摘  要






With the popularity of mobile Internet, WeChat applet has become an important platform for teachers and students to obtain information, exchange and interact with each other because of its convenient and lightweight features. This mini program can provide a comprehensive forum that integrates information dissemination, academic exchange, and resource sharing, which helps to promote communication and collaboration between teachers and students within private vocational colleges, optimize the allocation of educational resources, and improve teaching quality and academic level. At the same time, through the data analysis function of the mini program, schools can better understand the needs of teachers and students, optimize management and services, and promote the sustainable development of private vocational colleges.

The technical aspect of the system adopts WeChat mini program technology, and the necessity of choosing Java backend technology and MySQL database is analyzed in detail. This choice provides a solid foundation for the stability and scalability of the system. In the system design phase, a comprehensive requirement analysis was conducted to clarify the functions and architecture of the WeChat mini program for private vocational college forums. The design covers all aspects of the system, including the front-end interface layout using technologies such as JQuery, Ajax, CSS, etc. to enhance the user experience. Subsequently, the design ideas of the forum for private vocational colleges were elaborated in detail, including functional module division, user interface design, data storage and processing, and other aspects. In terms of functional module division, the forum has implemented basic functions such as posting, replying, liking, and commenting, and has added special modules such as notification and announcement publishing, campus scenery, etc. to meet the diverse needs of students. In user interface design, emphasis is placed on user experience, striving for simplicity, clarity, and easy operation. Finally, the stability and usability of the forum for private vocational colleges were verified through actual operational testing and user feedback.

Key words: Private vocational colleges; Campus scenery; College forums; Java; WeChat Mini Program





