文 / ​​王不留​​(微信公众号:考研英语笔记)

插播一段昨天译文《​​美国通胀“爆表”,能否胀死美国经济? | 经济学人全球早报精选20211216​​》的部分修订。

疫情肆虐经济遭殃,欧洲央行出手刺激,举步维艰 | 经济学人全球早报精选_其他

感谢 @尚婷 的指正。

Doubling the pace of tapering would allow it to raise rates in March—which leaves plenty of time for the inflation problem to worsen, perhaps because of the spread of the Omicron variant.

此处tapering代指文章第一段的“tapers its monthly asset purchases”,即,“减少每月资产购买(规模)”。


The ECB mulls stimulus plans

疫情肆虐经济遭殃,欧洲央行出手刺激,举步维艰 | 经济学人全球早报精选_微信公众号_02

As the pandemic struck, the European Central Bank administered a huge stimulus to the euro area’s economy, hoovering up nearly €2trn ($2.3trn) of government bonds. At its policy meeting on Thursday its governing council must ponder whether such emergency support is still needed.

Output in the euro area has nearly regained its pre-pandemic level. Annual consumer-price inflation, at 4.9% in November, is at its highest since the single currency was created. But parts of the zone are still experiencing outbreaks of covid-19, and the economic consequences of the Omicron variant are uncertain. Nor is it clear that inflation will last: it seems to reflect one-off disruptions more than booming demand. Many economists therefore think the ECB will move cautiously. It is expected to say it plans to wind down emergency bond purchases, but it may top up an older bond-buying scheme. Interest-rate rises may not be on the cards for some time.

疫情肆虐经济遭殃,欧洲央行出手刺激,举步维艰 | 经济学人全球早报精选_其他_03

The ECB mulls stimulus plans


mulls 长时间考虑 ;  仔细考虑 ;  mull的第三人称单数和复数



As the pandemic struck, the European Central Bank administered a huge stimulus to the euro area’s economy, hoovering up nearly €2trn ($2.3trn) of government bonds. At its policy meeting on Thursday its governing council must ponder whether such emergency support is still needed.


pandemic 流行病 ;  大流行病 ;  大流行的 ;  普遍的,全世界的 

struck 撞 ;  碰 ;  撞击 ;  碰撞 ;  打 ;  击 ;  击打,踢 ;  strike的过去分词和过去式 

administered 管理 ;  治理 ;  施行 ;  执行 ;  给予 ;  提供 ;  administer的过去分词和过去式 

stimulus 刺激 ;  刺激物 ;  促进因素 ;  激励因素 

hoovering 用真空吸尘器清扫 ;  hoover的现在分词 

governing council 理事会;首脑理事会 

ponder 思考 ;  沉思 ;  琢磨 ;  考虑

Output in the euro area has nearly regained its pre-pandemic level. Annual consumer-price inflation, at 4.9% in November, is at its highest since the single currency was created. But parts of the zone are still experiencing outbreaks of covid-19, and the economic consequences of the Omicron variant are uncertain. Nor is it clear that inflation will last: it seems to reflect one-off disruptions more than booming demand. Many economists therefore think the ECB will move cautiously. It is expected to say it plans to wind down emergency bond purchases, but it may top up an older bond-buying scheme. Interest-rate rises may not be on the cards for some time.


regained 重新获得,恢复 ;  回到 ;  返回 ;  regain的过去分词和过去式 

inflation 通货膨胀 ;  通胀率 ;  充气 

experiencing 经历 ;  经受 ;  遭受 ;  感受 ;  体会 ;  体验 ;  experience的现在分词 

outbreaks 爆发,突然发生 ;  outbreak的第三人称单数和复数 

variant 变种 ;  变体 ;  变形 ;  变异的 ;  不同的,相异的,不一致的 ;  多样的 ;  易变的,不定的 

uncertain 无把握 ;  犹豫 ;  拿不准 ;  多变的 ;  难预料的 ;  不确定的 ;  未决定的

one-off 一次性的 ;  非经常的 ;  绝无仅有的事物 ;  一次性的事物 

disruptions 中断;扰乱;混乱 ;  disruption的复数 

more than 比…更;比…更重要 ;  超出需要;超乎寻常 

cautiously 小心地,谨慎地 

wind down 摇下 ;  放松 ;  松弛 ;  逐渐减小 ;  使逐步停止 ;  使逐渐关闭 

top up 重新加满 ;  添足

be on the cards 有可能

今天的经济学人全英文早报请看 ->>​ “The Economist Espresso 20211217” 。​

​科普帖:什么是The Economist Espresso?​
