

  • 查看函数

show functions; desc functions extended +;

  • 关系运算符
  • 大小比较

select 1>1; select 1=1; select 1>=1;

  • 空值判断

select 'asd' is null; select 'asd' is not null;

  • 模糊查询

select 'itcast' like 'it____'; _代表匹配一个字符 select 'itcast' like 'it%'; _代表匹配任意个数字符

  • 正则查询

select 'itcast' rlike 'it.'; select 'itcast' regexp 'it.';

  • 算数运算符
  • 加减乘除

select 1+1; select 1/2; select 1/0;

  • 取整取余

select 3 div 2; select 4 % 2;

  • 位运算

0 0000 1 0001 2 0010 3 0011 4 0100   5 0101 6 0110 select 4 & 6; 0100 * 0110     0100 select 4 | 6  0100 | 0110 只要有一个位数是1 该位置上的数据就是1

  • 逻辑运算符
  • 与或非

select 1>1 and 1=1; and 所有条件成立 select 1>1 or 1=1; or 一个条件成则返回true select !1>1; 取反

  • 在范围内

select 1 in (2,3); select 1 not in (2,3);


  • 字符串函数

-- 字符串长度函数 select length('asd'); -- 字符串反转函数 select reverse('asd'); -- 字符串连接函数 select concat('asd','zxc'); -- 分隔符字符串连接函数 select concat_ws('-','asd','zxc','aaa') -- 字符串截取函数 select substr('itcast',2,2); -- 第一个截取字符的位置 第二个截取字符的个数 select substr('itcast',-2) -- 字符串转大写函数 select upper('asd'); select lower('ASD'); -- 去空格函数 select trim(' aaa '); select ltrim(' aaaa '); select rtrim(' aaaa '); -- 正则表达式替换函数 select regexp_replace('asd123','(\\w+)\d','aaa') -- URL解析函数 select parse_url('','HOST'); -- 割字符串函数 select split('asd,aaa',',')

  • 时间日期函数

-- 获取当前日期 select `current_date`(); -- 获取当前时间戳 select `current_timestamp`(); -- UNIX时间戳转日期函数 select from_unixtime(1634528834); -- 获取当前UNIX时间戳函数 select unix_timestamp(); -- 日期转UNIX时间戳函数 select unix_timestamp('2021-10-10 10:10:10'); -- 抽取日期函数 select to_date('2021-10-10 10:10:10'); -- 日期转年函数 select year('2021-10-10 10:10:10'); -- 日期比较函数 select datediff('2021-10-10 10:10:10','2021-10-12 10:10:10'); -- 日期增加函数 select date_add('2021-10-10 10:10:10',5); select date_sub('2021-10-10 10:10:10',5);

  • 数学函数

-- 取整函数 select round(3.1415); -- 指定精度取整函数 select round(3.1415,2); -- 向下取整函数 select `floor`(-1.1); -- 向上取整函数 select ceil(1.1); -- 进制转换函数 select conv() -- 取随机数函数 select round(rand(3)*100); -- 绝对值函数 select abs(-10)

  • 集合函数

-- 集合元素数 select size(`array`('a','n','b')); -- 取map集合keys函数 select map_keys(`map`('name','python','age',19)); -- 取map集合values函数 select map_values(`map`('name','python','age',19)); -- 判断数组是否包含指定元素 select array_contains(`array`(1,2,3),4); select 1 in (1,2,3); -- 数组排序函数 select sort_array(`array`(1,5,3,2)); select sort_array(`array`('g','a','f','c'));

  • 条件函数

-- if条件判断 -- 空判断函数 -- 非空判断函数 -- 空值转换函数 -- 非空查找函数 select coalesce(null,null,2); -- 条件转换函数

  • 类型转换

select cast('12' as int);

  • 数据脱敏

select mask('asd123ZXC'); select mask('asd123ZXC','*','@','#'); -- 对前n个进行脱敏替换 select mask_first_n('asd123',3); select mask_last_n('itcastpython',3); -- 除了前n个字符,其余进行掩码处理 select mask_show_first_n('asdzxc',2); select mask_show_last_n('qwertyu',2); -- 返回字符串的hash编码。xxxxxxxxxx select mask('asd123ZXC');select mask('asd123ZXC','*','@','#');--对前n个进行脱敏替换select mask_first_n('asd123',3);select mask_last_n('itcastpython',3);--除了前n个字符,其余进行掩码处理select mask_show_first_n('asdzxc',2);select mask_show_last_n('qwertyu',2);--返回字符串的hash编码。-- 脱敏--对前n个进行脱敏替换--除了前n个字符,其余进行掩码处理--返回字符串的hash编码。

  • 其他

-- 反射函数 select reflect("java.lang.Math","max",11,22); -- 取哈希值函数 -- SHA-1加密 -- MD5加密


  • UDF 普通函数 输入一行输出一行
  • UDAF 聚合函数 输入多行输出一行
  • UDTF 输入一行输出多行


  • explode(UDTF)
  • NBA总冠军球队

create table the_nba_championship( team_name string, champion_year array<string> ) row format delimited fields terminated by ',' collection items terminated by '|'; -- 使用explode函数对champion_year进行拆分

  • lateral View
  • 行列转换 concat
    列比较select count(case when gender='男' then id end) as '男',count(case when gender='女' then id end) as '女' from students




select gender,count(id) as count from student group by gender





  • 行转列

create table row2col2( col1 string, col2 string, col3 int )row format delimited fields terminated by '\t';

  • 列转行

create table col2row2( col1 string, col2 string, col3 string )row format delimited fields terminated by '\t';

  • json数据处理
  • 单个字段

create table tb_json_test1 ( json string ); get_json_object(json,'$.deviceType')

  • 多个字段

create table tb_json_test2 ( device string, deviceType string, signal double, `time` string ) ROW FORMAT SERDE '' STORED AS TEXTFILE; json_tuple(json,'device','deviceType')

  • serder

create table tb_json_test2 ( device string, deviceType string, signal double, `time` string ) ROW FORMAT SERDE '' STORED AS TEXTFILE;

-- 拓展--xml数据处理 desc function extended xpath; SELECT xpath('<a><b>b1</b><b>b2</b><b>b3</b><c>c1</c><c>c2</c></a>', 'a/b/text()')


聚合函数、分析函数、排序函数 over(partition by 字段1... order by 字段1... rows 范围)

  • 建表

---建表并且加载数据 create table website_pv_info( cookieid string, createtime string, --day pv int ) row format delimited fields terminated by ','; create table website_url_info ( cookieid string, createtime string, --访问时间 url string --访问页面 ) row format delimited fields terminated by ','

  • 求出每个用户总pv数sum+group by普通常规聚合操作

select cookieid,sum(pv) from website_pv_info group by cookieid;

  • 求出网站总的pv数 所有用户所有访问加起来

  • 求出每个用户总pv数

select cookieid,sum(pv) over(partition by cookieid) from website_pv_info;

  • 求出每个用户截止到当天,累积的总pv数

-- 求出每个用户截止到当天,累积的总pv数 between unbounded preceding and current row 等价 unbounded preceding -- order by 默认有一个计算范围 unbounded preceding select cookieid,sum(pv) over(partition by cookieid order by createtime rows between unbounded preceding and current row ) from website_pv_info; select cookieid,sum(pv) over(partition by cookieid order by createtime rows unbounded preceding) from website_pv_info; select cookieid,sum(pv) over(partition by cookieid order by createtime ) from website_pv_info;

  • 自定义窗口范围

unbounded preceding

  • 找出每个用户访问pv最多的Top3重复并列的不考虑

-- 排序 rank 遇到重复会生成不连续的序号 dense_rank连续序号 row_number生成行号 select *,rank() over (partition by cookieid order by pv desc ) as rank_num from website_pv_info; select *,dense_rank() over (partition by cookieid order by pv desc ) as rank_num from website_pv_info; select *,row_number() over (partition by cookieid order by pv desc ) as rank_num from website_pv_info; select *,ntile(3) over (partition by cookieid order by pv desc ) as rank_num from website_pv_info; with tb1 as ( select *,dense_rank() over (partition by cookieid order by pv desc ) as rank_num from website_pv_info ) from tb1 select * where rank_num <= 3;

  • 统计每个用户pv数最多的前3分之1天

with tb1 as (select *,ntile(3) over (partition by cookieid order by pv desc ) as rank_num from website_pv_info) from tb1 select * where rank_num = 1;

  • 分析函数

select *,lag(pv) over (partition by cookieid order by pv desc ) as rank_num from website_pv_info; -- 向下取值 select *,lead(pv) over (partition by cookieid order by pv desc ) as rank_num from website_pv_info; -- 取第一个值 select *,first_value(pv) over (partition by cookieid order by pv desc ) as rank_num from website_pv_info; -- 去最后一个值 注意取值范围 因为orderby 所用取值范围需要增加向下的范围 select *,last_value(pv) over (partition by cookieid order by pv desc rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) as rank_num from website_pv_info; select sum(pv) sum(sum(pv)) over() from website_pv_info


  • 压缩算法
  • map压缩

1)开启hive中间传输数据压缩功能 set hive.exec.compress.intermediate=true; 2)开启mapreduce中map输出压缩功能 set; 3)设置mapreduce中map输出数据的压缩方式 Set;

  • reduce压缩

1)开启hive最终输出数据压缩功能 set hive.exec.compress.output=true; 2)开启mapreduce最终输出数据压缩 set mapreduce.output.fileoutputformat.compress=true; 3)设置mapreduce最终数据输出压缩方式 set mapreduce.output.fileoutputformat.compress.codec =; 4)设置mapreduce最终数据输出压缩为块压缩 set mapreduce.output.fileoutputformat.compress.type=BLOCK;


  • 行存储和列存储
  • TextFILE
  • ORC
  • 格式对比


create table log_text ( track_time string, url string, session_id string, referer string, ip string, end_user_id string, city_id string )ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY '\t' STORED AS TEXTFILE ;


create table log_orc( track_time string, url string, session_id string, referer string, ip string, end_user_id string, city_id string ) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY '\t' STORED AS orc ;


create table log_parquet( track_time string, url string, session_id string, referer string, ip string, end_user_id string, city_id string ) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY '\t' STORED AS PARQUET ;

  • 查询速度对比