在我作为软件工程师和软件架构师的过去 20 年的职业生涯中,我与各个领域和学科的软件工程师进行了许多对话。他们中的一些人是拥有 8 年或 10 年经验的高级工程师。他们中的许多人在职业生涯的早期就拥有 3 到 5 年的经验。其中一些是我的同事。有些是求职者。在某些时候,他们都以我一遍又一遍听到的同一个问题告终:

“我想成为一名解决方案架构师。有哪些资源可以进一步了解建筑?” — 许多软件工程师提出的问题。









软件架构用于满足业务目标。它是根据要实现的业务目标设计的。然后根据设计实施软件系统,它应该符合这种设计。这应该是一个迭代过程。正如我之前提到的,在项目的早期阶段通常不可能做出正确的决定。最好的决定是你还不必做出的决定。架构师会为实现创建足够的设计以满足业务需求。这会关闭反馈循环,因为您可能在敏捷和 DevOps 实践中看到过类似的东西。这里的想法是,随着世界的变化,业务需求也在变化。软件架构应该支持业务随着需求的发展而采用变化。








随着技术的进步,我们不再需要这样的过程,软件架构师的定义也变得不那么明确了。在现代 IT 中,软件架构师不是一个头衔或等级,因为他们不会在一夜之间给你最高的软件开发权限。它与 Scrum 团队中的任何其他角色一样是一个角色。我认为软件架构师是最有趣的角色。与医生、土木工程师、心理学家、社会工作者或会计师不同,您无法通过单一培训课程获得软件架构师资格。事实上,世界上几乎没有一所大学提供软件架构学位。软件架构师需要对几乎所有内容有广泛而深入的了解,才能实现上一节中提到的目标。





相反,当人们在某些组织中拥有软件架构师的头衔,但他们只停留在企业阶梯的顶端或只放大图片时,他们就会脱离现实。正如乔尔·斯波尔斯基(Joel Spolsky)所说,这些人被称为建筑宇航员,他们没有贡献,也没有生产力。许多大型组织似乎能够负担得起很多!



几乎所有事情的多样化经验对于软件架构师的角色至关重要。它让您知道何时在公司阶梯上爬升和爬下,以及放大和缩小图片时要查看的内容。当某些架构设计应用于不同的上下文时,您还将观察到模式。在 10 多家公司工作后,我最终在一家咨询公司Zuhlke工作,在那里我不再需要换工作来获得广泛的经验。我获得了来自几乎无限行业的项目,包括金融科技、保险科技、物流、制造、奢侈品时装、初创企业,而且名单还在继续。







在作为开发团队成员的典型工作中,我可以从事各种领域的工作,包括后端、前端和 DevOps。这让我能够以第一人称的视角了解幕后发生的事情,并使我能够与我的团队保持近距离的距离。









  1. 清洁代码之道:一份实用关于如何编写和维护干净整洁的好代码的的方法 The Art Of Clean Code
  2. 来自软件架构大师的 4 个真理
  3. 程序员架构修炼之道:软件架构设计的37个一般性原则
  4. 软件架构设计的核心:抽象与模型、“战略编程”
  5. 软件架构的本质
  6. 快看软件架构风格总结: 各种历史和现代软件架构风格的快速总结
  7. 软件架构师成长之路: Master Plan for becoming a Software Architect
  8. 软件架构设计杂记:  好作品是改出来的,好的代码是不断重构打磨出来的, 心性是历经艰难困苦修炼出来的

What it takes to become a software architect?

I had many conversations with software engineers in various domains and disciplines during the past 20 years of my career as a software engineer and software architect. Some of them were senior engineers having 8 or 10 years of experience. Many of them were early in their career having 3 to 5 years of experience. Some of them were my colleagues. Some were job candidates. At some point, they all ended up with the same question that I heard over and over again:

“I want to become a solution architect. What are the resources to learn more about architecture?” — A question asked by many Software Engineers.

Well, they were asking the wrong question. You will know why if you read on. Also, since my company is hiring Lead Software Architects as of this writing, it is worth explaining what a Software Architect is and how to become one.

What is Software Architecture?

What is software architecture in the first place? As the Software Architect title implies, a common analogy that I often hear is the construction of a building. The building architect creates the blueprint of the building. The engineers build it physically and make it work according to the blueprint. I would argue that this is a poor analogy in multiple ways.

The building analogy makes people focus too much on the static aspects of the system. The creation of a city is a better analogy in this regard since it involves both static elements like roads, buildings and bridges, and dynamic elements like traffic flows and people living in the city. The architect is the person who comes up with the design of the city, the plan of how it should be built, and how everything is going to fit together. Last but not least, the architect has a vision of how the city would evolve. But software architecture is more than that. Sometimes the architect needs to zoom in and out of the city making sure that the plan would work. The architect probably won’t care much about the interior design of a building while it is important to decide where to put a traffic light. An architect would need broad and, at the same time, deep technical knowledge to build software that is often as complex as a city. The architect would also need to communicate a consistent message to the business stakeholders without all the technical details to be successful.

The building construction analogy implies that the architect is the most senior person in a team who makes all the critical decisions, creates the design specifications upfront and later enforces the design during implementation. At first, it looks cool to a lot of people to become the most experienced person in the room, reaching the top of technical seniority. It might make you feel good to have the entire team listen to you, following the orders you give and the decisions you make. But when you think about it, this gives the architect so much pressure on making the right decisions, which is often not quite possible at such an early stage of a project. In an Agile team, it means that the development team are not self-organised and the architect is an obstacle preventing the team from becoming agile. The architect takes all the ownership away from the team. Who would like to be in such a position under high pressure?

Role of Software Architecture

Software architecture can be seen as the centrepiece sitting between the business goals and the software system that supports the business to meet these goals.

Role of Software Architecture

Software architecture is used to satisfy business goals. It is designed based on the business goals to be achieved. A software system is then being implemented according to the design and it should conform to such design. This should be an iterative process. As I mentioned earlier, it is often not possible to make the right decisions at the early stage of a project. The best decision is the decision you don’t have to make, yet. An architect would create just enough design for implementation to satisfy business needs. This closes the feedback loop as you might have seen something similar in Agile and DevOps practices. The idea here is that as the world changes, so do the business requirements. The software architecture should support the business to adopt changes by evolving with the requirements.

Software Architecture “-ilities”

Software architecture is such a challenging topic that you have to design a system that satisfies all the business requirements and all the quality attributes at the same time. This would be near impossible to be accomplished by just one person. Often this is the result of the collaboration of a team of architects and domain experts.

Common software architecture quality attributes

Software architecture is not just diagrams, boxes and lines. Let’s look at one of the quality attributes, security, as an example. I probably won’t be able to see any security issues by just looking at the high-level design diagram with some lines connecting to some boxes. I won’t even know if the design really works at all. It is the code that secures the system. Therefore, it is important that the architect writes code and works closely with the development team. Alternatively, it might also work for architects who can read code and communicates often with the development team. That’s what happens when a Software Architect zooms in and out of the design as I mentioned in the city design analogy. If an architect doesn’t talk to the development team and also doesn’t code, they decouple themselves from reality and the architecture they produce won’t be practical.

What is a Software Architect?

Historically, Software Architects are the team who sketched logic flow specification on paper and handed it to another team, called punchers, to produce punched cards and make the software work.

Source: Wikimedia Commons

With the advance in technologies, we no longer need such a process and the definition of Software Architects has become less well defined. In modern IT, Software Architect is not a title or a rank since they won’t give you the highest software development authority overnight. It is a role just like any other role in a Scrum team. I would argue that Software Architect is the most interesting role. Unlike doctors, civil engineers, psychologists, social workers, or accountants, you don’t earn a Software Architect qualification with a single course of training. In fact, almost none of the universities in the world offer a degree in Software Architecture. A Software Architect needs a broad, and at the same time, deep knowledge of almost everything in order to accomplish the goals mentioned in the previous section. So what does a Software Architect do with these skills and knowledge?


What does a Software Architect do and with whom?

As I said earlier, software architecture sits between the business goals and the software system that satisfies them. The Software Architect connects the businesses with the development teams who speak different languages, think differently, and have different concerns. With multiple layers of management and development team silos, it only makes communication worse. It is not uncommon that Software Engineers who have the expertise and hold the relevant information are not the decision-makers, and those people in the management team are the decision makers without the relevant information. The Software Architect plays a critical role in climbing up and down the corporate ladder and zooming in and out of the technical details in order to resolve conflicting trade-offs and drive the organisation forward.

An astronaut — Photograph by NASA

In contrast, when people have the title of Software Architect in some organisations but they only stay at the top of the corporate ladder or they only zoom in on the picture, they decouple themselves from reality. As Joel Spolsky said, these people are called Architecture Astronauts who don’t contribute and are unproductive. Many large organisations seem to be able to afford a lot of them!

Skills of a Software Architect and ways to acquire them

Diverse experience

A diverse experience in just almost everything is critical to the role of a Software Architect. It lets you know when to climb up and down the corporate ladder and what to look at when you zoom in and out of the picture. You will also observe patterns when certain architectural designs are applied in different contexts. After having worked for over 10 companies, I ended up working for Zuhlke, a consulting company, where I no longer needed to change jobs to gain a wide spectrum of experience. I am offered projects from an essentially unlimited range of industries including FinTech, InsurTech, logistics, manufacturing, luxury fashions, start-ups, and the list goes on.

Domain knowledge

Deep knowledge of certain business domains is crucial to the success of a Software Architect because you have to know not only what it is, but also what will be or could be and why. The clients often come to the Software Architect and ask to show them what and how the business leaders are doing. Domain knowledge also helps Software Architects to speak a language common to the business, which in turn helps them climb up and down the corporate ladder connecting the management with the development team.

Interpersonal skills

A Software Architect is also a great communicator. Many great Senior Software Engineers find it difficult to get promoted to Software Architects as they haven’t proved themselves with skills such as listening, verbal and written communications, facilitation, conflict management, presentation, negotiation and persuasion. The exact types of skills required for the job depend on the specific company environment you are working for.

At my company, I’m offered the opportunities to practice these skills in safe environments such as the ones we called “Zuhlke Day” and “Zuhlke Camp”. My employer also offered me formalised training in these areas. Lastly, the constructive feedback culture of the company has supported the growth of many individuals.

Zuhlke Asia Camp 2019 @ Legacy Yen Tu, Vietnam

Technical skills

There isn’t a single university degree that qualifies you as a Software Architect. You need to learn everything you can about all areas of software engineering including software design, coding, quality assurance, DevOps, performance engineering, software security, project management, software support, and so on. These skills are crucial to creating solutions that satisfy software architecture “-ilities”. When talking to the experts in a development team, a Software Architect understands better the relevant information because they have gained hands-on experience in these areas.

In a typical day of work as a development team member, I can work on areas of all kinds including backend, frontend, and DevOps. This gives me a first-person view of what’s going on behind the scene and enables me to keep a close distance from my teams.

Business and development processes

Business processes describe the business operations of an organisation and define business requirements that are usually not stated clearly as software project requirements. The Software Architect is expected to know, or at least to know whom to ask for, the relevant information of the business processes. It is not uncommon to see that it takes a Software Architect years to become a domain expert by delivering solutions to organisations from one industry.

Understanding the importance of technical processes, software development lifecycle and best practices is as important as knowing business processes. This is because the Software Architect usually has a critical role in ensuring the alignment between the business and the development processes, which is required for having iterative deliverables and realistic project planning.


By now, you should be amazed how Software Architects have all the knowledge and mastered all these skills. Well, the answer is, they don’t! It is simply not possible for one person to have all that. It takes a team of capable experts to build great products. Successful Software Architects are often effective leaders in having great members in their team and growing them to become something bigger than individuals.

Software Architects are often seen as the representative of a team. They put great effort into leading, managing, and aligning the business side with the technical side. While people often think that leaders only lead in front, sometimes it takes all five leadership styles in one project. The leadership training my company offered taught just that.

Are you ready to level up your career by becoming a Software Architect? Now is the best time to invest!

About the author

Alan Tai is a Principal Software Architect from Zuhlke, a premium global consulting company delivering top-quality solutions to our business partners. If this article makes sense to you and you would like to join me in solving challenging problems with our technical excellence, here are the current openings at my Hong Kong office:

Senior/Lead Fullstack Engineer (Java Backend + Flutter Frontend)

Senior/Lead Fullstack Engineer (Java Backend + React Frontend)