摘  要






Examination is basically a problem that every student has to face, students every semester to experience large and small exams, many times before the exam brush questions can better grasp the knowledge, in order to allow students to have a more convenient online brush questions system for this I developed the small program based on wechat brush questions

This small program based on wechat brush questions is developed according to the actual situation of the current job management, in the choice of system language we use Python language, database is small and flexible MySQL database, the development of this system can greatly meet the needs of brush questions.

Based on wechat brush question small program is a can largely solve the problem of job management system. Based on wechat brush question small program is divided into small program part and background management two parts. The main functions of the small program include: registration login, home page, paper list, online examination, examination records and error questions and other functions; Background management mainly includes system home page, personal center, teacher management, student management, paper management, question management, system management, examination management and other functions. The small program based on wechat brush questions mainly uses MySQL as the database management system, and the development environment is wechat development tools, Hbuilder and pycharm. The development of this system basically meets the needs of online brush questions management.

Key words: online, brush questions, MySQL, wechat small program


目  录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2开发意义 1

1.3研究内容和论文结构 1

第2章 关键技术介绍 4

2.1 PYTHON语言介绍 4

2.2  PYCHARM介绍 4

2.3  MYSQL数据库介绍 5

2.3  B/S框架介绍 5

2.4  微信开发者工具 5

第3章 系统分析 7

3.1需求分析 7

3.1.1 功能需求 7

3.2可行性分析 7

3.2.1技术可行性 7

3.2.2 经济可行性 7

3.2.3 操作可行性 7

第4章 系统设计 8

4.1 系统结构 8

4.2. 数据库设计 8

第五章 系统功能设计 12

5.1 小程序端功能设计 12

5.1.1用户注册 12

5.1.2用户登录 13

5.1.3 系统首页 13

5.1.4考试信息 14

5.1.5考试记录和错题 16

5.2服务器端功能的实现 18

5.2.1登录功能 18

5.2.2学生管理 19

5.2.3教师管理 21

5.2.4试卷表管理 22

5.2.5试题表管理 23

5.2.6校园资讯管理 24

第六章 系统测试 26

6.1 基于微信的刷题小程序的测试目的 26

6.2 基于微信的刷题小程序的测试方法 26

6.3 基于微信的刷题小程序的测试 26

总  结 29

致 谢 30

参考文献: 31





