1 介绍




 2 用法


pip install rl_plotter


from rl_plotter.logger import Logger
logger = Logger(exp_name="your_exp_name", env_name, seed, locals())
logger.update(score=evaluation_score_list, total_steps=current_training_steps)


rl_plotter --save --show

3 Demo


from rl_plotter.logger import Logger
import random,math
a = .5
b = 1

exp_name = 'TD3'
logger = Logger(exp_name=exp_name, env_name='Humanoid-V2')
for i in range(1,10000):
    coiffe = random.random()*a+b
    x = math.log(i, 5) *coiffe
    logger.update(score=[x], total_steps=i)

# 第一个算法的第二次实验曲线
logger = Logger(exp_name=exp_name, env_name='Humanoid-V2')
for i in range(1,10000):
    coiffe = random.random()*a+b
    x = math.log(i, 8)*coiffe
    logger.update(score=[x], total_steps=i)

exp_name = 'SAC'
logger = Logger(exp_name=exp_name, env_name='Humanoid-V2')
for i in range(1,10000):
    coiffe = random.random()*a+b
    x = math.log(i, 2) *coiffe
    logger.update(score=[x], total_steps=i)

# 第二个算法的第二次实验曲线
logger = Logger(exp_name=exp_name, env_name='Humanoid-V2')
for i in range(1,10000):
    coiffe = random.random()*a+b
    x = math.log(i, 4)*coiffe
    logger.update(score=[x], total_steps=i)




rl_plotter  --show



rl_plotter  --show  --avg_group --shaded_std


rl_plotter  --show  --avg_group --shaded_err


rl_plotter  --show  --avg_group --shaded_std --shaded_err

 下图左中右为参数--shaded_std  、  --shaded_err  、  --shaded_std --shaded_err   绘制的图。对应曲线名称我们可以直接修改文件夹中组的名称,并添加上序号。对于图中曲线距离边框有一段距离,可以添加参数--xlim 10000,10000为x轴的步长参数,这样会调用plt.xlim((0, args.xlim))取出边框。







可以使用rl_plotter --help 查看所有参数

--fig_length          matplotlib figure length (default: 8)
--fig_width           matplotlib figure width (default: 6)
--style               matplotlib figure style (default: seaborn)
--title               matplotlib figure title (default: None)
--xlabel              matplotlib figure xlabel
--xkey                x-axis key in csv file (default: l)
--ykey                y-axis key in csv file (support multi) (default: r)
--yduel               duel y axis (use if has two ykeys)
--ylabel              matplotlib figure ylabel
--smooth              smooth radius of y axis (default: 10)
--resample            if not zero, size of the uniform grid in x direction
                      to resample onto. Resampling is performed via
                      symmetric EMA smoothing (see the docstring for
                      symmetric_ema). Default is zero (no resampling). Note
                      that if average_group is True, resampling is
                      necessary; in that case, default value is 512.
                      (default: 512)
--smooth_step         when resampling (i.e. when resample > 0 or
					  average_group is True), use this EMA decay parameter
                      (in units of the new grid step). See docstrings for
                      decay_steps in symmetric_ema or one_sided_ema functions. 
                      (default: 1.0)
--avg_group           average the curves in the same group and plot the mean
--shaded_std          shaded region corresponding to standard deviation of the group
--shaded_err          shaded region corresponding to error in mean estimate of the group
--legend_loc          location of legend
--legend_outside      place the legend outside of the figure
--borderpad           borderpad of legend (default: 0.5)
--labelspacing        labelspacing of legend (default: 0.5)
--no_legend_group_num don't show num of group in legend
--time                enable this will activate parameters about time
--time_unit           parameters about time, x axis time unit (default: h)
--time_interval       parameters about time, x axis time interval (default: 1)
--xformat             x-axis format
--xlim                x-axis limitation (default: None)
--log_dir             log dir (default: ./)
--filters             filter of dirname
--filename            csv filename
--show                show figure
--save                save figure
--dpi                 figure dpi (default: 400)


--title               图的顶部title
--xlabel              x axis的label
--xkey                x-axis key in csv file (default: l)
--ykey                y-axis key in csv file (support multi) (default: r)
--yduel               duel y axis (use if has two ykeys)  左右两侧y axis分别显示
--ylabel              matplotlib figure ylabel
--smooth              smooth radius of y axis (default: 10)
--avg_group           average the curves in the same group and plot the mean
--shaded_std          shaded region corresponding to standard deviation of the group
--legend_loc          location of legend( 不同数字代表不同的位置)
--legend_outside      图例显示在图标外面
--labelspacing        labelspacing of legend 图例间的距离(default: 0.5)
--no_legend_group_num don't show num of group in legend
--xformat             x-axis format(end 、 log  、 sci)
--xlim                x-axis limitation (default: None)
--log_dir             log dir (default: ./)
--filters             过滤出要显示的曲线
--filename            csv filename(指定显示的csv文件名)
--show                show figure
--save                save figure
--dpi                 figure dpi (default: 400)



使用 rl_plotter_spinup  --help查看详细参数,用法与rl_plotter类似