为了学习tvm的源码,想着从最开始的版本v0.1,v0.2等版本开始学习。但是编译的时候总是有问题,然后到github的issue去搜,可以看到大部分的问题都是llvm版本的问题导致的。特别是v0.1~v0.3的版本最好使用 4.0<llvm<6.0,这也是猜测的。我用llvm 5.0.1是可以编译通过的

1. 编译过程

1.1 下载代码

git clone --recursive https://github.com/dmlc/tvm
git checkout v0.2

1.2 下载llvm5.0.1

1.3 编译

  1. 修改make/config.mk,将LLVM_CONFIG修改为llvm 5.0.1 llvm-config的路径。比如
  1. 编译
    make -j8

  2. 结果
    【tvm】——源码编译v0.1,v0.2 cpu版本_python

1.4 设置python模块路径
Set the environment variable PYTHONPATH to tell python where to find
the library. For example, assume we cloned tvm on the home directory
~. then we can added the following line in ~/.bashrc.
It is recommended for developers who may change the codes.
The changes will be immediately reflected once you pulled the code and rebuild the project (no need to call setupagain)

export PYTHONPATH=/path/to/tvm/python:/path/to/tvm/topi/python:${PYTHONPATH}



cd tutorials/optimiza
python opt_gemmy.py