as3swf as3swf is a low level Actionscript 3 library to parse, create, modify and publish SWF files. Alpha version, under active development. Please do not use in production just yet. as3swf is broug
anything about pushbutton engine
根据官方的说明,结合我自己的经验,分享一下: 该用cacheAsBitmap的时候: 在一个复杂的矢量化背景图片上存在大量动画; 滚动文本区域; 基于窗口的应用(你经常会拖拽整块区域) 透明遮罩(必须强制使用,否则失效) 不应该用cacheAsBitmap的时候: 不要滥用,cacheAsBitamp十分消耗内存,一块250&tim
Introduction This article is primarily concerned with ActionScript 3 and generally specific to AVM2. Most suggestions would apply to ActionScript 2 as well, and I've noted those tips that differ b
""" regular "for" loops are moderately faster than for each loops in the minimal case. Also, as with AS2 days, decrementing your way through a for loop generally provides a
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