f'Get data from {self.root}_{kind}_*.npy')
            # 获取数据集路径
            labels_path = os.path.join(path, f'{kind}-labels-idx1-ubyte')
            images_path = os.path.join(path, f'{kind}-images-idx3-ubyte')

            # 解压并读取 MNIST 数据集
            with open(labels_path, 'rb') as lbpath:
                magic, n = struct.unpack('>II', lbpath.read(8))
                labels = np.fromfile(lbpath, dtype=np.uint8)
            with open(images_path, 'rb') as imgpath:
                magic, num, rows, cols = struct.unpack('>IIII',imgpath.read(16))
                images = np.fromfile(imgpath,dtype=np.uint8).reshape(len(labels), 784)
            np.save(f'{self.root}_{kind}_data.npy', images)
            np.save(f'{self.root}_{kind}_label.npy', labels)

        return images, labels
# hog.py
import cv2
import numpy as np
import math
import os
from tqdm import tqdm

class HogDescriptor():
    def __init__(self, pixels_per_cell=4, bin_size=9):
        self.pixels_per_cell = pixels_per_cell
        self.bin_size = bin_size
        self.angle_unit = 180 // self.bin_size
        assert type(self.bin_size) == int, "bin_size should be integer,"
        assert type(self.pixels_per_cell) == int, "pixels_per_cell should be integer,"
        assert type(self.angle_unit) == int, "bin_size should be divisible by 180"

    def _extract(self, image):
        height, width = image.shape
        # 计算图像每一个像素点的梯度幅值和角度
        gradient_magnitude, gradient_angle = self._global_gradient(image)
        gradient_magnitude = abs(gradient_magnitude)

        # 计算每个 cell 的梯度直方图
        cell_gradient_vector = np.zeros((height // self.pixels_per_cell, width // self.pixels_per_cell, self.bin_size))
        for i in range(cell_gradient_vector.shape[0]):
            for j in range(cell_gradient_vector.shape[1]):
                cell_magnitude = gradient_magnitude[i * self.pixels_per_cell:(i + 1) * self.pixels_per_cell,
                                 j * self.pixels_per_cell:(j + 1) * self.pixels_per_cell]
                cell_angle = gradient_angle[i * self.pixels_per_cell:(i + 1) * self.pixels_per_cell,
                             j * self.pixels_per_cell:(j + 1) * self.pixels_per_cell]
                cell_gradient_vector[i][j] = self._cell_gradient(cell_magnitude, cell_angle)

        hog_vector = []
        for i in range(cell_gradient_vector.shape[0] - 1):
            for j in range(cell_gradient_vector.shape[1] - 1):
                # 默认 block 由 2x2 个 cell 组成,步长为 1 个 cell
                block_vector = []
                block_vector.extend(cell_gradient_vector[i][j + 1])
                block_vector.extend(cell_gradient_vector[i + 1][j])
                block_vector.extend(cell_gradient_vector[i + 1][j + 1])
                # 计算 L2 范数
                mag = lambda vector: math.sqrt(sum(i ** 2 for i in vector))
                magnitude = mag(block_vector)
                # 归一化操作
                if magnitude != 0:
                    normalize = lambda block_vector, magnitude: [element / magnitude for element in block_vector]
                    block_vector = normalize(block_vector, magnitude)
        return np.array(hog_vector).ravel()  # 将特征打平

    # 通过 Sobel 算子计算图像沿 x 轴和 y 轴梯度并融合,最后再计算其梯度方向
    def _global_gradient(self, image):
        gradient_values_x = cv2.Sobel(image, cv2.CV_64F, 1, 0, ksize=5)
        gradient_values_y = cv2.Sobel(image, cv2.CV_64F, 0, 1, ksize=5)
        gradient_magnitude, gradient_angle = cv2.cartToPolar(gradient_values_x, gradient_values_y, angleInDegrees=True)
        return gradient_magnitude, gradient_angle

    # 通过每个 cell 的梯度幅值和梯度方向来计算其直方图
    def _cell_gradient(self, cell_magnitude, cell_angle):
        orientation_centers = [0] * self.bin_size
        for i in range(cell_magnitude.shape[0]):
            for j in range(cell_magnitude.shape[1]):
                gradient_strength = cell_magnitude[i][j]  # cell 中像素点梯度幅值
                gradient_angle = cell_angle[i][j]         # cell 中像素点梯度方向
                # 获取 bins 的位置后根据距离大小的权值来分别赋值,越近其权重越大
                min_angle, max_angle, weight = self._get_closest_bins(gradient_angle)
                orientation_centers[min_angle] += (gradient_strength * (1 - (weight / self.angle_unit)))
                orientation_centers[max_angle] += (gradient_strength * (weight / self.angle_unit))
        return orientation_centers

    # 获取距离最近的两个 bins
    def _get_closest_bins(self, gradient_angle):
        idx = int(gradient_angle / self.angle_unit)
        weight = gradient_angle % self.angle_unit
        return idx % self.bin_size, (idx + 1) % self.bin_size, weight

    # 获取数据集中图像的 HOG 特征
    def get_feat(self, data, kind='mnist.train', reload=False):
        data_name, data_type = kind.split('.')[0], kind.split('.')[1]  # 获取数据的名称和类型
        # 判断是否重新获取HOG数据集
        if os.path.exists(f'feat/{data_name}_{data_type}_feat.npy') and not reload:
            feat = np.load(f'feat/{data_name}_{data_type}_feat.npy')
            print(f'get feature from feat/{data_name}_{data_type}_feat.npy')
            feat = []
            for image in tqdm(data):
                if data_name == 'cifar10':  # 处理 cifar10 数据
                    image = image.T.reshape((32, 32, 3))
                    # 图像灰度化
                    image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
                    # Gamma 矫正,其中 gamma 值为 0.5
                    image = np.power(image*1.0/ float(np.max(image)), 0.5)
                    image = image * 255
                else:  # 处理 MNIST 数据
                    image = image.reshape((28, 28))
                fd = self._extract(image)  # 获得单张图片的 HOG 特征
                feat.append(fd)            # 将特征整合在一起
            feat = np.array(feat, dtype='float64')
            np.save(f'feat/{data_name}_{data_type}_feat.npy', feat)  # 保存 HOG 特征
            print(f'{data_type} features are extracted and saved at folder feat')

        return feat
# svm.py,来自 https://github.com/Kaslanarian/PySVM
import numpy as np
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
from sklearn.multiclass import OneVsOneClassifier, OneVsRestClassifier
from functools import lru_cache

# SMO 算法求解器
class Solver:
    .. math:: \min_{\pmb\alpha}\quad&\frac12\pmb\alpha^T\pmb Q\pmb\alpha+\pmb p^T\pmb\alpha\\
        \text{s.t.}\quad&\pmb y^T\pmb\alpha=0\\
        &0\leq\alpha_i\leq C,i=1,\cdots,l
    Q : numpy.ndarray
        优化问题中的 :math:`\pmb Q` 矩阵;
    p : numpy.ndarray
        优化问题中的 :math:`\pmb p` 向量;
    y : numpy.ndarray
        优化问题中的 :math:`\pmb y` 向量;
    C : float
        优化问题中的 :math:`C` 变量;
    tol : float, default=1e-5
    def __init__(self, Q: np.ndarray, p: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray,
                 C: float, tol: float = 1e-5) -> None:
        problem_size = p.shape[0]
        assert problem_size == y.shape[0]
        if Q is not None:
            assert problem_size == Q.shape[0]
            assert problem_size == Q.shape[1]

        self.Q, self.P, self.y = Q, p, y
        self.C, self.tol, self.alpha = C, tol, np.zeros(problem_size)

        # Calculate -y·▽f(α)
        self.neg_y_grad = -y * p

    def working_set_select(self):
        .. math:: \pmb{I}_{up}(\pmb\alpha)&=\{t|\alpha_t<C,y_t=1\text{ or }\alpha_t>0,y_t=-1\}\\
                 \pmb{I}_{low}(\pmb\alpha)&=\{t|\alpha_t<C,y_t=-1\text{ or }\alpha_t>0,y_t=1\}\\
        Iup = np.argwhere(
                np.logical_and(self.alpha < self.C, self.y > 0),
                np.logical_and(self.alpha > 0, self.y < 0),
        Ilow = np.argwhere(
                np.logical_and(self.alpha < self.C, self.y < 0),
                np.logical_and(self.alpha > 0, self.y > 0),

        find_fail = False
            i = Iup[np.argmax(self.neg_y_grad[Iup])]
            j = Ilow[np.argmin(self.neg_y_grad[Ilow])]
            find_fail = True

        if find_fail or self.neg_y_grad[i] - self.neg_y_grad[j] < self.tol:
            return -1, -1
        return i, j

    def update(self, i: int, j: int, func=None):
        Qi, Qj = self.get_Q(i, func), self.get_Q(j, func)
        yi, yj = self.y[i], self.y[j]
        alpha_i, alpha_j = self.alpha[i], self.alpha[j]

        quad_coef = Qi[i] + Qj[j] - 2 * yi * yj * Qi[j]
        if quad_coef <= 0:
            quad_coef = 1e-12

        if yi * yj == -1:
            delta = (self.neg_y_grad[i] * yi +
                     self.neg_y_grad[j] * yj) / quad_coef
            diff = alpha_i - alpha_j
            self.alpha[i] += delta
            self.alpha[j] += delta

            if diff > 0:
                if (self.alpha[j] < 0):
                    self.alpha[j] = 0
                    self.alpha[i] = diff

                if (self.alpha[i] < 0):
                    self.alpha[i] = 0
                    self.alpha[j] = -diff

            if diff > 0:
                if (self.alpha[i] > self.C):
                    self.alpha[i] = self.C
                    self.alpha[j] = self.C - diff

                if (self.alpha[j] > self.C):
                    self.alpha[j] = self.C
                    self.alpha[i] = self.C + diff

            delta = (self.neg_y_grad[j] * yj -
                     self.neg_y_grad[i] * yi) / quad_coef
            sum = self.alpha[i] + self.alpha[j]
            self.alpha[i] -= delta
            self.alpha[j] += delta

            if sum > self.C:
                if self.alpha[i] > self.C:
                    self.alpha[i] = self.C
                    self.alpha[j] = sum - self.C

                if self.alpha[j] < 0:
                    self.alpha[j] = 0
                    self.alpha[i] = sum

            if sum > self.C:
                if self.alpha[j] > self.C:
                    self.alpha[j] = self.C
                    self.alpha[i] = sum - self.C

                if self.alpha[i] < 0:
                    self.alpha[i] = 0
                    self.alpha[j] = sum

        delta_i = self.alpha[i] - alpha_i
        delta_j = self.alpha[j] - alpha_j
        self.neg_y_grad -= self.y * (delta_i * Qi + delta_j * Qj)
        return delta_i, delta_j

    def calculate_rho(self) -> float:
        .. math:: \rho=\dfrac{\sum_{i:0<\alpha_i<C}y_i\nabla_if(\pmb\alpha)}{|\{i\vert0<\alpha_i<C\}|}
        .. math:: -M(\pmb\alpha)&=\max\{y_i\nabla_if(\pmb\alpha)|\alpha_i=0,y_i=-1\text{ or }\alpha_i=C,y_i=1\}\\
                  -m(\pmb\alpha)&=\max\{y_i\nabla_if(\pmb\alpha)|\alpha_i=0,y_i=1\text{ or }\alpha_i=C,y_i=-1\}\\
        sv = np.logical_and(
            self.alpha > 0,
            self.alpha < self.C,
        if sv.sum() > 0:
            rho = -np.average(self.neg_y_grad[sv])
            ub_id = np.logical_or(
                np.logical_and(self.alpha == 0, self.y < 0),
                np.logical_and(self.alpha == self.C, self.y > 0),
            lb_id = np.logical_or(
                np.logical_and(self.alpha == 0, self.y > 0),
                np.logical_and(self.alpha == self.C, self.y < 0),
            rho = -(self.neg_y_grad[lb_id].min() +
                    self.neg_y_grad[ub_id].max()) / 2
        return rho

    def get_Q(self, i: int, func=None):
        .. math:: [K(\pmb x_1, \pmb x_i),\cdots,K(\pmb x_l, \pmb x_i)]
        return self.Q[i]

# 带核函数缓存机制的 Solver:使用 LRU 缓存来计算 Q 矩阵,从而不需要计算 Q 矩阵,从而带来存储的问题
class SolverWithCache(Solver):
    p : numpy.ndarray
        优化问题中的 :math:`\pmb p` 向量;
    y : numpy.ndarray
        优化问题中的 :math:`\pmb y` 向量;
    C : float
        优化问题中的 :math:`C` 变量;
    tol : float, default=1e-5
    cache_size : int, default=256
    See also
    cache_size = 256

    def __init__(self,
                 p: np.ndarray,
                 y: np.ndarray,
                 C: float,
                 tol: float = 1e-5,
                 cache_size: int = 256) -> None:
        super().__init__(None, p, y, C, tol)
        cache_size = cache_size

    def working_set_select(self):
        return super().working_set_select()

    def update(self, i: int, j: int, func=None):
        return super().update(i, j, func=func)

    def calculate_rho(self):
        return super().calculate_rho()

    def get_Q(self, i, func):
        return func(i)

# 二分类线性 SVM,该类被多分类 LinearSVC 继承,所以不需要使用它
class BiLinearSVC(BaseEstimator):

    .. math:: \min_{\pmb\alpha}\quad&\dfrac12\pmb\alpha^\top Q\pmb\alpha-\pmb{e}^\top\pmb{\alpha}\\
        \text{s.t.}\quad& \pmb{y}^\top\pmb\alpha=0,\\
        &0\leqslant\alpha_i\leqslant C,i=1,\cdots ,l


    .. math:: f(\pmb x)=\sum_{i=1}^ly_i\alpha_i\pmb x_i^T\pmb x-\rho

    C : float, default=1
    max_iter : int, default=1000
    tol : float, default=1e-5
    cache_size : int, default=256
    def __init__(self,
                 C: float = 1.,
                 max_iter: int = 1000,
                 tol: float = 1e-5,
                 cache_size: int = 256) -> None:
        self.C = C
        self.max_iter = max_iter
        self.tol = tol
        self.cache_size = cache_size

    def fit(self, X: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray):

        X : np.ndarray
        y : np.array
        X, y = np.array(X), np.array(y, dtype=float)
        y[y != 1] = -1
        l, self.n_features = X.shape
        p = -np.ones(l)

        w = np.zeros(self.n_features)
        if self.cache_size == 0:
            Q = y.reshape(-1, 1) * y * np.matmul(X, X.T)
            solver = Solver(Q, p, y, self.C, self.tol)
            solver = SolverWithCache(p, y, self.C, self.tol, self.cache_size)

        def func(i):
            return y * np.matmul(X, X[i]) * y[i]

        for n_iter in range(self.max_iter):
            i, j = solver.working_set_select()
            if i < 0:

            delta_i, delta_j = solver.update(i, j, func)
            w += delta_i * y[i] * X[i] + delta_j * y[j] * X[j]
            print("LinearSVC not coverage with {} iterations".format(

        self.coef_ = (w, solver.calculate_rho())
        return self

    def decision_function(self, X: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
        return np.matmul(self.coef_[0], np.array(X).T) - self.coef_[-1]

    def predict(self, X: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
        return (self.decision_function(np.array(X)) >= 0).astype(int)

    def score(self, X: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray) -> float:
        return accuracy_score(y, self.predict(X))

# 多分类线性 SVM,使用 sklearn 的 multiclass 模块实现了多分类
class LinearSVC(BiLinearSVC):

    C : float, default=1
    max_iter : int, default=1000
    tol : float, default=1e-5
    cache_size : int, default=256
    multiclass : {"ovr", "ovo"}, default="ovr"
    n_jobs : int, default=None
    def __init__(self,
                 C: float = 1.,
                 max_iter: int = 2000,
                 tol: float = 1e-5,
                 cache_size: int = 256,
                 multiclass: str = "ovr",
                 n_jobs=None) -> None:
        super().__init__(C, max_iter, tol, cache_size)
        self.multiclass = multiclass
        self.n_jobs = n_jobs
        params = {
            "estimator": BiLinearSVC(C, max_iter, tol, cache_size),
            "n_jobs": n_jobs,
        self.multiclass_model: OneVsOneClassifier = {
            "ovo": OneVsOneClassifier(**params),
            "ovr": OneVsRestClassifier(**params),

    # 训练模型
    def fit(self, X: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray):

        X : np.ndarray
        y : np.array

        self : LinearSVC
        self.multiclass_model.fit(X, y)
        return self

    # 决策函数,输出预测值
    def decision_function(self, X: np.ndarray):
        return self.multiclass_model.decision_function(X)

    # 预测函数,输出预测标签
    def predict(self, X: np.ndarray):
        return self.multiclass_model.predict(X)

    # 评估函数,给定特征和标签,输出正确率
    def score(self, X: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray):
        return self.multiclass_model.score(X, y)
# main.py
import joblib
import argparse

from dataset import DatasSet
from hog import HogDescriptor
from svm import LinearSVC

# *_feat 为 HOG 特征,*_labels 为标签,save_name 为模型保存名称,model 指明加载的模型位置
def classification(train_feat, train_labels, test_feat, test_labels, save_name='default', model=None):
    # 判断是否加载已存在模型
    if model is not None:
        print(f'Load model {model}')
        clf = joblib.load(model)  # 加载模型
        print(f'Training the SVM...')
        clf = LinearSVC()
        clf.fit(train_feat, train_labels)  # 训练模型
        if save_name is not None:
            print(f'Save model {save_name} at folder model')
            joblib.dump(clf, f'model/{save_name}.m')  # 保存模型
    print(f'Classifying the images...')
    # 预测分类并计算其精度
    pred_y, sum = clf.predict(test_feat), 0.0
    for i in range(test_labels.shape[0]):
        if pred_y[i] == test_labels[i]:
            sum += 1
    print("Accuracy rate:", sum/test_labels.shape[0])

def main(args):
    # 获取数据集类型、模型位置并实例化数据集对象和 HOG 对象
    kind, model = args.kind, None if args.no_model else f'model/{args.kind}.m'
    dataset, hog = DatasSet(), HogDescriptor(pixels_per_cell=args.cells, bin_size=args.bins)

    # 根据类型来读取数据集
    if kind == 'mnist':
        # data_root 为数据集根目录,dataset 为实例化的用来读取数据的数据集对象
        data_root = 'E:\\code\\pytorch\\test\\data\\MNIST\\raw'
        # train_x 为训练图像,train_y 为训练标签
        train_x, train_y = dataset.load_mnist(kind='train', path=data_root, reload=False)
        test_x, test_y = dataset.load_mnist('t10k', path=data_root)
    elif kind == 'cifar10':
        data_root = 'E:\\code\\pytorch\\test\\data\\cifar-10-batches-py'
        train_x, train_y = dataset.load_cifar10('train', path=data_root)
        test_x, test_y = dataset.load_cifar10('test', path=data_root)

    train_feat = hog.get_feat(data=train_x, kind=f'{kind}.train', reload=args.reload)
    test_feat = hog.get_feat(data=test_x, kind=f'{kind}.test', reload=args.reload)
    train_y, test_y = train_y.flatten(), test_y.flatten()  # 将标签打平
    # 处理分类问题并计算精度
    classification(train_feat=train_feat, train_labels=train_y,\
                   test_feat=test_feat, test_labels=test_y, \
                   save_name=f'{kind}', model=model)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # 相关参数
    parse = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parse.add_argument('--kind', type=str, default='mnist', help='Kind of the dataset, it can be mnist and cifar10')
    parse.add_argument('--cells', type=int, default=4, help='Pixels per cell')
    parse.add_argument('--bins', type=int, default=9, help='Number of the bins')
    parse.add_argument('--reload', action='store_true', help='Reload the feat')
    parse.add_argument('--no_model', action='store_true', help='Do not Use the pretrained SVM model')

    args = parse.parse_args()