文 / ​​王不留​​(微信公众号:考研英语笔记)

America’s fight against inflation

美国通胀“爆表”,能否胀死美国经济? | 经济学人全球早报精选_工作计划

The Federal Reserve will probably announce on Wednesday that it is increasing the pace at which it reduces, or “tapers”, its monthly asset purchases. On the central bank’s current schedule bond-buying will fall from $90bn in December to zero in June. America, however, has an inflation problem: in November consumer prices were 6.8% higher than a year earlier.

The size of the Fed’s balance-sheet probably does not have a decisive effect on prices. To fight inflation, what is really needed is higher interest rates. But the Fed has previously signalled that it will stop buying bonds before it raises rates. Doubling the pace of tapering would allow it to raise rates in March—which leaves plenty of time for the inflation problem to worsen, perhaps because of the spread of the Omicron variant. That could make America’s monetary policy look even further off course.

美国通胀“爆表”,能否胀死美国经济? | 经济学人全球早报精选_微信公众号_02

America’s fight against inflation


The Federal Reserve will probably announce on Wednesday that it is increasing the pace at which it reduces, or “tapers”, its monthly asset purchases. On the central bank’s current schedule bond-buying will fall from $90bn in December to zero in June. America, however, has an inflation problem: in November consumer prices were 6.8% higher than a year earlier.


announce 宣布 ;  宣告 ;  通知 ;  声称 ;  宣称 

increasing 增长,增多 ;  增加 ;  increase的现在分词 

pace 速度 ;  步速 ;  发生的速度 ;  步伐 ;  节奏 ;  迈出的一步,一步的距离 ;  步幅 ;  来回踱步 ;  走来走去 ;  确定速度 ;  调整节奏 ;  调整自己的工作节奏 ;  请…原谅 

reduces 减少,缩小 ;  蒸发 ;  减轻体重 ;  节食 ;  reduce的第三人称单数 

tapers 逐渐变窄 ;  木条,纸媒 ;  细长蜡烛 ;  渐减 ;  逐渐缩小 ;  taper的第三人称单数和复数 

asset 资产 ;  有价值的人 ;  有用的人 ;  财产 

purchases 买 ;  购买 ;  采购 ;  purchase的第三人称单数

central bank 中央银行 

schedule 工作计划 ;  日程安排 ;  节目表 ;  一览表,明细表,清单 ;  安排 ;  为…安排时间 ;  预定 ;  列入,收进 

fall from 落下,跌落,降落 ;  说出 

inflation 通货膨胀 ;  通胀率 ;  充气 

The size of the Fed’s balance-sheet probably does not have a decisive effect on prices. To fight inflation, what is really needed is higher interest rates. But the Fed has previously signalled that it will stop buying bonds before it raises rates. Doubling the pace of tapering would allow it to raise rates in March—which leaves plenty of time for the inflation problem to worsen, perhaps because of the spread of the Omicron variant. That could make America’s monetary policy look even further off course.


inflation 通货膨胀 ;  通胀率 ;  充气

interest rates 利率 ;  interest rate的复数 

previously 先前 ;  以前 

signalled 发信号 ;  发暗号 ;  示意 ;  标志 ;  表明 ;  预示 ;  表达 ;  表示 ;  显示 ;  signal的过去分词和过去式 

bonds 纽带 ;  联系 ;  关系 ;  契合 ;  债券 ;  公债 ;  保释金 ;  使牢固结合 ;  把…紧紧地连接到 ;  增强信任关系 ;  建立互信关系 ;  bond的第三人称单数和复数 

raises 提升 ;  举起 ;  提起 ;  直立,站立 ;  增加,提高 ;  raise的第三人称单数

tapering 逐渐变窄 ;  taper的现在分词 

plenty of 很多 

because of 因为 ;  由于①because of是复合介词,其后可接名词、代词、动名词或由what引导的从句。②because of一般引导状语,不引导表语;但当主语是代词时,because of短语在句中可用作表语。 

monetary policy 货币政策 

off course 偏离航道






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