摘   要






With the advancement of technology, management systems are becoming increasingly perfect, and various enterprises and institutions are widely adopting various management systems to improve work efficiency, thus completely changing the situation of manual operations. The Chinese government has always attached great importance to the development of education, and in recent years, the number of students has continued to grow, which has made consulting and management of knowledge issues increasingly complex. Therefore, universities have proposed the development of WeChat mini programs for university information walls to optimize management processes and provide comprehensive online computer problem management. This system can track student inquiries, greatly improving the efficiency of university administrators. At the same time, students can also search for personal consultation replies, information, and online communication through the system.

The University Information Wall WeChat Mini Program is a WeChat mini program developed based on the Java framework, with data stored in MySQL. The client front-end uses the WeChat mini program for interface design and implementation. This article provides a detailed requirements analysis of the WeChat mini program for university information walls, delves into the functions that the system should possess, and designs a comprehensive database. We have utilized mature development techniques to complete the coding work and conducted pre investment testing. Finally, the functional design of the WeChat mini program for the university information wall in the front-end and back-end was completed, mainly including teacher management, student management, comment management, information management, forum communication, and system management, achieving data transmission in the front-end and back-end.

KeyWords:WeChat mini program; Java language; Forum communication; Information Wall


目 录

摘   要 2

Abstract 3

目 录 4

1系统概述 7

1.1 研究的背景和意义 7

1.2 国内外研究现状 8

1.3 研究内容 9

2系统技术 11

2.1 JAVA技术 11

2.2 MYSQL数据库 11

2.3 微信小程序介绍 12

3系统需求分析 14

3.1 可行性分析 14

3.1.1技术可行性 14

3.1.2操作可行性 14

3.1.3经济可行性 14

3.2 需求分析 14

3.2.1 非功能性需求 14

3.2.2 功能性需求 15

4系统设计 18

4.1 架构设计 18

4.2 功能设计 19

4.2.1 管理员功能设计 19

4.2.2 学生功能设计 20

4.3 数据库设计 21

4.3.1 数据库ER图设计 21

4.3.2 数据库表设计 22

5 系统实现 31

5.1 服务器管理员功能实现 31

5.1.1 管理员登录功能实现 31

5.1.2 学生管理功能实现 31

5.1.3 资讯管理功能实现 33

5.2.4 论坛交流管理功能实现 34

5.2.5留言板功能实现 34

5.2 微信小程序端学生功能实现 35

5.2.1 学生登录管理实现 35

5.2.2 个人中心功能实现 37

5.3.3 资讯查看功能实现 38

5.3.4 老师查看功能实现 39

5.3.5 论坛交流功能实现 40

第6章 系统测试 42

6.1测试说明 42

6.2测试用例 42

6.3测试结论 44

结论 46

参考文献 47

致谢 48






