Policy-based routing (PBR) in Linux is designed the following way: first you create custom routing tables, then you create rules to tell the kernel it should use those tables instead of the default table for specific traffic.

Some tables are predefined:

local (table 255)

Contains control routes local and broadcast addresses.

main (table 254)

Contains all non-PBR routes. If you don't specify the table when adding a route, it goes here.

default (table 253)

Reserved for post processing, normally unused.

User-defined tables are created automatically when you add the first route to them.

Create a policy route

ip route add ${route options} table ${table id or name}


ip route add via table 10
ip route add via table ISP2
ip route add 2001:db8::/48 dev eth1 table 100

Notes: You can use any route options described in "Route management" section in policy routes too, the only difference is the "table ${table id/name}" part at the end.

Numeric table identifiers and names can be used interchangeably. To create your own symbolic names, edit/etc/iproute2/rt_tables config file.

"delete", "change", "replace", or any other route actions work with any table too.

"ip route ... table main" or "ip route ... table 254" would have exact same effect to commands without a table part.

View policy routes

ip route show table ${table id or name}


ip route show table 100
ip route show table test

Note: in this case you need the "show" word, the shorthand like "ip route table 120" do not work because the command would be ambiguous.

General rule syntax

ip rule add ${options} <lookup ${table id or name}|blackhole|prohibit|unreachable>

Traffic that matches the ${options} (described below) will be routed according to the table with specified name/id instead of the "main"/254 table if "lookup" action is used.

"blackhole", "prohibit", and "unreachable" actions that work the same way to route types with same names. In most of examples we will use "lookup" action as the most common.

For IPv6 rules, use "ip -6", the rest of the syntax is the same.

"table ${table id or name}" can be used as alias to "lookup ${table id or name}".

Create a rule to match a source network

ip rule add from ${source network} ${action}


ip rule add from lookup 10
ip -6 rule add from 2001:db8::/32 prohibit

Notes: "all" can be used as shorthand to or ::/0

Create a rule to match a destination network

ip rule add to ${destination network} ${action}


ip rule add to blackhole
ip -6 rule add to 2001:db8::/32 lookup 100

Create a rule to match a ToS field value

ip rule add tos ${ToS value} ${action}


ip rule add tos 0x10 lookup 110

Create a rule to match a firewall mark value

ip rule add fwmark ${mark} ${action}


ip rule add fwmark 0x11 lookup 100

Note: See iptables documentation to find out how to set the mark.

Create a rule to match inbound interface

ip rule add iif ${interface name} ${action}


ip rule add iif eth0 lookup 10
ip rule add iif lo lookup 20

Rule with "iif lo" (loopback) will match locally generated traffic.

Create a rule to match outbound interface

ip rule add oif ${interface name} ${action}


ip rule add oif eth0 lookup 10

Note: this works only for locally generated traffic.

Set rule priority

ip rule add ${options} ${action} priority ${value}


ip rule add from lookup 10 priority 10
ip rule add from lookup 20 priority 20

Note: As rules are traversed from the lowest to the highest priority and processing stops at first match, you need to put more specific rules before less specific. The above example demonstrates rules for and its subnet If the priorities were reversed and the rule for /25 was placed after the rule for /24, it would never be reached.

Show all rules

ip rule show
ip -6 rule show

Delete a rule

ip rule del ${options} ${action}


ip rule del lookup 10

Notes: You can copy/paste from the output of "ip rule show"/"ip -6 rule show".

Delete all rules

ip rule flush
ip -6 rule flush

Notes: this operation is highly disruptive. Even if you have not configured any rules, "from all lookup main" rules are initialized by default. On an unconfigured machine you can see this:

$ ip rule show
0: from all lookup local
32766: from all lookup main
32767: from all lookup default

$ ip -6 rule show
0: from all lookup local
32766: from all lookup main

The "from all lookup local" rule is special and cannot be deleted. The "from all lookup main" is not, there may be valid reasons not to have it, e.g. if you want to route only traffic you created explicit rules for. As a side effect, if you do "ip rule flush", this rule will be deleted, which will make the system stop routing any traffic until you restore your rules.