正反两遍个来一次单调队列 DP 即可. Code:
原创 2021-07-08 09:18:05
3314: [Usaco2013 Nov]Crowded CowsTime Limit:1 SecMemory Limit:128 MBSubmit:86Solved:61[Submit][Status]DescriptionFarmer John's N cows (1 2 #include 3... Read More
转载 2014-10-03 13:29:00
http://www.lydsy.com/JudgeOnline/problem.php?id=3314一眼就是维护一个距离为d的单调递减队列。。。第一次写。。。。。看了下别人的代码。。。这一题只需要维护距离为d的最大,然后判断最大的是否大于等于自己高度*2#include #include #in...
原创 2021-08-11 13:54:19
【原创】Liu_LongPo 转载请注明出处 【CSDN】http://blog.csdn.net/llp1992 近期在关注 crowd scene方面的东西。由于某些原因须要在crowd scene上实现 anomaly detection。所以看到了这篇论文,该论文是眼下在crowd scen
转载 2017-07-23 12:03:00
原创 2022-10-13 09:47:14
ψ豆瓣Top1电影——肖申克的救赎|第131篇It is not crowded on the way up. It is crowded where many p...
原创 2021-06-22 13:48:56
一、内容Dhaka city is getting crowded and noisy day by day. Certain roads always remain blocked in congestion. In order to convince people avoid shortest routes, and hence the crowded roads, to reach des...
原创 2022-01-06 17:06:21
一、内容Dhaka city is getting crowded and noisy day by day. Certain roads always remain blocked in congestion. In order to convince people avoid shortest routes, and hence the crowded roads, to reach des...
原创 2021-08-27 14:29:04
‘Descending through a Crowded Valley — Benchmarking Deep Learning Optimizers’Schmidt*, Schneider,* Henning (2超过50,000次的大规模
Problem DescriptionTerrorists put some mines in a crowded square recently. The police evacuate all people in time before any mine explodes. Now the po...
转载 2015-09-12 14:37:00
Problem DescriptionRecently, Dave is boring, so he often walks around. He finds that some places are too crowded, for example, the ground. He couldn't...
转载 2015-09-10 18:37:00
异常检测Fully Convolutional Neural Network for Fast Anomaly Detection in Crowded Scenesarxiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/1609.00866Anomaly Detection in Video Using Predictive Convolutional Long Short-Ter...
原创 2021-07-17 11:15:38
Is your Android Home screen getting a bit crowded? You’ve probably installed a ton of useful apps and are running out of room. However, there are probably apps you use more often than others. The
题目链接:http://lightoj.com/volume_showproblem.php?problem=1074Time Limit:2 second(s)Memory Limit:32 MB Problem Description Dhaka city is getting crowded and noisy day by day. Certain roads always re...
原创 2022-02-03 15:06:23
拥挤场景中的目标检测 Detection in Crowded Scenes: One Proposal, Multiple Predictions 论文链接: https://arxiv.org/abs/2003.09163 code链接: https://github.com/megvii-mo
转载 2020-04-26 09:03:00
Hiding from the rain and snowTrying to forget but I won't let goLooking at a crowded streetListening to my own heart beatSo many people all around the worldTell me where do I find someone like you gir
转载 精选 2015-04-08 17:14:26
If you’ve installed a lot of apps on your Apple Watch, the Home screen might be getting a bit crowded. Wondering how you can remove rarely used apps from your watch? There are two ways to do it.
take me to your heart 『英文歌词』 Hiding from the rain and snowTrying to forget but I won't let goLooking at a crowded streetListening to my own heart beat So many people all around the worldTell me whe
转载 精选 2007-02-22 14:41:58
http://lightoj.com/volume_showproblem.php?problem=10741074 - Extended TrafficPDF (English)StatisticsForumTime Limit:2 second(s)Memory Limit:32 MBDhaka city is getting crowded and noisy day by day. Certain roads always remain blocked in congestion. In order to convince people avoid shortest routes, a
转载 2013-10-02 23:00:00
题目链接:http://lightoj.com/volume_showproblem.php?problem=1074Time Limit:2 second(s)Memory Limit:32 MB Problem Description Dhaka city is getting crowded and noisy day by day. Certain roads always re...
原创 2021-07-13 16:32:26
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