1. 基因组选择:(Genomic selection)


基因组选择利用覆盖全基因组的高密度SNP标记, 结合表型记录或系谱记录对个体育种值进行估计, 其假定这些标记中至少有一个标记与所有控制性状的QTL处于连锁不平衡状态.


Genomic selection is a form of marker-assisted selection in which genetic markers covering the whole genome are used so that all quantitative trait loci (QTL) are in linkage disequilibrium with at least one marker.


> Goddard M E, Hayes B J. Genomic selection.[J]. Journal of Animal Breeding & Genetics, 2015, 124(6):323-330. # 这篇年份有误,下面是正确的,百度学术有误。特此说明(2021-12-22)

Goddard ME, Hayes BJ. Genomic selection. J Anim Breed Genet. 2007 Dec;124(6):323-30. doi: 10.1111/j.1439-0388.2007.00702.x. PMID: 18076469.

2. 参考群和候选群

参考群:(Reference population)

候选群:(Candidate population)


基因组选择中, 参考群是指有基因型和表型信息的群体. 根据参考群的数据进行建模, 预测只有基因型个体的表型值. 基因组选择的效率主要受参考群的大小, 规模以及和候选群的关系等因素的影响.


Genomic selection uses marker genotypes and phenotypes in a reference population to predict breeding values of selection candidates that have been genotyped . The effectiveness of genomic selection will depend on the size and composition of the reference population used for genomic predictions.


Grevenhof I E V , Werf J H V D . Design of reference populations for genomic selection in crossbreeding programs[J]. Genetics Selection Evolution, 2015, 47(1):1-9.


基因组选择将群体分为参考群体和候选群体, 参考群体用于建模, 估算候选群体的育种值. 参考群有表型和基因型, 候选群只有基因型.


Genomic selection separates the animals in the reference population, which is used to estimate the prediction equation, from the selection candidates. The animals in the reference population must have phenotypes and genotypes but the selection candidates need to have only marker genotypes


Goddard M E, Hayes B J. Genomic selection.[J]. Journal of Animal Breeding & Genetics, 2015, 124(6):323-330.