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For a limited time, we’re bundling and discounting some of our most popular assets and including a twelve-month subscription to Unity Learn Premium. Get access to live experts and learning content to help you create your best projects yet.

在限定时间内,我们将捆绑和折价一些最受欢迎的资产,其中包括为期12个月的Unity Learn Premium订阅。 可以访问实时专家和学习内容,以帮助您创建最佳项目。

(The resources you need to save time and grow your skills)

Mega Bundles are curated toolkits of high-quality, high-value assets. This spring, we’re making it easier for you to build your dream project by offering a Mega Bundle valued at over $1,000 at a 90% discount. We’ve handpicked amazing characters, environments, and scripting assets to help you save time, generate inspiration for your next project, and bring your ideas to life more efficiently. This special opportunity is only available from March 12–31.

Mega Bundles是高质量,高价值资产的精选工具包。 今年春天,我们以90%的折扣提供价值超过1,000美元的Mega Bundle ,使您更轻松地构建自己的梦想项目。 我们精选了令人惊叹的角色,环境和脚本资产,以帮助您节省时间,为下一个项目创造灵感并更有效地实现您的想法。 此特殊机会仅在 3月12日 至31 日 提供 。

Learn how to create the projects you’ve always dreamed of but haven’t had the time or resources to make (until now!). 


(Here’s what’s included:)

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Twelve-month subscription to Unity Learn Premium ($99 value)  

十二个月订阅 统一学习高级 ($价值99)

Get up-to-date learning resources created by Unity on everything from C# to VR development and beyond. Grow your skills with a 15-hour course on creating games with AI, a 22-hour course on mastering C#, and over 300 additional hours of useful tutorials, projects, and courses. You’ll also get tips, tricks, and answers to your questions in bi-weekly, interactive live sessions with a Unity Certified Instructor. 

获取从Unity开发的最新学习资源,涉及从C#到VR开发以及更多领域的所有内容。 通过15个小时的AI游戏创建课程,22个小时的C#掌握课程以及300多个小时的有用教程,项目和课程来提高您的技能。 您还可以每两周与Unity认证讲师互动互动,获得提示,技巧和问题的答案。

For this Mega Bundle, we’ve also created a special course that identifies supporting tutorials for each tool or asset pack included ensuring that you get the most out of your new assets. 

对于此超级捆绑包,我们还创建了一个 特殊课程 ,为所包含的每个工具或资产包确定支持教程,以确保您从新资产中获得最大收益。

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Playmaker ($70 value) 

Playmaker (价值$ 70)

This top-rated visual scripting tool for Unity has been used in some seriously heavy-hitting games, including Hearthstone (!), INSIDE, Hollow Knight, The First Tree, Observation, Dreamfall Chapters,

炉石传说 (!) ,INSIDE,空心骑士,第一棵树,观察,梦fall以求的章节

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POLYGON – Battle Royale Pack ($49 value) 

POLYGON –大逃杀包 (价值$ 49)

One of our most popular art assets, this complete battle-ready art pack is loaded with tons of characters, props, weapons, vehicles, and environments. It has over 500 unique assets and a demo scene that’s sure to inspire you to use them. Continue learning about character animation on Unity Learn Premium with this project. 

这是我们最受欢迎的艺术资产之一,这个完整的,随时可用的艺术包中装有无数的角色,道具,武器,车辆和环境。 它拥有500多种独特的资产和一个演示场景,一定会激发您使用它们的灵感。 通过该 项目, 继续学习Unity Learn Premium上的角色动画 。

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DarkTree FPS v1.3 ($40 value)

DarkTree FPS v1.3 (价值$ 40)

Build your very own FPS game from scratch with a complete toolkit including controllers, animations, weapon creation tools, sound effects, and a ready-to-fight AI system. Continue learning about AI in gaming on Unity Learn Premium with this AI for Beginners course.

使用完整的工具包(包括控制器,动画,武器创建工具,声音效果和现成的AI系统)从头开始构建自己的FPS游戏。 通过此 AI初学者课程, 继续在Unity Learn Premium上学习游戏中的 AI 。

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InControl ($35 value) 

InControl (价值$ 35)

One of the most popular controller assets, this intuitive tool makes it easy to get controllers working on your projects. It’s a unified, cross-platform input manager that standardizes mappings for common controllers, shaving off controller setup time so you can focus your energy where it counts. Continue learning about controllers on Unity Learn Premium with this tutorial.

这种最直观的工具是最受欢迎的控制器资产之一,可轻松使控制器在您的项目上工作。 这是一个统一的,跨平台的输入管理器,可标准化常见控制器的映射,从而节省了控制器设置时间,因此您可以将精力集中在重要的地方。 通过本 教程 继续学习Unity Learn Premium上的控制器 。

The $99.99 Mega Bundle also includes:

99.99美元的Mega Bundle还包括:

Visual Effects


Realistic Explosions Pack ($25 value) – With 13 prefabs of 2D billboarded explosions and 13 prefabs of pseudo 3D explosions, this comprehensive kit has everything you need to make your game explosive.

逼真的爆炸包 (价值25美元)–拥有13个2D广告牌爆炸的预制件和13个伪3D爆炸的预制件,这个全面的工具包提供使您的游戏具有爆炸性的一切。

Environments and Art


Poly Art Animals Forest Set ($143 value) – Breathe life into your low poly art environments with a complete array of forest wildlife, each with over 62 game-ready animations. 

保利艺术动物森林套装 (价值143美元)–借助完整的森林野生动物,在低保利艺术环境中呼吸生命,每种动物都有62多种可随时上游戏的动画。

Snaps Art HD | Buried Memories Volume 2: Serekh ($129 value) – This detail-rich asset pack includes a modular sci-fi lab (walls, floors, trims, scaffolding, structural elements, props, and more), plus a fantastic monster to give your scene some action. It’s a complete starter kit for creating a AAA-quality sci-fi action-adventure game. 

捕捉艺术高清| 《埋葬的回忆》第2卷:Serekh (价值129美元)–这个细节丰富的资产包包括一个模块化的科幻实验室(墙壁,地板,修剪,脚手架,结构元素,道具等),以及一个奇幻的怪兽可以为您提供场景一些行动。 它是用于创建AAA级质量的科幻动作冒险游戏的完整入门工具包。

Snaps Art HD | Sci-Fi Military Base ($99 value) – Snaps Art HD asset packs bring your project to life with high-fidelity detail. Transport your users to an eerily realistic military base with AAA-quality art assets that will get your project to the finish line faster.  

捕捉艺术高清| 科幻军事基地 (价值$ 99)– Snaps Art HD资产包通过高保真细节使您的项目栩栩如生。 将您的用户转移到拥有AAA级艺术资产的异常现实的军事基地,这将使您的项目更快地到达终点线。

Snaps Art HD | School ($99 value) – Build the exterior and interior of a school with 102 prefabs, including walls, roofs, doors, windows, and much more. We’re also including 172 prefab props for different rooms in the school so you can build your most realistic-looking building yet. 

捕捉艺术高清| 学校 (价值99美元)–用102个预制件建造学校的外部和内部,包括墙,屋顶,门,窗户等。 我们还为学校的不同房间提供了172个预制道具,因此您可以建造外观最逼真的建筑物。

Space Skyboxes & Planets ($89 value) – Create rich space backdrops on any platform with this complete stylized skybox and planet vista pack, which includes 4k textures, a slew of demo scenes, and shaders to define your own custom skybox looks.

Space Skyboxes&Planets (价值89美元)–借助此完整的风格化 Skybox和Planet Vista包,可在任何平台上创建丰富的空间背景,其中包括4k纹理,一系列演示场景以及用于定义您自己的自定义Skybox外观的着色器。

Sci Fi Fighter Cockpit Bridge 6 ($74 value) – Explore new realms of creativity with this game-ready 3D asset. The AAA-quality airship cockpit or bridge art uses PBR textures that help your game, VR, or space-sim project go farther.

《 Sci Fi Fighter Cockpit Bridge 6》 (价值74美元)–借助这款支持游戏的3D资源,探索创造力的新领域。 AAA品质的飞艇驾驶舱或桥梁艺术品使用PBR纹理,可帮助您的游戏,VR或太空模拟项目更进一步。

Sci-Fi Laboratory Pack 2 ($59 value) – This modular art package features 183 prefabs to help you build sci-fi levels faster. 

Sci-Fi Laboratory Pack 2 (价值59美元)–这种模块化的艺术包装具有183个预制件,可帮助您更快地建立科幻水平。

Dwarven Expedition Pack ($35 value) – Take your game underground with this stunning AAA-quality Druid dungeon modular art package. 

Dwarven Expedition Pack (价值35美元)–使用这款令人惊叹的AAA级Druid地牢模块化艺术包,将您的游戏推向地下。

Animal Controller ($30 value) – An animation framework controller, root-motion or In Place, for any animal or humanoid character. It pairs perfectly with the Poly Art Animals Forest asset included in this bundle.

动物控制器 (价值30美元)–用于任何动物或类人动物角色的动画框架控制器,root-motion或In-place。 它与该捆绑包中包含的Poly Art Animals Forest资产完美匹配。

Snaps Prototype | Sci-Fi Military Base ($9.99 value) – This model was created entirely with ProBuilder, so you can easily modify and customize this prototype. It includes over 150 structural elements to build the exterior of a sci-fi military base and make your game look detailed and real.

捕捉原型| 科幻军事基地 (价值9.99美元)–该模型完全由ProBuilder创建,因此您可以轻松修改和自定义此原型。 它包含150多种结构元素,用于构建科幻军事基地的外观,并使您的游戏看起来更加真实逼真。

We’re excited to see your skills grow with Unity Learn Premium and can’t wait to see what you make with all of these amazing assets! Don’t forget to tag your work #madewithunity to show us what you’re up to. 

我们很高兴看到您的技能随着Unity Learn Premium的发展而增长,并且迫不及待地想看到所有这些惊人资产所带来的成就! 不要忘记标记您的作品#madewithunity,向我们展示您的工作。


Take advantage of this special Mega Bundle to expand your skill sets and take your projects to the next level – available for $99.99 now through March 31, 2020.

利用这个特殊的Mega Bundle扩展您的技能,并将您的项目提升到一个新的水平-到2020年3月31日,价格为99.99美元。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2020/03/12/create-your-projects-more-efficiently-with-a-curated-asset-bundle-and-unity-learn-premium/
