摘 要






With the acceleration of people's pace of life and the rapid growth of information, we often encounter many things that need to be reminded of ourselves, such as memos, schedules, task reminders, and so on. In order to better help users manage time and remind important matters, design and implement a WeChat "Little Pok Reminder" mini program software. Users can add, edit, and delete memos in the software, recording important matters to ensure they do not forget. Users can set their own schedule and set reminder times. The software will remind users of relevant matters that need to be addressed at the set time point. Users can view, edit, and cancel relevant schedules at any time. When designing the reminder software, attention will be paid to the concise and intuitive interface, simple and convenient operation, to provide a good user experience.

Firstly, the article provides a detailed introduction to the requirements, background, and importance of the WeChat "Xiaoyu Reminder" mini program system. Secondly, the paper provides a detailed description of the overall architecture and functional modules of the system, including member management, announcement management, reminder management, system management, and other modules. On this basis, the article also discusses in detail the development process and main technologies of the system. Using MySQL as the backend database and Java's SpringBoot as the framework, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are responsible for designing front-end WeChat mini programs, achieving a fully functional and user-friendly WeChat "Little Pok Reminder" mini program system. Finally, the results indicate that this system effectively improves daily reminder methods and improves life efficiency.

Keywords: WeChat mini program, Xiaoyu reminder, SpringBoot, MYSQL, database


目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

1系统概述 4

1.1 研究背景 4

1.2 研究意义 5

1.3 国内外研究现状 5

1.4 研究内容 6

2  技术介绍 8

2.1 开发工具和开发语言 8

2.2 SpringBoot框架简介 8

2.3 MySQL数据库 9

2.4 微信小程序 9

3  系统分析 10

3.1 可行性分析 10

3.1.1 经济可行性 10

3.1.2 技术可行性 10

3.1.3 操作可行性 10

3.2 需求分析 10

3.2.1 会员用户 11

3.2.2 管理员 13

4  系统设计 16

4.1 体系结构设计 16

4.2 功能结构设计 16

4.3 数据库设计 17

4.3.1系统E-R图设计 18

4.3.2数据库表设计 18

5  系统实现 25

5.1 微信小程序端功能实现 25

5.1.1 登录 25

5.1.2 小程序首页 25

5.1.3 提醒管理 26

5.1.4 我的提醒 27

5.1.5 公告信息查看 28

5.1.6 个人中心 29

5.2 后台管理端实现 30

5.2.1 登录 30

5.2.2 公告管理 31

5.2.3 会员管理 31

5.2.4 咨询管理 32

5.2.6修改密码 33

6  系统测试 35

6.1 概述 35

6.2 测试目的 35

6.3 系统功能测试 35

6.3.1 登录测试 35

6.3.2 修改密码模块测试 36

6.3.3 会员管理模块测试 37

6.3.4 提醒管理模块测试 38

6.4 测试结果 39

结 论 40

致 谢 41

参考文献 42








