人生一世,就好比是一次搭車旅行,要经歷無数次上車、下車; 時常有事故發生; 有時是意外驚喜,有時却是刻骨铭心的悲傷… …
Life can be liken to a journey with an unknown destination,
many times getting on or getting off ;
the accident often occur;
It is an accidental happy sometimes;
But it is full of poignant sadness sometimes...  ...
when we were born,We were in LIfe car.We thought the two people we met before ---our parents,always kept us company in life trip~~~
What a pity!Such not being the case.
they will get off on somewhere,leaving us,lonly .
their love,endearment,un-vicarious company,but can not find a way.
他們之中有我們的兄弟姐妹, 有我們的親朋好友。我們還將會體驗千古不朽的愛情故事。
there are our brothers and sisters,also our kindred and good friends.we will met undying love~~~~
some peple who are easy traveling in the same trip.