// .h


#include <longbeach/core/ptime.h>

#include <longbeach/clientcore/PriceProvider.h>
#include <longbeach/clientcore/PriceSizeProviderSpec.h>
#include <longbeach/clientcore/TickProvider.h>

#include <longbeach/signals/Signal.h>
#include <longbeach/signals/SignalSpec.h>

namespace longbeach {
namespace signals {

template <typename T> int sgn(T val) {
return (T(0) < val) - (val < T(0));

class TradedQuantity
TradedQuantity( const TradeTick& trade_tick, const IBookPtr book, const double last_best_bid, const double last_best_ask, const double last_midprice, const boost::optional<double> notional_price );

const bool isExpired( const timeval_t expiration_time ) const { return (m_tradeTime <= expiration_time);}

const bool inWindow(const timeval_t current_time, ptime_duration_t window_duration) const {
timeval_t cutoff_time = current_time - window_duration;
return (m_tradeTime >= cutoff_time && m_tradeTime<=current_time);

const int32_t getTradedQuantity() const { return m_tradedQuantity;};
const timeval_t getTradeTime() const { return m_tradeTime;};

timeval_t m_tradeTime;
int32_t m_tradedQuantity;

class RollingWindow

RollingWindow( longbeach::ptime_duration_t window_length, double smoothing_factor );
virtual ~RollingWindow(){};

virtual void update(TradedQuantity traded_quantity);

virtual double getSignal() const;

void reset();

void expireTradedQuantities(const timeval_t current_time);
double smooth( double old_value, double new_value, double smoothing_factor);

longbeach::ptime_duration_t m_length;

double m_signal;

std::vector<TradedQuantity> m_tradedQuantities;
double m_expireSmoothingFactor;
double m_smoothExpiryAdjustment;

class SigLastTradedQuantity: public SignalStateImpl, private IClockListener, private ITickListener, private IBookListener
SigLastTradedQuantity( const instrument_t& instr, const std::string &desc, ClientContextPtr cc, ClockMonitorPtr spCM, const std::vector<longbeach::ptime_duration_t>& vWindowDurations,
const double expire_smoothing_factor, IBookPtr spBook, ITickProviderCPtr spTickProvider, ReturnMode returnMode );

/// Destructor
virtual ~SigLastTradedQuantity();

const std::vector<longbeach::ptime_duration_t>& getWindowDurations() const { return m_vWindowDurations; }

// IClockListener interface
virtual void onWakeupCall( const timeval_t& ctv, const timeval_t& swtv, int reason, void* pData);

// IBookListener interface
/// Invoked when the subscribed Book changes.
/// The levelChanged entries are negative if there is no change, or a 0-based depth.
virtual void onBookChanged( const IBook* pBook, const Msg* pMsg, int32_t bidLevelChanged, int32_t askLevelChanged );

/// Invoked when the subscribed Book is flushed.
virtual void onBookFlushed( const IBook* pBook, const Msg* pMsg ) {};

/// This will be called when the ITickProvider's receives a new TradeTick.
/// That last trade tick is passed.
/// Spurious calls are allowed. tp will never be NULL.
virtual void onTickReceived( const ITickProvider* tp, const TradeTick& tick );

// we don't care about this
virtual void onTickVolumeUpdated( const ITickProvider* tp, uint64_t totalVolume ) {};

void reset();
virtual void recomputeState() const;

virtual void updateState() const ;
ClockMonitorPtr m_spCM;
IBookPtr m_spBook;
ITickProviderCPtr m_spTickProvider;
// Subscription m_spBookSub, m_spTickProviderSub;
std::vector<ptime_duration_t> m_vWindowDurations;

boost::optional<double> m_lotSize;

std::vector<RollingWindow*> m_rollingWindows;

double m_currentBestBidPrice;
double m_currentBestAskPrice;
double m_currentMidPrice;

double m_lastBestBidPrice;
double m_lastBestAskPrice;
double m_lastMidPrice;

timeval_t m_lastBookUpdateTime;

ReturnMode m_returnMode;

/// SignalSpec for SigLastTradedQuantity
class SigLastTradedQuantitySpec : public SignalSpec

SigLastTradedQuantitySpec(): m_expireSmoothingFactor( 0.20 ) {};

SigLastTradedQuantitySpec(const SigLastTradedQuantitySpec &other);

virtual instrument_t getInstrument() const { return m_inputBook->getInstrument(); }
virtual ISignalPtr build(SignalBuilder *builder) const;
virtual void checkValid() const;
virtual void hashCombine(size_t &result) const;
virtual bool compare(const ISignalSpec *other) const;
virtual void print(std::ostream &o, const LuaPrintSettings &ps) const;
virtual void getDataRequirements(IDataRequirements *rqs) const;
virtual SigLastTradedQuantitySpec *clone() const;

IBookSpecPtr m_inputBook;
source_t m_tickSource;
std::vector<longbeach::ptime_duration_t> m_vWindowDurations;
double m_expireSmoothingFactor;
ReturnMode m_returnMode;

class WindowAtTime
WindowAtTime( const double window_total, const timeval_t sample_time): m_total(window_total), m_time(sample_time) {};

const double getTotal() const { return m_total;};
const timeval_t getTime() const { return m_time;};

double m_total;
timeval_t m_time;

class BaselineRollingWindow: public RollingWindow
BaselineRollingWindow( longbeach::ptime_duration_t window_length, double expire_smoothing_factor, longbeach::ptime_duration_t sample_period, uint32_t history_length, double smoothing_factor );

virtual ~BaselineRollingWindow(){};

virtual void update(TradedQuantity traded_quantity);
virtual double getSignal() const;

uint32_t m_numberOfHistorySamples;
longbeach::ptime_duration_t m_samplePeriod;
std::vector<TradedQuantity> m_tradedQuantities;

double m_smoothingFactor;
double m_smoothedTotalAtStart;
std::deque<WindowAtTime> m_sampledHistory;
std::deque<WindowAtTime> m_recentHistory;

class SigBaselineLastTradedQuantity: public SigLastTradedQuantity
SigBaselineLastTradedQuantity( const instrument_t& instr, const std::string &desc, ClientContextPtr cc, ClockMonitorPtr spCM,
const std::vector<longbeach::ptime_duration_t>& vWindowDurations,
const uint32_t window_history_length, const uint32_t windows_to_sample,
const double cutoff, const double expire_smoothing_factor,
const double smoothing_factor, IBookPtr spBook, ITickProviderCPtr spTickProvider);

/// Destructor
virtual ~SigBaselineLastTradedQuantity() {};
virtual void updateState() const;
double m_cutoff;
LONGBEACH_DECLARE_SHARED_PTR( SigBaselineLastTradedQuantity );

/// SignalSpec for SigBaselineLastTradedQuantity
class SigBaselineLastTradedQuantitySpec : public SignalSpec

: m_numberOfHistorySamples( 0 )
, m_cutoff(0.0)
, m_windowsToSample( 0 )
, m_expireSmoothingFactor( 0.20 )
, m_smoothingFactor( 0.12 )

SigBaselineLastTradedQuantitySpec(const SigBaselineLastTradedQuantitySpec &other);

virtual instrument_t getInstrument() const { return m_inputBook->getInstrument(); }
virtual ISignalPtr build(SignalBuilder *builder) const;
virtual void checkValid() const;
virtual void hashCombine(size_t &result) const;
virtual bool compare(const ISignalSpec *other) const;
virtual void print(std::ostream &o, const LuaPrintSettings &ps) const;
virtual void getDataRequirements(IDataRequirements *rqs) const;
virtual SigBaselineLastTradedQuantitySpec *clone() const;

IBookSpecPtr m_inputBook;
source_t m_tickSource;
std::vector<longbeach::ptime_duration_t> m_vWindowDurations;
uint32_t m_numberOfHistorySamples;
double m_cutoff;
uint32_t m_windowsToSample;
double m_expireSmoothingFactor;
double m_smoothingFactor;
LONGBEACH_DECLARE_SHARED_PTR( SigBaselineLastTradedQuantitySpec );

} // namespace signals
} // namespace longbeach