2-1.Microprocessors In a microcomputer system,the central processing unit(CPU) or processor is contained on a single chip called the microprocessor.The microprocessor is either mounted onto a carrier package that plugs into the system board or contained within a cartridge that plugs into a special slot on the system board (See Figure1-6).The microprocessor is the "brains" of the computer system. It has two basic components:the control unit and the arithmetic-logic unit. Functions of these two units have be mentioned in section 1.1 of this textbook.

2-1.Microprocessors 2-1.微处理器 In a microcomputer system,the central processing unit(CPU) or processor is contained on a single chip called the microprocessor. 在微机系统中,中央处理单元(CPU)或处理器包含在称为微处理器的单片机上。 The microprocessor is either mounted onto a carrier package that plugs into the system board or contained within a cartridge that plugs into a special slot on the system board (See Figure1-6). 微处理器要么安装在插入系统板的载体包上,要么包含在插入系统板上特殊插槽的墨盒中(见图1-6)。 The microprocessor is the "brains" of the computer system. 微处理器是计算机系统的“大脑。 It has two basic components:the control unit and the arithmetic-logic unit. 它有两个基本组成部分:控制单元和算术逻辑单元。 Functions of these two units have be mentioned in section 1. 第1节提到了这两个单位的职能。 1 of this textbook. 这本教科书的1。
