wget http://nchc.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/msmtp/msmtp-1.4.17.tar.bz2 tar xvf msmtp-1.4.17.tar.bz2 cd msmtp-1.4.17 ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/msmtp&nb
好久没写文章了,最近要来刷下存在感,近两年,运维自动化被炒的火的不行,行业趋势不可挡,现在企业招运维工程师都要求会一门开发语言。我们公司也 不例外,由于刚上市,一下子有钱了,开始招兵买马瞎折腾,因此最近我也面试了不下十来个求职者,本成想可以很容易招到几个不错的小伙,结果却令我很失望, 今天贴几个面试者例子上来,跟大家吐槽下:面试A 君: 应聘职位:高级系统工
OverviewWe've talked about reverse proxy servers and how they can really be good at protecting the servers in your internal network. Lately, however, we've realized that some people a
Linux comes with a host based firewall called Netfilter. According to the official project site:netfilter is a set of hooks inside the Linux kernel that allows kernel modules to register callback fu
Now that we've examined what is contained in a Layer 3 (IP) header, let's move on to the Layer 4 header. A Layer 4 header occurs at the very beginning of the IP data field and can be either a TCP head
Over the internet, data is send trough packets. If you are new to this term, you might want to look at Warriors of the Net - a movie made by Ericsson, explaining how data is send over the in
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