GPUImage for Android

GPUImage is a popular library for Android developers that allows for easy implementation of GPU-accelerated image and video processing. With GPUImage, developers can apply various filters and effects to images and videos in real-time, resulting in visually stunning outputs.

Getting Started with GPUImage for Android

To get started with GPUImage for Android, you will need to add the GPUImage library as a dependency in your project. You can do this by adding the following line to your app's build.gradle file:

implementation ''

Once you have added the dependency, you can start using GPUImage in your project. Here is a simple example of how to apply a filter to an image using GPUImage:

GPUImage gpuImage = new GPUImage(context);
gpuImage.setFilter(new GPUImageSepiaFilter());
Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.image);
Bitmap filteredBitmap = gpuImage.getBitmapWithFilterApplied(bitmap);

In this example, we first create a new instance of GPUImage and set a Sepia filter to it. We then load an image from resources, apply the filter to the image, and display the filtered image in an ImageView.

Using GPUImage for Real-Time Image Processing

One of the key features of GPUImage is its ability to perform real-time image processing. This makes it ideal for applications that require live camera feeds with filters and effects applied. Here is an example of how to use GPUImage for real-time camera processing:

cameraView = new GPUImageCameraPreview(context);
cameraView.setFilter(new GPUImageGrayscaleFilter());

In this example, we create a new GPUImageCameraPreview instance and set a Grayscale filter to it. We then start the camera feed and add the camera view to a container in the layout.

Visualizing GPUImage with Pie Chart

Let's visualize the GPUImage library usage with a pie chart:

    title GPUImage Library
    "Image Processing" : 70
    "Video Processing" : 30

Class Diagram for GPUImage

Here is a class diagram showing the main classes and interfaces in the GPUImage library:

    class GPUImage {
        + setFilter(filter: GPUImageFilter)
        + getBitmapWithFilterApplied(bitmap: Bitmap) : Bitmap

    class GPUImageCameraPreview {
        + setFilter(filter: GPUImageFilter)
        + start()

    class GPUImageFilter {
        + onDraw()


In conclusion, GPUImage for Android is a powerful library that enables developers to easily implement GPU-accelerated image and video processing in their applications. With GPUImage, you can apply filters and effects to images and videos in real-time, making your app visually appealing and engaging. If you are looking to enhance your app with stunning visual effects, be sure to give GPUImage a try!