网络:英文一般翻译为:internet ,network或.[Electrics] [Computer] a network。简单的来说,就是用物理链路将各个孤立的工作站或主机相连在一起,组成数据链路,从而达到资源共享和通信的目的。

  1、流量网络(flow network)也简称为网络(network)。一般用来对管道系统、交通系统、通讯系统来建模。有时特指计算机网络 (Computer Network),或特指其中的互联网 (Internet)由有关联的个体组成的系统,如:人际网络、交通网络、政治网络。





     In general, the term network can refer to any interconnected group or system. Several different types of networks exist, including:
    1. Human networks[Business network;Entrepreneurial network;Social network;Economic network;Old boy network; Sexual network ]
    2. Media
    Radio network, create and distribute radio programming through multiple channels that connect in a network
    Television network, create and distribute television programming through multiple   channels that connect in a network
    Network (film), an Academy Award winning film from 1976
    Nettwerk, a record label
    The Network, a band
    Network (comics), a name given to several Marvel Comics super heroes
    Network (computer game), an economic simulation for the Apple II personal computer

    3. Technology
    Electrical network, a network of electrical components
    Computer network, a network of computers
    Computer networking, the scientific and engineering discipline concerned with this kind of network
    Telecommunications network, a network of telecommunications links
    Energy transmission and distribution networks
    Electric power transmission network, a network of conduits for bulk transmission of electric power
    Electricity distribution network, a network of conduits for delivery or short-haul transmission of electric power
    Pipeline transport network, a network of pipes for transmission of gases, usually natural gas
    Gas distribution network, a network of pipes for delivery of gases, usually natural gas or, formerly, town gas
    Network Systems system network, a system of combined networks of main systems

    4. Science, mathematics, and engineering
    Network theory, the applied mathematics counterpart of graph theory, especially in combinatorial optimization
    Flow network, an assignment of flow to the edges of a directed graph where each edge has a capacity
    Network (mathematics), a type of diagraph in graph theory
    Neural network, an interconnected group of biological neurons
    Artificial neural network, an interconnected group of artificial neurons

    Transport network, facilities on which people and goods move
    Spatial network, urban networks or networks of rooms within buildings
    Network effect, a characteristic that causes a good or service to have a value to a potential customer dependent on the number of customers already owning that good or     using that service
    NETWORK (Catholic Lobby), a national Catholic social justice lobbying group based in Washington, DC.