文 / 王不留(微信公众号:考研英语笔记)


All doom and gloom? Germany’s economy

德国经济:前景黯淡? | 经济学人早报精选20210908_微信公众号

Optimism about Germany’s economy has continued to slide, according to a survey published today. The ZEW economic-sentiment indicator, which polls around 350 financial-market experts, fell for three consecutive months over the summer and has now dropped for a fourth, falling another 13.9 points. Concerns about a new wave of covid-19 and supply-chain bottlenecks are causes for pessimism. Data show that German inflation rose to 3.9% in August from a year earlier. The composite purchasing-managers’ index, which covers both the services and manufacturing sectors, expanded at a weaker pace, falling from 62.4 in July to 60 in August.

But there is some good news. The federal statistics office revealed this week that industrial orders rose by 3.4% in July. And the finance ministry claims that the German economy is on track for a strong recovery in the third quarter, driven mainly by domestic demand.


All doom and gloom? Germany’s economy


All 所有;全部;全体;一切;全部的,整个的;唯一的事物;所有的事物;完全;十分;非常;太;过分 

doom and gloom 前途暗淡;无望 

Germany 德国 

economy 经济;经济情况;经济结构;国家;经济制度;节约;节省;节俭

Optimism about Germany’s economy has continued to slide, according to a survey published today. The ZEW economic-sentiment indicator, which polls around 350 financial-market experts, fell for three consecutive months over the summer and has now dropped for a fourth, falling another 13.9 points. Concerns about a new wave of covid-19 and supply-chain bottlenecks are causes for pessimism. Data show that German inflation rose to 3.9% in August from a year earlier. The composite purchasing-managers’ index, which covers both the services and manufacturing sectors, expanded at a weaker pace, falling from 62.4 in July to 60 in August.




德意志联邦共和国(英文:Federal Republic of Germany),简称德国(英文:Germany),是位于中欧的联邦议会共和制国家,北邻丹麦,西部与荷兰、比利时、卢森堡和法国接壤,南邻瑞士和奥地利,东部与捷克和波兰接壤,由16个联邦州组成,首都柏林,领土面积357582平方公里,以温带气候为主,人口约8293万,是欧洲联盟中人口最多的国家,以德意志人为主体民族。

德国经济:前景黯淡? | 经济学人早报精选20210908_微信公众号_02




The ZEW economic-sentiment indicator,ZEW经济景气指数是位于德国曼海姆的一家德国公司──欧洲经济研究中心(ZEW)每个月向350位金融方面的专家进行调查从而得出对德国经济情况的中期预期。


调查反映的是乐观者与悲观者之间的差,例如,如果25%的专家预计经济改善、35%的专家认为经济放缓,40%的人认为不变,那 ZEW指数表现为-10。



Purchasing Managers' Index,中文含义为采购经理指数,简称PMI,是一套月度发布的、综合性的经济监测指标体系,分为制造业PMI、服务业PMI。PMI指数50为荣枯分水线。当PMI大于50时,说明经济在发展,当PMI小于50时,说明经济在衰退。



from a year earlier 上年同期

Optimism 乐观主义;乐观 

according to 据;按;依照;按照;根据 

ZEW 零能源消耗;节能(Zero Energy Waste) 

bottlenecks 瓶颈路段;瓶颈,阻碍,障碍;bottleneck的复数 

pessimism 悲观;悲观情绪;悲观主义 

inflation 通货膨胀;通胀率;充气 

weaker 虚弱的;无力的;不牢固的;易损坏的;易破的;易受影响的;懦弱的;软弱无力的;weak的比较级

But there is some good news. The federal statistics office revealed this week that industrial orders rose by 3.4% in July. And the finance ministry claims that the German economy is on track for a strong recovery in the third quarter, driven mainly by domestic demand.


revealed 揭示;显示;透露;显出;露出;展示;reveal的过去分词和过去式 

this week 本周 

claims 宣称;声称;断言;要求;索取;认领;索要;声明;所有权;索款,索赔;claim的第三人称单数和复数 

on track 在正确的轨道上 

driven 驱动;驾驶;开车;驾车送;拥有…汽车;奋发努力的;发愤图强的;受…影响的;由…造成的;drive的过去分词;outdrive的过去分词 

domestic demand 国内需求;本地内部需求