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America’s messy vaccine mandate

美国强推疫苗强制接种令,一地鸡毛 | 经济学人全球早报精选_微信公众号

On Tuesday two federal covid-19 vaccine mandates come into force. Each of the about 84m Americans who work for a company with more than 100 employees will have to get jabbed or submit to weekly testing and face-coverings. So will federal-government employees. Separately, 17m health-care workers in facilities receiving funding from Medicare or Medicaid, two of America’s federal health-care schemes, must also be vaccinated.

The mandates are controversial. Businesses, religious groups and conservative state governments have all objected, claiming that the mandates are examples of executive overreach, and that such a heavy-handed response will hurt the economy. The Biden administration has decided to postpone enforcement until after the Supreme Court weighs in on Friday on legal challenges against the mandates. But even if the legal challenges against them are dismissed, the mandates might face yet more opposition on the ground when attempts are made to enforce them.

America’s messy vaccine mandate


On Tuesday two federal covid-19 vaccine mandates come into force. Each of the about 84m Americans who work for a company with more than 100 employees will have to get jabbed or submit to weekly testing and face-coverings. So will federal-government employees. Separately, 17m health-care workers in facilities receiving funding from Medicare or Medicaid, two of America’s federal health-care schemes, must also be vaccinated.

周二,两项新冠疫苗规定生效。在员工数超过100人以上的公司工作的美国人,大约有8400万,都必须接种疫苗或每周接受检测并配戴口罩。联邦政府员工也是如此。另外,接受美国两项联邦医疗保健计划 — 医疗保险(Medicare)或医疗补助(Medicaid)— 资助的1700万医护人员也必须接种疫苗。

vaccine 疫苗 ;  菌苗 ;  牛痘的 ;  预防疫苗的 ;  种痘的 

mandates 强制执行 ;  委托办理 ;  授权 ;  mandate的第三人称单数 

come into force 开始实行 

work for 被…雇用着 ;  为…尽力 ;  参加 

more than 比…更;比…更重要 ;  超出需要;超乎寻常 

have to 不得不 ;  必须 ;  劝告或建议时用 ;  表示一定真实或肯定发生 

jabbed 戳 ;  刺 ;  捅 ;  猛击 ;  jab的过去分词和过去式 

submit to 使某人忍受某事: 

Medicaid 医疗补助制度 ;  公费医疗补助制;医疗保健业;医疗补助方案 

vaccinated 给…接种疫苗 ;  vaccinate的过去分词和过去式 



美国强推疫苗强制接种令,一地鸡毛 | 经济学人全球早报精选_sed_02

1. 老年和残障健康保险(Medicare)


2. 医疗补助(Medicaid)


Medicare常称为“美国红蓝卡”;Medicaid 常称为“美国白卡”。

美国强推疫苗强制接种令,一地鸡毛 | 经济学人全球早报精选_其他_03

3. 儿童健康保险项目(CHIP)

儿童健康保险项目(Children's Health Insurance Program,简称CHIP),之前一直被称为State Children's Health Insurance Program(简称SCHIP)。


The mandates are controversial. Businesses, religious groups and conservative state governments have all objected, claiming that the mandates are examples of executive overreach, and that such a heavy-handed response will hurt the economy. The Biden administration has decided to postpone enforcement until after the Supreme Court weighs in on Friday on legal challenges against the mandates. But even if the legal challenges against them are dismissed, the mandates might face yet more opposition on the ground when attempts are made to enforce them.


mandates 强制执行 ;  委托办理 ;  授权 ;  mandate的第三人称单数 

objected 不同意 ;  不赞成 ;  反对 ;  提出…作为反对的理由 ;  抗辩说 ;  object的过去分词和过去式 

overreach 过度扩张 ;  不自量力 ;  贪功致败

heavy-handed 缺乏同情心的 ;  冷酷的 ;  强暴的 ;  高压的 ;  用某物过多的 ;  大手大脚的

postpone 推迟 ;  延期 ;  延迟 ;  展缓 

Supreme Court 最高法院 ;  州最高法院

Weigh 权衡

even if 即使 ;  尽管 ;  纵然 

legal 合法的 ;  法律的 ;  与法律有关的 ;  法律允许的 ;  法律要求的 ;  法定权利 ;  依法必须登报的声明 

challenges 挑战 ;  艰巨任务 ;  挑战书 ;  邀请,提议 ;  质询 ;  质疑 ;  提出异议 ;  对…怀疑 ;  拒绝接受 ;  向挑战 ;  强烈建议 ;  考查…的能力 ;  考验…的技巧 ;  challenge的第三人称单数和复数 

dismissed 不予考虑 ;  摒弃 ;  对…不屑一提 ;  去除,消除,摒除 ;  解雇 ;  免职 ;  开除 ;  dismiss的过去分词和过去式 

mandates 强制执行 ;  委托办理 ;  授权 ;  mandate的第三人称单数 

yet 然而 ;  但是 ;  还 ;  用于否定句和疑问句,谈论尚未发生但可能发生的事 ;  现在 ;  即刻 ;  马上 ;  从现在起直至某一时间 ;  早晚,总有一天 ;  迄今为止,到当时为止 ;  更 

opposition 反对 ;  反对党 ;  在野党 ;  反抗 ;  对抗 ;  对手 ;  竞争者 ;  对立 

on the ground 当场 

attempts 企图 ;  试图 ;  尝试 ;  杀人企图 ;  尝试,努力 ;  努力 ;  attempt的第三人称单数和复数 

enforce 执行 ;  强迫 ;  强制执行 ;  强行实施 ;  迫使