作者:chiver  起首布置AdobeAIRforLinux,下载adobeAIRforlinux:,wgeth
转载 2011-03-07 12:26:00
Pushing the limit Regularly, twhirl users report that the program runs into a “limit exceeded” error and pauses for five minutes before trying to get new updates from Twitter again. Most of the time,
转载 精选 2010-01-09 15:05:31
  Installing Adobe AIR in Fedora 15 (Lovelock) You need to install Adobe AIR (64-bit) in order to run some Tweeter applications such as TweetDeck and Twhirl. The following is a step by s
转载 2011-07-20 20:29:36
发行版:Fedora13 显示驱动:intel 桌面环境:Gnome 文件管理器:Nautilus Office工具:永中office、Google Docs 翻译工具:StarDict 网页浏览器:Firefox、Chrome 邮件客户端:Thunderbird RSS阅读:Google Reader、Firefox+sage Twitter:AdobeAIR+twhirl、f
转载 精选 2010-10-13 18:16:59
转载自网络利用Google App Engine,大家可以轻松搭建属于自己的Twitter API。常识大补贴:Twitter API可以帮助你更新twitter(前提是你已经有twitter帐号)常用的Twitter桌面程序有:Twhirl。本文后面会以此举例。手机上,我用的Twitter客户端是Twidroid。本文后面也会举例。自己搭建API的好处是更安全。Twitter是什么?! 算了,如