BDD 2007 - Troubleshooting Database issues
Common issues常见问题
[CSettings]SQLServer=SERVERNAMEDatabase=BDDAdminDBNetlib=DBNMPNTWSQLShare=logsTable=ComputerSettingsParameters=MacAddressParameterCondition=ORThe critical components of the database section are:以下几个组件是必须配置的
- SQLServer - must specify the SQL server that hosts the BDD configuration database.指定包含BDD配置数据库的服务器
- SQLShare – must be a valid share on the SQL server and the user account (UserID as specified in the rules) must have access rights to that share. If SMS OSD Feature Pack is used for deployment then the SMS Advanced Client installation account will require access rights rather than the user account. 指定一个数据库服务器上的共享,而且你用于连接Distribution共享的帐号必须有登录这个共享的权限。如果你似乎用了OSD,则SMS Advanced Client安装帐号得有这个权限,而不是用户帐号。
- Netlib – there are many issues with using TCP/IP sockets based connections so ONLY USE NAMED PIPES (DBNMPNTW).必须使用命名管道
Database connectivity issues – There are a number of issues that can stop the client connecting to the SQL server, these are detailed below:有许多问题可能导致客户端断开连接
- Ensure that Named Pipes is enabled for remote connectivity on the SQL server, this is not enabled by default. 确认你的SQL服务器打开了命名管道
- Has the surface area been configured to enable Named Pipes? When using SQL 2005 it is important to ensure that the “Surface area” is configured in such a way that remote connectivity to Named Pipes is allowed. 2005下在你的外围配置里打开命名管道
- If you have issues accessing the database from the workbench then ensure that you are using Named Pipes. The Deployment Workbench always uses Named Pipes to connect to the database.还是命名管道.....
Security - has the deployment account got the appropriate database rights? The account used will need read rights to the BDD admin database. The account can vary depending on the deployment type: 你的部署帐号是否有足够的数据库权限?帐号需要数据库的admin权限,而且根据部署方式不同也有所区别
- ZTI – The SMS advanced client installation account.SMS高级客户端安装帐号
- LTI – The user account specified in the rules (bootstrap.ini).bootstrap里配置的帐号
SQL instances – If you are connecting to a database instance then this instance must be specified. This value is specified using the Instance field in the deployment workbench. 如果你连接到数据库的某个特定实例,那这个值就必须填写Troubleshooting methods
During the troubleshooting process it is critical that you can easily test the database rules. The following instructions detail how to manually test the database connectivity. The rules specified in the deployment point can be tested without running through the entire BDD build process. Rules are processed using a script called ZTIGather.wsf, this script can be run separately from the other BDD scripts allowing easy testing. The steps below detail the process required to perform manual rule testing. To properly reflect the deployment environment it is important to perform these tests from a client device: (一堆废话,不翻了)1. Create a folder on the client device and copy the following files from the deployment point to this folder: 在客户端上建立一个目录,并把下列文件从分发点上拷贝过去
- ZTIGather.wsf
- ZTIGather.xml
- ZTIUtility.vbs
- CustomSettings.ini
2. Delete C:\MININT directory if it already exists. This folder can also be located at X:\MININT if the C drive is not available.删掉C盘的MININT文件夹NOTE: BDD stores configuration and progress information in the MININT folder, if this folder is not removed between tests then the results will be invalid.3. From the command prompt navigate to the newly created folder and execute the rule processing script using the following command: 运行命令"cscript.exe ZTIGather.wsf /debug:true"The script will then be processed and the results outputted to the command prompt and a log file ( .\MININT\SMSOSD\OSDLOGS\ZTIGather.log)脚本会把运行结果保存在minint目录里NOTE: The script can be run within Windows PE or the host operating system.4. Review the results of the script.The following screen shots show five examples of the output that you will see from this process. The first three screen shots show general database lookups while the other two show common errors you are likely to see.This screen shoot shows a successful connection to the database. The computer record is then queried based on the MAC Address and the OSINSTALL, COMPUTERNAME and MACHINEOBJECTOU values are returned.The next two screen shots show a database lookup based on the make and model of the client device. In the first screen shot shows a database lookup based on a Virtual PC client where the model is a "Virtual Machine" and the make is "Microsoft Corporation". This record does not exist in the database and the log reflects this - "Record count from SQL = 0". I then created a record in the database using this information and assigned an application to the model type via the deployment workbench. The script is then rerun and and the lookup successfully returns the application. (Second screen shot).NOTE: Applications are identified as GUID's in the BDD logs. To determine which application is represented by the GUID you should reference the applications.xml file.The following screen shot show the results of a database look up where the user account does not have rights to the database. The important thing to note is the error message - "login failed for user 'WOODGROVE\BDDBuild'". Remember that the user account must have at least read rights to the BDD configuration database.The following screen shot show the results of a database look up where named pipes has been disabled. The important thing to note is the error message, "SQL Server does not exist or access denied". This problem can be caused by a number of issues, please refer to the database connectivity issues point above.Hopefully this will help get you started with troubleshooting your BDD configuration database issues.上一篇:使用自定义的TS测试软件安装
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