
光线绘制GPU 光线追踪opengl_点积



光线绘制GPU 光线追踪opengl_点积_02

  我们规定向量an已经被归一化,那么r-a,如图4.13(b),r-a = 2 cos(theta) * n。cos(theta)即向量an的点积。故有



  思路首先是用每个多边形对这条射线进行一次Cyrus Beck算法,射线最先接触到哪条边就在哪条边反射。不多想,直接写,写出来后发现会出现这样的问题:

光线绘制GPU 光线追踪opengl_ios_03



光线绘制GPU 光线追踪opengl_点积_04

光线绘制GPU 光线追踪opengl_#include_05

1 #include <GL/gl.h>
  2 #include <GL/glu.h>
  3 #include <GL/glut.h>
  4 #include <iostream>
  5 #include <vector>
  6 #include <cmath>
  7 using namespace std;
  9 struct Point2D
 10 {
 11     float _x, _y;
 12     Point2D()
 13     {
 14         _x = 0.0f;
 15         _y = 0.0f;
 16     }
 17     Point2D(const Point2D& p)
 18     {
 19         _x = p._x;
 20         _y = p._y;
 21     }
 22     Point2D(float xx, float yy)
 23     {
 24         _x = xx;
 25         _y = yy;
 26     }
 27     Point2D operator=(const Point2D& p)
 28     {
 29         _x = p._x;
 30         _y = p._y;
 31         return *this;
 32     }
 33     Point2D operator+(const Point2D& p)
 34     {
 35         Point2D temp;
 36         temp._x = _x + p._x;
 37         temp._y = _y + p._y;
 38         return temp;
 39     }
 40     Point2D operator-(const Point2D& p)
 41     {
 42         Point2D temp(_x - p._x, _y - p._y);
 43         return temp;
 44     }
 45     float operator*(const Point2D& p)
 46     {
 47         return _x * p._x + _y * p._y;
 48     }
 50     Point2D operator*(const float k)
 51     {
 52         return Point2D(_x * k, _y * k);
 53     }
 55     float length()
 56     {
 57         return sqrtf(_x * _x + _y * _y);
 58     }
 60     Point2D Normalize()
 61     {
 62         float len = length();
 63         return Point2D(_x / len, _y / len);
 64     }
 66     void InverseDir()
 67     {
 68         _x = -_x;
 69         _y = -_y;
 70     }
 72     void info()
 73     {
 74         cout << "(" << _x << ", " << _y << ")";
 75     }
 76 };
 78 struct Line2D
 79 {
 80     Point2D _start;
 81     Point2D _end;
 82     float _length;
 84     Line2D() : _start(), _end()
 85     {
 86         _length = 0.0f;
 87     }
 88     Line2D(const Point2D& start, const Point2D& end) : _start(start), _end(end)
 89     {}
 90     Line2D(const Line2D& line) : _start(line._start), _end(line._end)
 91     {}
 93     float length()
 94     {
 95         _length = (_end - _start).length();
 96         return _length;
 97     }
 99     Line2D operator = (const Line2D& line)
100     {
101         _start = line._start;
102         _end = line._end;
103     }
105     Point2D GetVector()
106     {
107         return _end - _start;
108     }
110     void info()
111     {
112         Point2D temp = GetVector();
113         _start.info();cout << " ==> ";_end.info(); cout << " with lenth: " << length() << " and k: " << temp._y / temp._x << endl;
114     }
116     bool Have(Point2D& p)
117     {
118         cout << "Hit Point: ";p.info();cout << endl;
119         cout << "And Line: ";info(); cout << endl;
120         Point2D&& d = p - _start;
121         Point2D&& v = GetVector();
123         float sx = d._x / v._x;
124         float sy = d._y / v._y;
125         cout << "Scale x, y: " << sx << ", " << sy << endl;
127         return (((sx >= 0.0f) && (sx <= 1.0f)) || ((sy >= 0.0f) && (sy <= 1.0f)));
128     }
129 };
131 struct Rect
132 {
133     float _left;
134     float _right;
135     float _up;
136     float _down;
138     float width()
139     {
140         return _right - _left;
141     }
142     float height()
143     {
144         return _down - _up;
145     }
146 };
148 struct Polygon
149 {
150     int _num;//Num of lines, not points
151     //Point2D* points;
152     //Point2D* norms;
153     vector<Point2D> points;
154     vector<Point2D> norms;
156     Polygon()
157     {
158         _num = 0;
159     }
160     Polygon(const vector<Point2D>& p)
161     {
162         Set(p);
163     }
164     ~Polygon()
165     {
166         Clear();
167     }
169     void Clear()
170     {
171         /*if(points)
172         {
173             delete[] points;
174             points = nullptr;
175         }
177         if(norms)
178         {
179             delete[] norms;
180             norms = nullptr;
181         }*/
182         points.clear();
183         norms.clear();
184         _num = 0;
185     }
187     void Set(const vector<Point2D>& p)
188     {
189         Clear();
190         _num = p.size();
191         points.resize(_num);
192         norms.resize(_num);
193         //points = new Point2D[_num];
194         for(int i = 0; i < _num; ++i)
195             points[i] = p[i];
197         //norms = new Point2D[_num];
198         ComputeNormals();
199     }
201     Line2D GetLine(int index)
202     {
203         Line2D temp;
204         if(index >= 0 && index < _num - 1)
205         {
206             temp._start = points[index];
207             temp._end = points[index + 1];
208         }
209         else if(index == _num - 1)
210         {
211             temp._start = points[index];
212             temp._end = points[0];
213         }
215         return temp;
216     }
218     Point2D GetNormal(int index)
219     {
220         Point2D temp;
221         if(index >= 0 && index < _num)
222         {
223             temp = norms[index];
224         }
225         return temp;
226     }
228     void ComputeNormals()
229     {
230         for(int i = 0; i < _num; ++i)
231         {
232             Line2D now = GetLine(i);
233             Line2D next;
234             if(i == _num - 1)
235                 next = GetLine(0);
236             else
237                 next = GetLine(i + 1);
239             Point2D v = now.GetVector();
240             Point2D vn = next.GetVector();
241             Point2D norm;
242             if(v._x != 0)
243             {
244                 norm._y = 1;
245                 norm._x = (-v._y) / v._x;
246             }
247             else//x and y couldn't be zero at same time
248             {
249                 norm._x = 1;
250                 norm._y = (-v._x) / v._y;
251             }
253             if(norm * vn > 0)
254                 norm.InverseDir();
255             norms[i] = norm.Normalize();
256         }
257     }
259     Point2D GetPoint(int index)
260     {
261         Point2D temp;
262         if(index >= 0 && index < _num)
263             temp = points[index];
264         return temp;
265     }
266 };
268 /*
269 Global Varibles
270 */
271 const int SCREEN_WIDTH = 800;
272 const int SCREEN_HEIGHT = 600;
273 Point2D g_Start;
274 Point2D g_End;
275 Line2D src;
276 Line2D dest;
277 bool acc;
278 bool buildpoly = true;
279 bool buildenv = true;
280 int g_Count;
281 std::vector<Point2D> g_V;//for build poly
282 std::vector<Polygon> g_Polys;
283 std::vector<Line2D> g_Lines;
285 int Cyrus_Beck(Line2D& src, Line2D& dest, Polygon& poly)
286 {
287     float tin = 0.0f, tout = 99999.0f;
288     Point2D&& vec = src.GetVector();
290     for(int i = 0; i < poly._num; ++i)
291     {
292         Line2D&& line = poly.GetLine(i);
293         Point2D&& norm = poly.GetNormal(i);
294         float nc = vec * norm;
295         if(nc == 0)
296             continue; 
297         else
298         {
299             float hit = (line._start - src._start) * norm / nc;
300             if(nc > 0)//out
301                 tout = min(tout, hit);
302             else
303                 tin = max(tin, hit);
304         }
305     }
307     if(tin <= tout)
308     {
309         dest._start = src._start + vec * tin;
310         dest._end = src._start + vec * tout;
311     }
313     return tin > tout;
314 }
316 int Cyrus_Beck_2(Line2D& src, Line2D& dest, Polygon& poly, float& tout, int& outline)
317 {
318     dest._start = src._start;
319     tout = 99999.0f;
320     Point2D&& vec = src.GetVector();
322     for(int i = 0; i < poly._num; ++i)
323     {
324         Line2D&& line = poly.GetLine(i);
325         Point2D&& norm = poly.GetNormal(i);
326         float nc = vec * norm;
327         if(nc == 0.0f)
328             continue; 
329         else
330         {
331             float hit = (line._start - src._start) * norm / nc;
332             cout << "hit: " << hit;
333             if(hit < tout && hit > 0.00001f)
334             {
335                 Point2D&& HitPoint = src._start + vec * hit;
336                 if(line.Have(HitPoint))
337                 {
338                     tout = hit;
339                     outline = i;
340                     cout << "And On the line.";
341                 }
342             }
343             cout << endl;
344             /*if(nc > 0)//out
345             {
346                 if(hit < tout)
347                 {
348                     tout = hit;
349                     outline = i;
350                 }
351             }
352             else
353             {
354                 if(hit < tout)
355                 {
356                     tout = hit;
357                     outline = i;
358                 }
359             }*/
360         }
361     }
362     cout << "-----------tout: " << tout << endl;
363     if(tout > 0.0f)
364     {
365         dest._end = src._start + vec * tout;
366     }
368     return tout < 0.0f;
369 }
371 void myInit()
372 {
373     /*
374     Output Info
375     */
376     g_Count = 0;
377     acc = false;
379     //glClearColor((float)0x66 / 0x100, (float)0xcc / 0x100, 1.0, 0.0);
380     glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
381     glColor3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);//Map Color Black
382     glPointSize(1.0);
383     glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);
385     glLoadIdentity();
386     gluOrtho2D(0.0, (GLdouble)SCREEN_WIDTH, (GLdouble)SCREEN_HEIGHT, 0.0);
387     glViewport(0.0, SCREEN_WIDTH, 0.0, SCREEN_HEIGHT);
388 }
390 void myMouse(int button, int state, int x, int y)
391 {
392     if(buildenv)
393     {
394         if(buildpoly)
395         {
396             if(button == GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON && state == GLUT_DOWN)
397             {
398                 //build over
399                 cout << "building polys...\n" << "now we have " << g_V.size() << " points in list.\n" << endl;
400                 if(g_V.size() >= 3)
401                 {
402                     g_Polys.emplace_back(g_V);
403                     cout << "Build " << g_Polys.size() << "th with " << g_V.size() << " points." << endl;
404                 }
405                 else
406                 {
407                     cout << "Points doesn't enough!" << endl;
408                 }
409                 g_V.clear();
410                 buildpoly = false;
411                 cout << "Build " << g_Polys.size() << "th Poly Over." << endl;
412                 glutPostRedisplay();
413             }
414             if(button == GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON && state == GLUT_DOWN)
415             {
416                 g_V.emplace_back(x, y);
417                 cout << "Add " << g_V.size() << "th Point: (" << x << ", " << y << ")." << endl;
418                 glutPostRedisplay();
419             }
420         }
421         else
422         {
423             if(button == GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON && state == GLUT_DOWN)
424             {
425                 //build over
426                 buildenv = false;
427                 cout << "Build Env Over." << endl;
428                 cout << "Please Choose Start Point of Ray." << endl;
429             }
430             if(button == GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON && state == GLUT_DOWN)
431             {
432                 //continue build
433                 cout << "Start Build " << g_Polys.size() + 1 << "th Poly." << endl;
434                 buildpoly = true;
435                 g_V.clear();
436             }
437         }
438         return;
439     }
442     if(button == GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON && state == GLUT_DOWN)
443     {
444         buildpoly = true;
445         g_Count = 0;
446         g_Lines.clear();
447         glutPostRedisplay();
449         cout << "\nNow Reset the Ray." << endl;
450         cout << "Please Choose Start Point of Ray." << endl;
451         return;
452     }
454     if(button != GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON || state != GLUT_DOWN)
455         return;
458     switch(g_Count)
459     {
460     case 0:
461     {
462         ++g_Count;
463         g_Start._x = x;
464         g_Start._y = y;
465         src._start = g_Start;
466         cout << "Set Ray Start at (" << x << ", " << y << ")." << endl;
467         cout << "\nPlease Choose the Direction of Ray." << endl;
468     }break;
469     case 1:
470     {
471         ++g_Count;
472         g_End._x = x;
473         g_End._y = y;
474         src._end = g_End;
475         cout << "Set Ray dir at (" << x << ", " << y << ")." << endl;
476         g_Lines.emplace_back(src);
477         cout << "\nSet Ray Done.\nClick to run." << endl;
479         glutPostRedisplay();
480     }break;
481     case 2:
482     {
483         cout << "\n===================================================\nReflecting..." << endl;
484         src = g_Lines[g_Lines.size() - 1];
485         int polyid = -1;
486         int lineid = -1;
487         float tout = 99998.0f;
488         Line2D tdest;
489         for(int i = 0; i < g_Polys.size(); ++i)
490         {
491             int tempid;
492             float tmpout;
493             acc = !Cyrus_Beck_2(src, dest, g_Polys[i], tmpout, tempid);
494             if(acc && tmpout < tout)
495             {
496                 lineid = tempid;
497                 tout = tmpout;
498                 polyid = i;
499                 tdest = dest;
500             }
501         }
502         if((polyid != -1) && (lineid != -1))
503         {
504             cout << "Collide " << polyid << " polyon, with " << lineid << "th line." << endl;
505             Point2D a = src.GetVector().Normalize();
506             Point2D n = g_Polys[polyid].GetNormal(lineid);
507             if(n * a > 0)
508                 n.InverseDir();
509             float c = (a * n) * 2;
510             Point2D ap = a - n * c;
511             g_Lines[g_Lines.size() - 1] = tdest;
512             //cout << "Dest Line: (" << tdest._start._x << ", " << tdest._start._y << ") ==> (" << tdest._end._x << ", " << tdest._end._y << ")." << endl;
513             cout << "Dest Line: ";tdest.info();cout << endl;
514             g_Lines.emplace_back(tdest._end, tdest._end + ap * 20);
515             //cout << "And Get a reflect ray: (" << g_Lines[g_Lines.size() - 1]._start._x << ", " << g_Lines[g_Lines.size() - 1]._start._y << ") ==> (" << g_Lines[g_Lines.size() - 1]._end._x << ", " << g_Lines[g_Lines.size() - 1]._end._y << ")." << endl;
516             //cout << "Now Line Size: " << g_Lines.size() << endl;
517             cout << "And Get a reflect ray: "; g_Lines[g_Lines.size() - 1].info();cout << endl;
518             glutPostRedisplay();
519         }
520         else
521         {
522             cout << "Cannot Hit Any Polygon!!" << endl;
523         }
524     }break;
525     }    
526 }
528 void myDisplay()
529 {
530     glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT);
532     Point2D temp;
535     //if(g_Polys.size() > 0)
536     //    cout << "Draw Polys. Vector[0]_start_x address: " << &g_Polys[0].points[0]._x << " And values: " << g_Polys[0].points[0]._x << endl;
537     //for(auto it : g_Polys)
538     for(auto it = g_Polys.begin(); it < g_Polys.end(); ++it)
539     {
540         glColor3f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);//Poly
541         glPointSize(3.0);
542         glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP);
543         for(int i = 0; i < it->_num; ++i)
544         {
545             temp = it->GetPoint(i);
546             glVertex2d(temp._x, temp._y);
547         //    cout << "Draw at " << temp._x << ", " << temp._y << endl;
548         }
549         temp = it->GetPoint(0);
550         glVertex2d(temp._x, temp._y);
551         glEnd();
553         //draw norms
554         glBegin(GL_LINES);
555         glColor3f(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
556         for(int i = 0; i < it->_num; ++i)
557         {
558             Line2D l = it->GetLine(i);
559             Point2D center = l.GetVector() * 0.5 + l._start;
560             temp = it->GetNormal(i) * 20;
561             glVertex2d(center._x, center._y);
562             glVertex2d(center._x + temp._x, center._y + temp._y);
563         //    cout << "Draw at " << temp._x << ", " << temp._y << endl;
564         }
565         glEnd();
567     }
570     //if(g_Polys.size() > 0)
571     //    cout << "Draw Polys Over." << endl;
574     if(buildpoly && g_V.size() > 1)
575     {
576         glColor3f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);//Poly
577         glPointSize(3.0);
578     //    cout << "Draw building poly." << endl;
579         glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP);
581         for(int i = 0; i < g_V.size(); ++i)
582             glVertex2d(g_V[i]._x, g_V[i]._y);
584         glEnd();
585     //    cout << "Draw building poly Over." << endl;
586     }
588     if(g_Count == 2)
589     {
590         //Draw Line
591     //    cout << "Draw Lines." << endl;
592         glColor3f(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);//Ray, Red
593         glPointSize(2.0);
594         glBegin(GL_LINES);
595         /*for(auto it : g_Lines)
596         {
597             glVertex2d(it._start._x, it._start._y);
598               glVertex2d(it._end._x, it._end._y);
599         }*/
600         /*for(auto it = g_Lines.begin(); it < g_Lines.end(); ++it)
601         {
602             glVertex2d(it->_start._x, it->_start._y);
603               glVertex2d(it->_end._x, it->_end._y);
604               //cout << "Dest Line: (" << it->_start._x << ", " << it->_start._y << ") ==> (" << it->_end._x << ", " << it->_end._y << ")." << endl;
605         }*/
606           int size = g_Lines.size() - 1;
607           for(int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
608         {
609             glVertex2d(g_Lines[i]._start._x, g_Lines[i]._start._y);
610               glVertex2d(g_Lines[i]._end._x, g_Lines[i]._end._y);
611               //cout << "Dest Line: (" << it->_start._x << ", " << it->_start._y << ") ==> (" << it->_end._x << ", " << it->_end._y << ")." << endl;
612         }
613         glColor3f(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);//Next Ray Dir, Green
614         glVertex2d(g_Lines[size]._start._x, g_Lines[size]._start._y);
615           glVertex2d(g_Lines[size]._end._x, g_Lines[size]._end._y);
617     //    cout << "Draw Lines Over." << endl;
619         glEnd();
620     }
623     glutSwapBuffers();
624     //cout << "Before flush" << endl;
625     //glFlush();
626     //cout << "Render Over" << endl;
627 }
629 int main(int argc, char* argv[])
630 {
631     glutInit(&argc, argv);
632     glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_RGB);
633     //glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_SINGLE | GLUT_RGB);
634     glutInitWindowSize(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT);
635     glutInitWindowPosition(20, 20);
636     glutCreateWindow("Cyrus_Beck");
637     glutDisplayFunc(myDisplay);
638     glutMouseFunc(myMouse);
640     myInit();
641     glutMainLoop();
643     return 0;
644 }



  核心代码在Cyrus_Beck2函数中有一点,剩下主要在myMouse函数中switch语句的case 2中:

光线绘制GPU 光线追踪opengl_点积_04

光线绘制GPU 光线追踪opengl_#include_05

src = g_Lines[g_Lines.size() - 1];
        int polyid = -1;
        int lineid = -1;
        float tout = 99998.0f;
        Line2D tdest;
        for(int i = 0; i < g_Polys.size(); ++i)
            int tempid;
            float tmpout;
            acc = !Cyrus_Beck_2(src, dest, g_Polys[i], tmpout, tempid);
            if(acc && tmpout < tout)
                lineid = tempid;
                tout = tmpout;
                polyid = i;
                tdest = dest;
        if((polyid != -1) && (lineid != -1))
            cout << "Collide " << polyid << " polyon, with " << lineid << "th line." << endl;
            Point2D a = src.GetVector().Normalize();
            Point2D n = g_Polys[polyid].GetNormal(lineid);
            if(n * a > 0)
            float c = (a * n) * 2;
            Point2D ap = a - n * c;
            g_Lines[g_Lines.size() - 1] = tdest;
            //cout << "Dest Line: (" << tdest._start._x << ", " << tdest._start._y << ") ==> (" << tdest._end._x << ", " << tdest._end._y << ")." << endl;
            cout << "Dest Line: ";tdest.info();cout << endl;
            g_Lines.emplace_back(tdest._end, tdest._end + ap * 20);
            //cout << "And Get a reflect ray: (" << g_Lines[g_Lines.size() - 1]._start._x << ", " << g_Lines[g_Lines.size() - 1]._start._y << ") ==> (" << g_Lines[g_Lines.size() - 1]._end._x << ", " << g_Lines[g_Lines.size() - 1]._end._y << ")." << endl;
            //cout << "Now Line Size: " << g_Lines.size() << endl;
            cout << "And Get a reflect ray: "; g_Lines[g_Lines.size() - 1].info();cout << endl;
            cout << "Cannot Hit Any Polygon!!" << endl;







光线绘制GPU 光线追踪opengl_#include_08

光线绘制GPU 光线追踪opengl_点积_09




光线绘制GPU 光线追踪opengl_#include_10


  还有就是代码中浮点数的问题,在Cyrus_Beck_2函数中有这么一句:if(hit < tout && hit > 0.00001f){……}。因为当hit为0的时候碰撞到的实际上是现在他所在的那面墙。可是如果在他的面前有一堵跟她距离小于0.00001f的墙的时候,他就会无视这堵墙。可由于浮点数的精度问题我们不能写成if(hit < tout && hit > 0.0f){……}。这样的问题代码中还有好多处。大家如果有解决的办法请务必赐教。