There are four types of computers:supercomputers,mainframe computers,midrange computers,and microcomputers. 1、Supercomputers are the most powerful type of computer.These machines are special high-capacity computers used by very large organizations.IBM's Blue Gene is considered by many to be the fastest computer in the world. 2、Mainframe computers occupy specially wired,air-conditioned rooms.Although not nearly as powerful as supercomputers,mainframe computers are capable of great processing speeds and data storage. For example,insuranc companies use mainframes to process informaition about millions of policyholders. 3、Midrange computers also referred to as severs,are computers with processing capabilities less powerful than a mainframe computer yet more powerful than a microcomputer.Originally used by medium-sized companies or departments of large companies to support their processing needs,today midrange computers are most widely used to support or seve end users for such specific needs as retrieving data from a database or supplying access to application software. 4、Microcomputers are the least powerful,yet the most widely used and fastest-growing,type of computer.There are four types of microcomputers: desktop,notebook,tablet PC and handheld computers(See Figure 1-5).Desktop computers are small enought to fit on top of or alongside a desk yet are too big to carry around. Notebook computers,also known as laptop computers,are portable and lightweight and fit into most briefcases.Tables,also known as tablet computers,are the newest type of computer.They are smaller,lighter,and generally less powerful than notebook.Like a notebook, tablets have a flat screen but typically do not have a standard keyboard. Instead tablets typically use a virtual keyboard that appears on the screen and is touch-sensitive. The best-known tablet is Apple's ipad. Handheld computers are the smallest and designed to fit into the palm of one hand.These systems contain an entire computer system,including the electronic components,secondary storage, and input and output devices.Personal Digital Assistants(PDAs) and smartphones are the most widely used handheld computers. Smartphones are cell phones with wireless connections to the Internet. Their growth has been explosive in the past few years.

There are four types of computers:supercomputers,mainframe computers,midrange computers,and microcomputers. 计算机有四种类型:超级计算机、大型计算机、中型计算机和微型计算机。 1、Supercomputers are the most powerful type of computer. 1、超级计算机是最强大的计算机类型。 These machines are special high-capacity computers used by very large organizations. 这些机器是非常大的组织使用的特殊的高容量计算机。 IBM's Blue Gene is considered by many to be the fastest computer in the world. 许多人认为IBM的Blue Gene是世界上最快的计算机。 2、Mainframe computers occupy specially wired,air-conditioned rooms. 2、主机电脑占用特别有线空调房间。 Although not nearly as powerful as supercomputers,mainframe computers are capable of great processing speeds and data storage. 虽然没有超级计算机那么强大,但大型计算机能够很好的处理速度和数据存储。 For example,insuranc companies use mainframes to process informaition about millions of policyholders. 例如,被保险人公司使用大型机处理数百万投保人的信息。 3、Midrange computers also referred to as severs,are computers with processing capabilities less powerful than a mainframe computer yet more powerful than a microcomputer. 3、中程计算机也被称为服务器,是一种处理能力不如大型计算机强大,但比微型计算机强大的计算机。 Originally used by medium-sized companies or departments of large companies to support their processing needs,today midrange computers are most widely used to support or seve end users for such specific needs as retrieving data from a database or supplying access to application software. 中型计算机最初被中型公司或大型公司的部门用来支持它们的处理需求,今天,中型计算机被最广泛地用于支持或搜索终端用户的特定需求,例如从数据库检索数据或提供对应用软件的访问。 4、Microcomputers are the least powerful,yet the most widely used and fastest-growing,type of computer. 4、微型计算机是最不强大,但使用最广泛和增长最快的计算机类型。 There are four types of microcomputers: desktop,notebook,tablet PC and handheld computers(See Figure 1-5). 微型计算机有四种类型:台式机、笔记本电脑、平板电脑和手持电脑(见图1-5)。 Desktop computers are small enought to fit on top of or alongside a desk yet are too big to carry around. 台式电脑很小,不适合放在桌子的顶部或旁边,但太大,无法随身携带。 Notebook computers,also known as laptop computers,are portable and lightweight and fit into most briefcases. 笔记本电脑,也被称为笔记本电脑,是便携式和轻量级的,适合大多数公文包。 Tables,also known as tablet computers,are the newest type of computer. 桌子,也被称为平板电脑,是最新类型的计算机。 They are smaller,lighter,and generally less powerful than notebook. 它们比笔记本更小,更轻,而且通常不那么强大。 Like a notebook, tablets have a flat screen but typically do not have a standard keyboard. 就像笔记本一样,平板电脑有平板电脑,但通常没有标准键盘。 Instead tablets typically use a virtual keyboard that appears on the screen and is touch-sensitive. 相反,平板电脑通常使用出现在屏幕上且触摸敏感的虚拟键盘。 The best-known tablet is Apple's ipad. 最著名的平板电脑是苹果的iPad。 Handheld computers are the smallest and designed to fit into the palm of one hand. 手持式计算机是最小的,设计成适合一只手的手掌。

1、 计算机的种类 计算机有4种类型:超级计算机、大型计算机、中型计算机和微型计算机。 (1) 超级计算机是功能最强的计算机,这些机器的性能特别高,通常有大单位使用。IBM Blue Gene 被许多人视为是世界上最快的计算机。 (2) 大型计算机安装在专门布线和有空调的房间内,尽管他的功能不如超级计算机,但它有很高的处理速度和很大的数据存储量。例如,保险公司用大型计算机去处理上百万投保人的信息。 (3) 中型计算机,也称为服务器,是功能比较大型计算机弱,但比微型计算机强的计算机。最初,这种计算机由中型或大型公司的部门使用,用于其业务需要。现今,中型计算机更多服务于终端用户,用于从数据库检索数据,或访问应用软件等特殊需求。 (4) 微型计算机,是功能最弱而使用最广和增长最快的计算机。有4种微型计算机类型:台式、笔记本、平板和手持计算机(见图1-5)。台式计算机很小,可以放在桌面上或桌边,但搬动起来比较困难。笔记本计算机,有称膝上电脑,是很轻的、便携式的,可以放在公文包里。平板电脑,又称平板计算机,是最新型的计算机,它比笔记本计算机更小、更轻,耗电也小。与笔记本计算机一样,平板电脑也有一个平面显示屏,但一般没有标准键盘,它使用一个在显示屏上出现的虚拟键盘,并且是触摸式的。最出名的平板电脑是苹果公司的ipad。手持计算机是最小的,可以放在手掌上。这些系统都是一个完整的计算机系统,包括电子部件、二级存储器和输入输出设备。个人数字助理(PDAs)和智能电话是使用最多的手持电脑。智能电话是蜂窝式电话,采用无线方法连入因特网。过去几年间,这些设备数量剧增。