wget http://nchc.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/msmtp/msmtp-1.4.17.tar.bz2 tar xvf msmtp-1.4.17.tar.bz2 cd msmtp-1.4.17 ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/msmtp&nb
OverviewWe've talked about reverse proxy servers and how they can really be good at protecting the servers in your internal network. Lately, however, we've realized that some people a
Linux comes with a host based firewall called Netfilter. According to the official project site:netfilter is a set of hooks inside the Linux kernel that allows kernel modules to register callback fu
Now that we've examined what is contained in a Layer 3 (IP) header, let's move on to the Layer 4 header. A Layer 4 header occurs at the very beginning of the IP data field and can be either a TCP head
Over the internet, data is send trough packets. If you are new to this term, you might want to look at Warriors of the Net - a movie made by Ericsson, explaining how data is send over the in
what are TCP Wrappers? How do I find out if a program or server (service) is compiled with TCP Wrappers? What are the advantages and disadvantages of TCP Wrappers over firewalls like Netfilter or PF?
The configuration files for xinetd are as follows:/etc/xinetd.conf — The global xinetd configuration file./etc/xinetd.d/ — The directory containing all service-specific f
Most Linux systems are the part of networks that also run Windows systems. Using Linux Samba servers, your Linux and Windows systems can share directories and printers. This is most use full situat
samba install#yum install -y samba3x#yum install -y samba3x-clientsamba configure#vi /etc/samba/smb.conf#mkdir /shared/test -pv在文件尾部追加如下记录[tools] &
NFS (Network File System) is basically developed for sharing of files and folders between Linux/Unix systems by Sun Microsystems in 1980. It allows you to mount your local file systems over a network
This tutorial shows you how to install and configure FTP server in CentOS 6.5. Though the steps provided here are tested in CentOS 6.5, it should work on RHEL 6.x(x stands for version) and Scientific
This post is totally dedicated to vsftpd configuration with uploads enabled. vsftpd stands for Very Secure FTP Daemon. It is shipped with almost all the latest Red Hat based OS. vsftpd for rpm based L
1、环境介绍 os:oracle centos 5.9 apache:httpd-2.2.3-74.0.1.el5 php:php53-5.3.3-13.el5_8 mysql:mysql-server-5.0.95-3.el
收录架构i386x86_64SRPMS收录版本所有版本更新时间每4小时更新一次使用说明首先备份/etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo mv /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo.backup &n
As we all are aware that Apache is a very powerful, highly flexible and configurable Web server for Nix OS. Here in this tutorial, we are going to discuss one more feature of Apach
本文链接: http://www.pstips.net/powershell-scripts-signature.html
A DNS server, or name server, is used to resolve an IP address to a hostname or vice versa.You can set up four different types of DNS servers:A master DNS server for your domain(s), which st
A DNS server, or name server, is used to resolve an IP address to a hostname or vice versa.You can set up four different types of DNS servers:A master DNS server for your domain(s), which stores autho
SMTP stands for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol as the name suggest it is basically used for emails.. SMTP specified for outgoing mail uses and default sits on TCP Port 25..(Uses 587 in new versions) El
首先查询是否安装vnc-server软件包 如果未安装,首先要装这个包#yum install vnc-server为vnc设置密码,密码为redhat#vncpasswd使用下面命令启动vncserver服务#vncserver &编辑/root/.vnc/xstartup文件把 unset和 exec 两行的注释打开把最后一行改为:gnome-session &现在把刚才开启的
IntroductionAbout this tutorialThis is an attempt to give a basic understanding of how the web works and was written because I saw so many articles on various news groups that plainly showed that peop
You can login to a remote Linux server without entering password in 3 simple steps using ssky-keygen and ssh-copy-id as explained in this article.ssh-keygen creates the public and private keys.&n
Bob(Bob's public key)(Bob's private key)Bob has been given two keys. One of Bob's keys is called a Public Key, the other is called a Private Key.Bob's Co-workers:Anyone can get Bob's Public Key, but B
As I’m working on a product that will make heavy use of encryption, I’ve found myself trying to explain public-key cryptography to friends more than once lately.To my surprise, anything rela
Go to https://www.kernel.org and select a kernel to download, e.g.:wget -c https://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v3.x/linux-3.11.4.tar.xzcp linux-3.11.4.tar.xz /usr/srccd /usr/srctar xfv linux-3.11.
In this small tutorial, I will show you how to convert from DHCP to Static IP address.Configure eth0# vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0DEVICE=eth0 HWADDR=08:00:27:76:4c:d5 TYPE=Ethernet ONB
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