摘  要






With the rapid development of China's economy, people have more and more demands for mobile phones, and various mobile phone software are also widely used. However, for mobile phones, data information management is also popular with users. The small program of home bookkeeping is widely used by users, so that users can manage the data information of the small program at any time In this paper, the management system based on the small program of household bookkeeping is developed.

The design of the home bookkeeping small program is mainly to consider the functions to be realized in detail, and then design the interface after determining the functions to be realized. In this process, we should consider how to better combine the functions and pages, so that users can easily find the information they need, and the operability of the system platform later, and make it easy for users to find the information they need Through the detailed understanding of information content for technical development.

The development of the family bookkeeping small program uses the existing mature technical reference, takes the source code as the template, analyzes the function adjustment and the actual needs of the family bookkeeping small program management, discusses the use of the family bookkeeping small program management.  

Key words: household bookkeeping widget; Java

目  录

摘  要 I


第一章 绪 论 1

1.1选题背景 2

1.2研究现状 3

1.3研究内容 4

第二章 开发工具及关键技术介绍 5

2.1微信开发者工具 6

2.2小程序框架以及目录结构介绍 7

2.3 JAVA技术 8

2.4 Mysql数据库 8

2.5 SSM框架 8

第三章 系统分析 10

3.1需求分析 10

3.2可行性分析 10

3.2.1技术可行性:技术背景      10

3.2.2经济可行性 11

3.2.3操作可行性:  11

3.3性能分析 11

3.4系统操作流程 12

3.4.1管理员登录流程 12

3.4.2信息添加流程 12

3.4.3信息删除流程 13

第四章 系统设计与实现 15

4.1系统架构设计 15

4.2开发流程设计 15

4.3数据库设计 16

4.3.1实体ER图 16

4.3.2数据表 18

第五章 系统实现 21

5.1 用户客户端功能实现 24

5.2 管理员服务端功能实现 24

第六章  系统的测试 27

6.1 测试目的 27

6.2 测试方案设计 27

6.2.1 测试策略 27

6.2.2 测试分析 28

6.3 测试结果 28

结  论 29

参考文献 30

致  谢 31






