
  • 1. Introduction of E-R Concepts
  • 2. Further Details of E-R Modeling
  • 2.1 Cardinality of Entity ( 关系的基数) Participation in relationship
  • 2.2 “E-R 模型”向“RDB” 转换的规则
  • 3. Functional Dependencies(函数依赖)
  • 3.1 Armstrong Axioms
  • 3.2 Theorem 6.6.5. Implications of Armstrong Axioms
  • 3.3 Closure(闭包)
  • 3.4 Cover(覆盖)
  • 3.5 Minimal Cover(最小覆盖)
  • 4. Lossless Decomposition(无损分解)
  • 4.1 Define(定义)
  • 4.1.1 Decomposition(分解)
  • 4.1.2 Lossless Decomposition(无损分解)
  • 4.2 Theorem(定理)
  • 4.3 Super Key
  • 5. Nomal Forms(范式)

1. Introduction of E-R Concepts






A collection of distinguishable real-world objects with common properties.

Customers, Agents, Products, Employees



A data item that describes a property of an entity or relationship.

See below



Uniquely identifier an entity or relationship instance (occurrence).

Customer identifier : cid, Employee identifier : eid



Non-key attribute, describing an entity or relationship.

city(for customers),

capacity(for Class-rooms)



A group of simple attributes that together describe a property of an object.


Multi-valued attribute


An entity attribute that takes on multiple values for a single entity instance.




set of m-tuples, identifier subset of Cartesian product.

Binary relationship


A relationship on two distinct entities.

teaches, works-on

Ring, recursive relationship


A relationship relating an entity to itself.


Ternary relationship


A relationship on three distinct entities.


2. Further Details of E-R Modeling

2.1 Cardinality of Entity ( 关系的基数) Participation in relationship

max-card(E, R)=1 (N) determined the E take part in R with multiple (single) value. And min-card(E, R)=0 (1) determined the E take part in R with mandatory (optional).

  • maximum cardinality ( 最大基) between E and R ( 最多实例关联线数)
  • max-card(E, R) = 1. If all dots in E have AT MOST one line coming out.
  • max-card(E, R) = N. If more than one line out is possible.
  • minimum cardinality ( 最小基) between E and R ( 最少实例关联线数)
  • min-card(E, R) = 1. If all dots in E have AT LEAST one line coming out.
  • min-card(E, R) = 0. If some dots might not have a line coming out.

【数据库原理、编程与性能】Database Design_ci_02

2.2 “E-R 模型”向“RDB” 转换的规则

(1) 一个实体E 转换为一个关系Table ,实体属性成为关系属性,实体码就是关系的码。

(2) 一个1-1 联系可转换为一个独立Table ;也可以与任一实体合并。

(3) 一个1-n 联系可转换为一个独立Table ;也可与n 端对应的实体合并。

(4) 一个m-n 联系可转换为一个独立Table ;与该联系相连的各实体码以及联系本身的属性均转换为Table 的属性;且Table 的码为各实体码的组合。

(5) 三个或三个以上实体间的多元联系R ,可以转换为一个关系Table ;与多元联系R 相连的各实体码,均需加入为Table 的属性;Table 的码为各实体码的组合。

(6) 具有相同码的关系Table 可合并。

3. Functional Dependencies(函数依赖)

给定一个包含至少两个属性A和B的表T,我们说【数据库原理、编程与性能】Database Design_ci_03(读作“A函数决定B”或“B函数依赖于A”),即一个A对应唯一的一个B,而一个B却有可能对应多个A。

3.1 Armstrong Axioms

(Armstrong 公理系统, 又称包含律、传递律、增广律)

  • Inclusion rule: if 【数据库原理、编程与性能】Database Design_ci_04, then 【数据库原理、编程与性能】Database Design_ci_05
  • Transitivity rule: if 【数据库原理、编程与性能】Database Design_ci_05 and 【数据库原理、编程与性能】Database Design_ci_07, then 【数据库原理、编程与性能】Database Design_ide_08
  • Augmentation rule: if 【数据库原理、编程与性能】Database Design_ci_05, then 【数据库原理、编程与性能】Database Design_ci_10
    Or be rewritten as then 【数据库原理、编程与性能】Database Design_ide_11.

3.2 Theorem 6.6.5. Implications of Armstrong Axioms

(Armstrong 推论, 又称“合并规则、分解规则、伪传递规则、聚合规则”)

  • Union rule: If 【数据库原理、编程与性能】Database Design_ci_05 and 【数据库原理、编程与性能】Database Design_ide_08, then 【数据库原理、编程与性能】Database Design_函数依赖_14
  • Decomposition rule: If 【数据库原理、编程与性能】Database Design_函数依赖_14 , then 【数据库原理、编程与性能】Database Design_ci_05 and 【数据库原理、编程与性能】Database Design_ide_08
  • Pseudo transitivity rule: If 【数据库原理、编程与性能】Database Design_ci_05 and 【数据库原理、编程与性能】Database Design_函数依赖_19, then 【数据库原理、编程与性能】Database Design_ci_20
  • Set accumulation rule: If 【数据库原理、编程与性能】Database Design_函数依赖_14 and 【数据库原理、编程与性能】Database Design_ide_22, then 【数据库原理、编程与性能】Database Design_函数依赖_23

3.3 Closure(闭包)

Given a set F of FDs on attributes of a table T, define the CLOSURE of F (noted F+) to be the set of all FDs implied by F.

(给定一个函数依赖的集合【数据库原理、编程与性能】Database Design_ide_24,作用于表【数据库原理、编程与性能】Database Design_ide_25的属性,定义闭包【数据库原理、编程与性能】Database Design_ci_26为可以从【数据库原理、编程与性能】Database Design_ide_24推导出的所有函数依赖的集合)

3.4 Cover(覆盖)

A set F of FDs on a table T is said to COVER another set G of FDs on T, if set G can be derived by implication rules from set F. Note as 【数据库原理、编程与性能】Database Design_ide_28. If F covers G and G covers F, we say the two FDs are equivalent as F ≡ G.


3.5 Minimal Cover(最小覆盖)


设有 T 上的函数依赖集F ,求其最小覆盖集 M ? (【数据库原理、编程与性能】Database Design_函数依赖_29)

(1) 将F 中 “ 被决定因素Y ” 为复合属性的 FD ,拆分为 “ 单属性被决定因素 Yj ” 形式;

拆分被决定因素Y,例如:【数据库原理、编程与性能】Database Design_ci_30可以拆分为【数据库原理、编程与性能】Database Design_函数依赖_31【数据库原理、编程与性能】Database Design_ci_32.

(2) 检查每个 FD 是否为 “ 非基本的 ” (可去除)? 若是,则删除该条 FD ;

如果【数据库原理、编程与性能】Database Design_ci_33,那么该函数依赖可以去除。


(3) 检查 “ 决定因素X ” 为复合属性的 FD ,看是否有多余 “ 决定属性 Xi ” 可以删除;

对每一个FD的每一个决定因素【数据库原理、编程与性能】Database Design_函数依赖_34进行检查,如果【数据库原理、编程与性能】Database Design_函数依赖_35,那么该决定因素【数据库原理、编程与性能】Database Design_函数依赖_34可以去除。

(4) 运用 Armstrong 定理及其推论, 简化归并 FDs ,得到 M。


4. Lossless Decomposition(无损分解)

4.1 Define(定义)

4.1.1 Decomposition(分解)

table T with FDs set of F, a decomposition of T into k tables {T1, T2, …,Tk} with this properties:

(对于表T和它的函数依赖集合F,T的分解是一个表的集合{T1, T2, …,Tk},该集合的性质包括:)

(1) for every table Ti in the set, Head(Ti) is a subset of Head(T);


(2) Head(T) = Head(T1) ∪ Head(T2) ∪…∪ Head(Tk).

4.1.2 Lossless Decomposition(无损分解)

the FDs in F guarantee that following relationship will hold : 【数据库原理、编程与性能】Database Design_函数依赖_37.

(函数依赖集F保证如下关系成立:【数据库原理、编程与性能】Database Design_函数依赖_37.)

4.2 Theorem(定理)

Given a table T with a set F of FDs on T, then a decomposition of T into two tables {T1, T2} is a lossless decomposition, one of the following FD is implied by F:


  • 【数据库原理、编程与性能】Database Design_ci_39
  • 【数据库原理、编程与性能】Database Design_函数依赖_40

4.3 Super Key

X is a super key, then 【数据库原理、编程与性能】Database Design_ci_41 is in 【数据库原理、编程与性能】Database Design_ci_26

5. Nomal Forms(范式)

【数据库原理、编程与性能】Database Design_函数依赖_43
