如何用visio画架构图 visio生成架构图_大数据


With trying to manage a business these days, it’s very important to have an Organization Chart to keep everything manageable. Here we’ll show you how to build one in Visio 2010.

这些天来尝试管理业务时,拥有组织结构图以使所有内容都易于管理非常重要。 在这里,我们将向您展示如何在Visio 2010中构建一个。

This Guest Article was written by our friends over at Office 2010 Club.

此来宾文章是由我们的朋友在 Office 2010 Club上 撰写的

Need for Organization Charts


The need of creating Organization Charts are becoming indispensable these days, as companies start focusing on extensive hiring for far reach availability, increase in productivity and targeting diverse markets. Considering this rigorous change, creating an organization chart can help stakeholders in comprehending the ever growing organization structure & hierarchy with an ease. It shows the basic structure of organization along with defining the relationships between employees working in different departments.

如今,随着公司开始集中精力广泛招聘以提供远距离可用性,提高生产率并面向多样化的市场,创建组织结构图的需求变得不可或缺。 考虑到这一严峻的变化,创建组织结构图可以帮助利益相关者轻松理解不断增长的组织结构和层次结构。 它显示了组织的基本结构,以及定义了在不同部门工作的员工之间的关系。

Opportunely, Microsoft Visio 2010 offers an easy way to create Organization chart. As before now, orthodox ways of listing organization hierarchy have been used for defining the structure of departments along with communication possible including; horizontal and vertical communications. To transform these lists which defines organizational structure, into a detailed chart, Visio 2010 includes an add-in for importing Excel spreadsheet, which comes in handy for pulling out data from spreadsheet to create an organization chart.

适当地,Microsoft Visio 2010提供了一种创建组织结构图的简便方法。 与以前一样,采用列出组织层次结构的正统方法来定义部门的结构以及可能的沟通,包括: 水平和垂直通信。 为了将定义组织结构的这些列表转换为详细的图表,Visio 2010包括用于导入Excel电子表格的加载项,该插件可方便地从电子表格中提取数据以创建组织结构图。

Importantly, you don’t need to indulge yourself in maze of defining organizational hierarchies and chalking-out structure, as you just need to specify the column & row headers, along with data you need to import and it will automatically create out chart defining; organizational hierarchies with specified credentials of each employee, categorized in their corresponding departments.

重要的是,您无需沉迷于定义组织层次结构和粉刷结构的迷宫,因为您只需要指定列和行标题以及需要导入的数据,它将自动创建图表定义; 具有每个雇员的指定凭据的组织层次结构,在各自的部门中进行了分类。

Creating Organization Charts in Visio 2010

在Visio 2010中创建组织结构图

To start off with, we have created an Excel spreadsheet having fields, Name, Supervisor, Designation, Department and Phone. The Name field contains name of all the employees working in different departments, whereas Supervisor field contains name of supervisors or team leads. This field is vital for creating Organization Chart, as it defines the basic structure & hierarchy in chart.

首先,我们创建了一个Excel电子表格,其中包含字段Name,Supervisor,Designation,Department和Phone 。 “ 名称”字段包含在不同部门工作的所有雇员的姓名,而“ 主管”字段包含主管或团队负责人的姓名。 该字段对于创建组织结构图至关重要,因为它定义了图表中的基本结构和层次结构。

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Now launch Visio 2010, head over to View tab, under Add-Ons menu, from Business options, click Organization Chart Wizard.

现在启动Visio 2010,转到“视图”选项卡,在“附加组件”菜单下,从“业务”选项中,单击“组织结构图向导”。

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This will start Organization Chart Wizard, in the first step, enable Information that’s already stored in a file or database option, and click Next.


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As we are importing Excel sheet, select the second option for importing Excel spreadsheet.


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Specify the Excel file path and click Next to continue.


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In this step, you need to specify the fields which actually defines the structure of an organization. In our case, these are Name & Supervisor fields. After specifying fields, click Next to Proceed further.

在此步骤中,您需要指定实际定义组织结构的字段。 在我们的例子中,这些是“ 名称主管”字段。 指定字段后,单击“下一步”。

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As organization chart is primarily for showing the hierarchy of departments/employees working in organization along with how they are linked together, and who supervises whom. Considering this, in this step we will leave out Supervisor field, because it’s inclusion wouldn’t be necessary as Visio automatically chalks-out the basic structure defined in Excel sheet. Add the rest of the fields under Displayed fields category, and click Next.

因为组织结构图主要用于显示组织中工作的部门/员工的层次结构,以及它们如何链接在一起以及由谁来监督谁。 考虑到这一点,在这一步中,我们将忽略Supervisor字段,因为Visio会自动绘制Excel工作表中定义的基本结构,因此不需要包含Supervisor字段。 在“ 显示的字段”类别下添加其余字段 ,然后单击“下一步”。

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Now choose the fields which you want to include in Organization Chart’s shapes and click Next.


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This step is about breaking the chart into multiple pages, if you are dealing with 100+ employees, you may want to specify numbers of pages on which Organization Chart will be displayed. But in our case, we are dealing with much less amount of data, so we will enable I want the wizard to automatically break my organization chart across pages option. Specify the name you need to show on the top of the page. If you are having less than 20 hierarchies, enter the name of the highest ranked employee in organization and click Finish to end the wizard.

此步骤是关于将图表分为多个页面,如果您要与100多名员工打交道,则可能需要指定要在其上显示组织结构图的页面数。 但是在我们的情况下,我们处理的数据量要少得多,因此我们将使我希望向导自动跨页拆分组织结构图选项。 指定您需要在页面顶部显示的名称。 如果您的层次结构少于20个,请输入组织中排名最高的员工的姓名,然后单击“完成”以结束向导。

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It will instantly create an Organization chart out of specified Excel spreadsheet. Highest ranked employee will be shown on top of the organization chart, supervising various employees from different departments. As shown below, his immediate subordinates further manages other employees and so on.

它将立即从指定的Excel电子表格中创建组织结构图。 排名最高的员工将显示在组织结构图的顶部,监督来自不同部门的各种员工。 如下所示,他的直属下属进一步管理其他员工,依此类推。

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For advance customizations, head over to Org Chart tab, here you will find different groups for setting up the Org Chart’s hierarchy and manage other employees’ positions. Under Arrange group, shapes’ arrangements can be changed and it provides easy navigation through the chart. You can also change the type of the position and hide subordinates of selected employee.

要进行高级自定义,请转到组织结构图选项卡,您将在此处找到用于设置组织结构图的层次结构和管理其他员工职位的不同组。 在“ 排列”组下,可以更改形状的排列,并且可以轻松浏览图表。 您还可以更改职位类型并隐藏所选员工的下属。

From Picture group, you can insert a picture of the employees, departments, etc. From synchronization group, you have the option of creating a synced copy and expanding subordinates of selected employee. Under Organization Data group, you can change whole layout of Organization chart from Display Options including; shape display, show divider, enable/disable imported fields, change block position, and fill colors, etc.

在“ 图片”组中,您可以插入员工,部门等的图片。在“同步”组中,您可以选择创建同步副本并展开所选员工的下属。 在“组织数据”组下,可以从“ 显示选项”更改“组织结构图”的整体布局,包括: 形状显示,显示分隔线,启用/禁用导入字段,更改块位置以及填充颜色等。

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If at any point of time, you need to insert new position or announce vacancy, Organization Chart stencil is always available on the left sidebar. Drag the desired Organization Chart shape into main diagram page, to maintain the structure integrity, i.e, for inserting subordinates for a specific employee, drag the position shape over the existing employee shape box.

如果在任何时间需要插入新职位或宣布空缺,则组织结构图模具始终位于左侧边栏中。 将所需的组织结构图形状拖到主图页面中,以保持结构的完整性,即,要为特定员工插入下属,请将职位形状拖到现有员工形状框上。

For instance, We have added a consultant in organization, who is directly under CEO, for maintaining this, we have dragged the Consultant box and just dropped it over the CEO box to make the immediate subordinate position.

例如,我们在组织中添加了一个直接位于CEO之下的顾问,为了保持这一状态,我们将“ 顾问”框拖放到CEO框上方以取得直接的下属职位。

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Adding details to new position is a cinch, just right-click new position box and click Properties.


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This will open up Shape Data dialog, start filling in all the relevant information and click OK.


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Here you can see the newly created position is easily populated with all the specified information. Now expanding an Organization Chart doesn’t require maintenance of long lists any more. Under Design tab, you can also try out different designs & layouts over organization chart to make it look more flamboyant and professional.

在这里您可以看到新创建的位置很容易填充所有指定的信息。 现在,扩展组织结构图不再需要维护长列表。 在“设计”选项卡下,您还可以在组织结构图上尝试不同的设计和布局,以使其看起来更加华丽和专业。

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An Organization Chart is a great way of showing detailed organizational hierarchies; with defined credentials of employees, departments structure, new vacancies, newly hired employees, recently added departments, and importantly shows most convenient way of interaction between different departments & employees, etc.

组织结构图是显示详细的组织层次结构的好方法; 具有定义的雇员凭证,部门结构,新职位空缺,新雇用的雇员,最近添加的部门,并且重要地显示了不同部门与雇员之间最便捷的交互方式等。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/19472/build-organization-chart-in-visio-2010/
