IP CFGChang computer nameJoin Domain and turn off firewall
Script to Setup NTP/DNS/Powerpolicy for new server in defined cluster
Add-PSSnapin vmWARE.VimAutomation.Core$vc="testvc55"connect-viserver $vc$date = Get-Date -Format 'yyyyMMdd' $VLANinfo = foreach ($cluster in get-cluster) {&nb
http://discoposse.com/2013/02/14/powercli-add-multiple-vlan-port-groups-to-vsphere-cluster-standard-switches/Limitations of Standard vSwitchesOne of the negative points of standard vSwitches is t
Modify CSV FileNow that you have a CSV file with all your users and extra information, we need to format it so that certain fields can be imported. We will also need to add a few fields. For a list of
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