

yamdi等视频加帧软件将视频加帧生成metadata信息,里面记录着每一帧对应的文件的以字节为单位的偏移量(offset),播放器获取metadata信息,如果用户拖动了视频的播放进度条,播放器会根据所在帧生成一个url请求,这个请求中包含start=XXX,这个XXX就是这个偏移量,服务器接受到这个请求会从用户指定的偏移量开始读取视频文件,并在前面加上"FLV\x1\x1\0\0\0\x9\0\0\0\x9" 13个字节的一个标记,这样用户在得到服务器的返回值之后能正确的播放视频,完成拖动。

lighttpd 处理视频文件的核心文件是mod_flv_streaming.c

1. URIHANDLER_FUNC(mod_flv_streaming_path_handler) { 
2.     plugin_data *p = p_d; 
3. int
4. size_t
6.     UNUSED(srv); 
8. if (con->mode != DIRECT) return
10. if (buffer_is_empty(con->physical.path)) return
12.     mod_flv_streaming_patch_connection(srv, con, p); 
14.     s_len = con->physical.path->used - 1; 
16. for
17.         data_string *ds = (data_string *)p->conf.extensions->data[k]; 
18. int
20. if (ct_len > s_len) continue; 
21. if (ds->value->used == 0) continue; 
23. if
24.             data_string *get_param; 
25.             stat_cache_entry *sce = NULL; 
26.             buffer *b; 
27. int
28. char
29. /* if there is a start=[0-9]+ in the header use it as start,
30.              * otherwise send the full file */
32.             array_reset(p->get_params); 
33.             buffer_copy_string_buffer(p->query_str, con->uri.query); 
34.             split_get_params(p->get_params, p->query_str); 
36. if (NULL == (get_param = (data_string *)array_get_element(p->get_params, "start"))) { 
37. return
38.             } 
40. /* too short */
41. if (get_param->value->used < 2) return
43. /* check if it is a number */
44.             start = strtol(get_param->value->ptr, &err, 10); 
45. if (*err != '\0') { 
46. return
47.             } 
49. if (start <= 0) return
51. /* check if start is > filesize */
52. if
53. return
54.             } 
56. if
57. return
58.             } 
60. /* we are safe now, let's build a flv header */
61.             b = chunkqueue_get_append_buffer(con->write_queue); 
62. "FLV\x1\x1\0\0\0\x9\0\0\0\x9")); 
64.             http_chunk_append_file(srv, con, con->physical.path, start, sce->st.st_size - start); 
66. "Content-Type"), CONST_STR_LEN("video/x-flv")); 
68.             con->file_finished = 1; 
70. return
71.         } 
72.     } 
74. /* not found */
75. return
76. }

上面是lighttpd处理视频拖动的函数,首先lighttpd获取start的数值,然后发送13个字节的"FLV\x1\x1\0\0\0\x9\0\0\0\x9",然后seek到指定帧的开始处读取文件,生成正确的返回头部content length信息。

回头来看squid,如果要让squid能实现视频的拖动,同样的我们也要完成这项工作,首先我们要让squid能识别用户的包含url中包含的start信息,然后同样的读取指定offset的缓存文件信息,并且加上"FLV\x1\x1\0\0\0\x9\0\0\0\x9"的公共信息,再生成正确的content length信息。但是毕竟squid和lighttpd是不相同的,lighttpd读取的文件都是本地磁盘上的,如果squid本地磁盘上有缓存的话,情况是相似的,但在cache miss的情况下,如何让用户获得更好的体验就不尽相同了,而且squid 要保证对于同一个视频文件磁盘上只出现一个缓存文件,而且这个文件必须是完整的视频文件,不是从某个帧开始的文件。



android视频可拖动 视频怎么拖动_sed


storeurl rewrite的处理是肯定要有的,因为同一个视频文件因为start值的不同还有一些其他的因素导致url是不相同的,这样请求同一个文件的url也不尽相同,所以我使用了jesred做storeurl rewrite,但是这就会出现一个问题,在cache miss的情况下,一个start不等于0的url请求会记录到磁盘上,但这并不是我们想要的。所以解决方法我想到两个,一个是使用url rewrite (注意这不是storeurl rewrite),将所有start不等于0的url改写成start等于0,这样缓存的肯定是完整的视频文件,但是这会出现一个问题,当服务器端squid并没有将完整的视频抓取到本地的时候,你是不能拖动视频的;所以我想到了另一个办法,当请求的url是miss的时候而且start不等于0的情况下,这个请求不缓存,这样用户在观看视频的时候即使squid的缓存中没有这个文件,他依然可以拖动,但这会牺牲一部分的带宽,当squid将视频抓取到本地之后就是cache hit了,视频访问就会开始快起来。


1. --- src/client_side.c   2010-02-14 08:46:25.000000000 +0800 
2. +++ src/client_side.c   2013-01-15 17:58:18.000000000 +0800 
3. @@ -106,7 +106,11 @@ 
4.  #define FAILURE_MODE_TIME 300
6. /* Local functions */
7. - 
8. +static int url_get_start(char *,const char
9. +static int url_get_startvalue(char *, const char *, int, int); 
10. +static int firstBodyresponse(log_type , squid_off_t ,size_t); 
11. +static int
12. static
13. static
14. static
15. @@ -168,6 +172,112 @@ 
16. static
17. static inline int
19. +static int
20. +url_get_startvalue(char *uri,const char *key,int end,int
21. + 
22. +   char
23. +   size_t
24. +   if(uri[end+1] != '='){ 
25. +       debug(33, 2) ("url_get_startvalue: it is invalid\n"); 
26. +       return
27. +   } 
28. +   else{ 
29. +       offset = (size_t)strtol(uri+end+2,&tmp,10); 
30. +       debug(33, 1) ("url_get_startvalue: start value is %d\n",(int)offset); 
31. +       return
32. +   } 
33. +} 
34. + 
35. +static int
36. +url_get_start(char *url, const char
37. + 
38. +        int
39. +        size_t
40. +       int
41. +        int
42. +        int
43. +        int
44. +        LOCAL_ARRAY(char, uri, 2048); 
45. +        strcpy(uri,url); 
46. +        LOCAL_ARRAY(char, keyword, 40); 
47. +        strcpy(keyword,key); 
48. + 
49. +        while
50. +           if
51. +               if(b==keylen-1){ 
52. +                   debug(33, 2) ("url_get_start: find start,it starts at %d bit of url\n",a-3); 
53. +                   find=1; 
54. +                   offset=url_get_startvalue(uri,key,a,urlen); 
55. +                   return
56. +                   break; 
57. +               } 
58. +               else{ 
59. +                   a++; 
60. +                   b++; 
61. +               } 
62. +           } 
63. +           else{ 
64. +               a++; 
65. +               b=0;//start a new check
66. +           } 
67. +        } 
68. +        if(find==0){ 
69. +           debug(33, 2) ("there is no \"start\"\n"); 
70. +           return
71. +        } 
72. +        else
73. +           return
74. +        } 
75. +} 
76. + 
77. +static int
78. +firstBodyresponse(log_type log_type, squid_off_t firstresponse,size_t
79. +{ 
80. +   if(isTcpMiss(log_type)){ 
81. +       if(firstresponse < 1000){ //1000 is my experience number haha
82. +               return
83. +           }else
84. +               return
85. +           } 
86. +   }else if(isTcpHit(log_type)){ 
87. +       if(size != 13 && (firstresponse < 4096)){  
88. +               return
89. +           }else
90. +               return
91. +           } 
92. +   }else
93. +       return
94. +} 
95. + 
96. +static int
97. +isTcpMiss(log_type code) 
98. +{ 
99. +    /* this should be a bitmap for better optimization */
100. +    if
101. +   return
102. +    if
103. +   return
104. +    if
105. +   return
106. +    if
107. +   return
108. +    if
109. +   return
110. +    return
111. +} 
112. + 
113. /* Temporary here while restructuring stuff */
114. static void
115. void *data, char
116. @@ -410,7 +520,7 @@ 
117.  } 
119. static
120. -clientCreateStoreEntry(clientHttpRequest * h, method_t m, request_flags flags) 
121. +clientCreateStoreEntry(clientHttpRequest * h, method_t m, request_flags flags)//reading from remote disk's drag
122.  { 
123.      StoreEntry *e; 
124. /*
125. @@ -428,6 +538,7 @@
126.     delaySetStoreClient(h->sc, delayClient(h));
127.  #endif
128.      storeClientCopyHeaders(h->sc, e, clientSendHeaders, h);
129. +    e->flvstart = h->flvstart;
130.      return e;
131.  }
133. @@ -1215,7 +1326,7 @@
134.         MemBuf mb;
135.         memBufDefInit(&mb);
136.         packerToMemInit(&p, &mb);
137. -       httpHeaderPackInto(&request->header, &p);
138. +       httpHeaderPackInto(&request->header, &p,0);
139.         http->al.headers.request = xstrdup(mb.buf);
140.         packerClean(&p);
141.         memBufClean(&mb);
142. @@ -2089,7 +2200,7 @@
143.     MemBuf mb;
144.     memBufDefInit(&mb);
145.     packerToMemInit(&p, &mb);
146. -   httpHeaderPackInto(&request->header, &p);
147. +   httpHeaderPackInto(&request->header, &p,0);
148.     al.headers.request = xstrdup(mb.buf);
149.     packerClean(&p);
150.     memBufClean(&mb);
151. @@ -2522,7 +2633,7 @@
152.     httpHeaderPutStr(&hdr, HDR_CONTENT_TYPE, httpHeaderGetStr(&rep->header, HDR_CONTENT_TYPE));
153.      httpHeaderAddContRange(&hdr, *spec, rep->content_length);
154.      packerToMemInit(&p, mb);
155. -    httpHeaderPackInto(&hdr, &p);
156. +    httpHeaderPackInto(&hdr, &p,0);
157.      packerClean(&p);
158.      httpHeaderClean(&hdr);
160. @@ -3030,11 +3141,11 @@
161.     if (http->conn->port->http11) {
162.         /* enforce 1.1 reply version */
163.         httpBuildVersion(&rep->sline.version, 1, 1); 
164. /* enforce 1.0 reply version */
165.         httpBuildVersion(&rep->sline.version, 1, 0); 
166. -   } 
167. -   mb = httpReplyPack(rep); 
168. +      } 
169. +      mb = httpReplyPack(rep,http->flvstart); 
170. else
171. "HTTP/0.9 response, disable everything\n"); 
172.     http->request->flags.chunked_response = 0; 
173. @@ -3083,6 +3194,7 @@ 
174.      clientHttpRequest *http = data; 
175.      StoreEntry *entry = http->entry; 
176.      ConnStateData *conn = http->conn; 
177. +    squid_off_t temp = 0; 
178. int
179.      MemBuf mb; 
180. "clientSendMoreData: %s, %d bytes\n", http->uri, (int) size); 
181. @@ -3111,8 +3223,25 @@ 
182.      } 
183. if
184. /* Avoid copying to MemBuf for non-range requests */
185. +    temp = http->out.offset; 
186.     http->out.offset += size; 
187. -   comm_write(fd, buf, size, clientWriteBodyComplete, http, NULL); 
188. +   if
189. +       debug(33, 1) ("clientSendMoreData: http.out.offset is %d, size is %d, temp is %d\n",(int)http->out.offset,(int)size,(int)temp); 
190. +       debug(33, 1) ("clientSendMoreData: first response body is change to correct offset\n"); 
191. +       debug(33, 1) ("clientSendMoreData: %s\n",buf); 
192. +       if (http->flvstart == 9){//this clause is to judge the different start value
193. +           size = size - 9; 
194. +           comm_write(fd, buf+9, size, clientWriteBodyComplete, http, NULL); 
195. +       }else{ 
196. +           size = size - 13; 
197. +           comm_write(fd, buf+13, size, clientWriteBodyComplete, http, NULL); 
198. +       } 
199. +   } 
200. +   else{ 
201. +       //debug(33, 1) ("clientSendMoreData: %s\n",buf);
202. +       comm_write(fd, buf, size, clientWriteBodyComplete, http, NULL); 
203. +   } 
204. /* NULL because clientWriteBodyComplete frees it */
205. return; 
206.      } 
207. @@ -3165,13 +3294,24 @@ 
208.   * the headers probably go through here. 
209.   */ 
210. static void
211.  { 
212. /*
213.       * NOTE: clientWriteComplete doesn't currently use its "buf"
214.       * (second) argument, so we pass in NULL.
215.       */
216. +   clientHttpRequest *http = data; 
217. +   squid_off_t temp = http->out.offset - size; 
218. +   if
219. +   debug(33, 1) ("clientWriteBodyComplete: http->out.offset is %d, temp is %d, size is %d\n",(int)http->out.offset,(int)temp, (int)size); 
220. +   if
221. +   memFree(buf-9, MEM_STORE_CLIENT_BUF); 
222. +   else
223. +   memFree(buf-13, MEM_STORE_CLIENT_BUF); 
224. +   } 
225. +   else
226.      memFree(buf, MEM_STORE_CLIENT_BUF); 
227.      clientWriteComplete(fd, NULL, size, errflag, data); 
228.  } 
230. @@ -3233,6 +3373,7 @@ 
231.      StoreEntry *entry = http->entry; 
232. int
233.      http->out.size += size; 
234. +    squid_off_t firstresponse = http->out.size; 
235. "clientWriteComplete: FD %d, sz %d, err %d, off %" PRINTF_OFF_T ", len %" PRINTF_OFF_T "\n", 
236. int) size, errflag, http->out.offset, entry ? objectLen(entry) : (squid_off_t) 0); 
237. if
238. @@ -3303,6 +3444,17 @@ 
239. else if
240. /* 4096 is a margin for the HTTP headers included in out.offset */
241.     comm_close(fd); 
242. +    } else if
243. +       debug(33, 1) ("clientWriteComplete:  firstresponse is %d, size is %d\n",(int)firstresponse,(int)size); 
244. +       int response_prefix_len = 13 //13 is the string len of  "FLV\x1\x1\0\0\0\x9\0\0\0\x9"
245. +       LOCAL_ARRAY(char, response_prefix, 2048); 
246. +       memset(response_prefix,0,response_prefix_len); 
247. +       xmemcpy(response_prefix,"FLV\x1\x1\0\0\0\x9\0\0\0\x9",13); 
248. +       comm_write(fd, response_prefix, response_prefix_len, clientWriteComplete, http, NULL); 
249. else
250. /* More data will be coming from primary server; register with 
251.      * storage manager. */
252. @@ -3870,6 +4022,8 @@ 
253. goto
254.     } 
255.      } 
256. +    http->flvstart = url_get_start(url,"start");  /*get the start value, shunter add this*/
257. +    http->flvstart = http->flvstart ? http->flvstart : 9;//13 is the length of  "FLV\x1\x1\0\0\0\x9\0\0\0\x9";9=13-4
258. if
259. /* No special rewrites have been applied above, use the
260.      * requested url. may be rewritten later, so make extra room */
261. @@ -4834,7 +4988,8 @@ 
262.       * objectLen(entry) will be set proprely. 
263.       */ 
264. if
265. -   if
266. +    if (http->out.offset + http->flvstart >= objectLen(entry))//modified by shunter
267. return
268. else
269. return
270. @@ -5204,3 +5359,6 @@ 
271.      } 
272.  } 
273.  #endif
274. + 
275. + 
276. + 
277. --- src/ssl.c   2008-05-05 07:23:13.000000000 +0800 
278. +++ src/ssl.c   2012-12-27 18:25:09.000000000 +0800 
279. @@ -600,7 +600,7 @@ 
280.     &hdr_out, 
281. /* flags */
282.      packerToMemInit(&p, &mb); 
283. -    httpHeaderPackInto(&hdr_out, &p); 
284. +    httpHeaderPackInto(&hdr_out, &p,0); 
285.      httpHeaderClean(&hdr_out); 
286.      packerClean(&p); 
287. "\r\n", 2); 
288. --- src/HttpReply.c 2008-01-23 23:31:51.000000000 +0800 
289. +++ src/HttpReply.c 2012-12-29 17:15:47.000000000 +0800 
290. @@ -140,19 +140,24 @@ 
291. return
292.  } 
294. + 
295. void
296. -httpReplyPackInto(const
297. +httpReplyPackInto(const HttpReply * rep, Packer * p,size_t
298.  { 
299.      assert(rep); 
300.      httpStatusLinePackInto(&rep->sline, p); 
301. -    httpHeaderPackInto(&rep->header, p); 
302. +    httpHeaderPackInto(&rep->header, p,flvstart); 
303. "\r\n", 2); 
304.      httpBodyPackInto(&rep->body, p); 
305.  } 
306. - 
307.  MemBuf 
308. -httpReplyPack(const
309. +httpReplyPack(const HttpReply * rep,size_t flvstart)//shunter
310.  { 
311.      MemBuf mb; 
312.      Packer p; 
313. @@ -160,7 +165,7 @@ 
315.      memBufDefInit(&mb); 
316.      packerToMemInit(&p, &mb); 
317. -    httpReplyPackInto(rep, &p); 
318. +    httpReplyPackInto(rep, &p,flvstart); 
319.      packerClean(&p); 
320. return
321.  } 
322. @@ -181,7 +186,7 @@ 
323.     rep = e->mem_obj->reply; 
324.      } 
325.      packerToStoreInit(&p, e); 
326. -    httpReplyPackInto(e->mem_obj->reply, &p); 
327. +    httpReplyPackInto(e->mem_obj->reply, &p,0);//shunter
328.      packerClean(&p); 
329.      rep->hdr_sz = e->mem_obj->inmem_hi - rep->body.mb.size; 
330.  } 
331. @@ -216,7 +221,7 @@ 
332. "HTTP/1.%d 304 Not Modified\r\n", http11); 
333. for
334. if
335. -       httpHeaderEntryPackInto(e, &p); 
336. +       httpHeaderEntryPackInto(e, &p,0);//shunter
337. "\r\n", 2); 
338.      packerClean(&p); 
339. return
340. --- src/HttpHeader.c    2008-09-25 10:33:37.000000000 +0800 
341. +++ src/HttpHeader.c    2013-01-15 10:28:03.000000000 +0800 
342. @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ 
343. ":"
344.   * field-name     = token 
345.   * field-value    = *( field-content | LWS ) 
346. - *  
347. + * + 
348.   * HTTP/1.1 does not give a name name a group of all message-headers in a message. 
349. "headers". 
350.   *  
351. @@ -572,9 +572,10 @@ 
352. return 1;          /* even if no fields where found, it is a valid header */
353.  } 
355. -/* packs all the entries using supplied packer */
356. + 
357. + 
358. void
359. -httpHeaderPackInto(const
360. +httpHeaderPackInto(const HttpHeader * hdr, Packer * p,size_t
361.  { 
362.      HttpHeaderPos pos = HttpHeaderInitPos; 
363. const
364. @@ -582,7 +583,7 @@ 
365. "packing hdr: (%p)\n", hdr); 
366. /* pack all entries one by one */
367. while
368. -   httpHeaderEntryPackInto(e, p); 
369. +   httpHeaderEntryPackInto(e, p,flvstart);//shunter
370.  } 
372. /* returns next valid entry */
373. @@ -597,7 +598,6 @@ 
374.      } 
375. return
376.  } 
377. - 
378. /*
379.   * returns a pointer to a specified entry if any 
380.   * note that we return one entry so it does not make much sense to ask for
381. @@ -1331,12 +1331,19 @@
382.      httpHeaderAddEntry(hdr, httpHeaderEntryClone(e));
383.  }
385. +
386.  void
387. -httpHeaderEntryPackInto(const HttpHeaderEntry * e, Packer * p)
388. +httpHeaderEntryPackInto(const HttpHeaderEntry * e, Packer * p,size_t flvstart)
389.  {
390. -    assert(e && p);
391. +    char *tmp;
392. +   assert(e && p);
393.      packerAppend(p, strBuf(e->name), strLen(e->name));
394.      packerAppend(p, ": ", 2);
395. +    if(strcmp(e->name.buf,"Content-Length") == 0){
396. +       size_t length=(size_t)strtol(e->value.buf,&tmp,10)-flvstart;
397. +       snprintf(e->value.buf,20,"%ld",length);
398. +    }
399.      packerAppend(p, strBuf(e->value), strLen(e->value));
400.      packerAppend(p, "\r\n", 2);
401.  }
402. --- src/protos.h    2010-03-08 00:00:07.000000000 +0800
403. +++ src/protos.h    2012-12-27 18:23:52.000000000 +0800
404. @@ -448,7 +448,7 @@
405.  extern void httpHeaderUpdate(HttpHeader * old, const HttpHeader * fresh, const HttpHeaderMask * denied_mask);
406.  /* parse/pack */
407. extern int httpHeaderParse(HttpHeader * hdr, const char *header_start, const char
408. -extern void httpHeaderPackInto(const
409. +extern void httpHeaderPackInto(const HttpHeader * hdr, Packer * p,size_t
410. /* field manipulation */
411. extern int httpHeaderHas(const
412. extern void httpHeaderPutInt(HttpHeader * hdr, http_hdr_type type, int
413. @@ -486,7 +486,7 @@ 
414. extern void
415. extern void httpHeaderInsertEntry(HttpHeader * hdr, HttpHeaderEntry * e, int
416. extern HttpHeaderEntry *httpHeaderEntryClone(const
417. -extern void httpHeaderEntryPackInto(const
418. +extern void httpHeaderEntryPackInto(const HttpHeaderEntry * e, Packer * p,size_t
419. /* store report about current header usage and other stats */
420. extern void
421. extern void
422. @@ -504,10 +504,10 @@ 
423. extern void
424. /* parse returns -1,0,+1 on error,need-more-data,success */
425. extern int httpReplyParse(HttpReply * rep, const char *buf, size_t); 
426. -extern void httpReplyPackInto(const
427. +extern void httpReplyPackInto(const HttpReply * rep, Packer * p,size_t
428. /* ez-routines */
429. /* mem-pack: returns a ready to use mem buffer with a packed reply */
430. -extern MemBuf httpReplyPack(const
431. +extern MemBuf httpReplyPack(const HttpReply * rep,size_t
432. /* swap: create swap-based packer, pack, destroy packer and absorbs the reply if not the same as the object reply */
433. extern void
434. /* set commonly used info with one call */
435. --- src/store.c 2010-02-14 08:45:52.000000000 +0800 
436. +++ src/store.c 2013-01-15 17:17:31.000000000 +0800 
437. @@ -1233,7 +1233,10 @@ 
438.     store_check_cachable_hist.no.non_get++; 
439. else
440.  #endif
441. -    if
442. +    if (e->flvstart != 9){//shunter
443. +       debug(20, 1) ("storeCheckCachable: start value is not 0,so squid neednot to create entry on disk\n"); 
444. +    } else if
445. "storeCheckCachable: NO: wrong content-length\n"); 
446.     store_check_cachable_hist.no.wrong_content_length++; 
447. else if
448. --- src/store_client.c  2009-09-17 04:55:26.000000000 +0800 
449. +++ src/store_client.c  2013-01-05 15:24:39.000000000 +0800 
450. @@ -180,6 +180,7 @@ 
452.      assert(sc == storeClientListSearch(e->mem_obj, data)); 
453.  #endif
454. +    clientHttpRequest *http = data;/*added by shunter*/
455.      assert(sc->callback == NULL); 
456.      assert(sc->entry == e); 
457.      sc->seen_offset = seen_offset; 
458. @@ -189,6 +190,7 @@ 
459.      sc->copy_buf = buf; 
460.      sc->copy_size = size; 
461.      sc->copy_offset = copy_offset; 
462. +    sc->flvstart = http->flvstart;/*added by shunter*/
463. /* If the read is being deferred, run swapout in case this client has the 
464.       * lowest seen_offset. storeSwapOut() frees the memory and clears the 
465.       * ENTRY_DEFER_READ bit if necessary */
466. @@ -347,7 +349,8 @@ 
467.     storeRead(sc->swapin_sio, 
468.         sc->copy_buf, 
469.         sc->copy_size, 
470. -       sc->copy_offset + mem->swap_hdr_sz, 
471. +       sc->copy_offset + mem->swap_hdr_sz + sc->flvstart,/*added by shunter*/
472.         storeClientReadBody, 
473.         sc); 
474.      } 
475. --- src/HttpRequest.c   2009-08-17 05:43:51.000000000 +0800 
476. +++ src/HttpRequest.c   2012-12-27 18:24:37.000000000 +0800 
477. @@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ 
478. "%s %s HTTP/%d.%d\r\n", 
479.     RequestMethods[req->method].str, strBuf(req->urlpath), req->http_ver.major, req->http_ver.minor); 
480. /* headers */
481. -    httpHeaderPackInto(&req->header, p); 
482. +    httpHeaderPackInto(&req->header, p,0); 
483. /* trailer */
484. "\r\n", 2); 
485.  } 
486. @@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ 
487. "%s %s HTTP/%d.%d\r\n", 
488.     RequestMethods[req->method].str, urlCanonical(req), req->http_ver.major, req->http_ver.minor); 
489. /* headers */
490. -    httpHeaderPackInto(&req->header, p); 
491. +    httpHeaderPackInto(&req->header, p,0); 
492. /* trailer */
493. "\r\n", 2); 
494.  } 
495. --- src/http.c  2009-06-26 06:54:13.000000000 +0800 
496. +++ src/http.c  2012-12-27 18:22:58.000000000 +0800 
497. @@ -987,7 +987,7 @@ 
498.             httpBuildVersion(&reply->sline.version, 0, 9); 
499.             reply->sline.status = HTTP_OK; 
500.             httpHeaderPutTime(&reply->header, HDR_DATE, squid_curtime); 
501. -           mb = httpReplyPack(reply); 
502. +           mb = httpReplyPack(reply,0); 
503.             storeAppend(entry, mb.buf, mb.size); 
504.             storeAppend(entry, httpState->reply_hdr.buf, httpState->reply_hdr.size); 
505.             memBufClean(&httpState->reply_hdr); 
506. @@ -1411,7 +1411,7 @@ 
507. else
508.         request->flags.auth_sent = httpHeaderHas(&hdr, HDR_AUTHORIZATION); 
509.     packerToMemInit(&p, mb); 
510. -   httpHeaderPackInto(&hdr, &p); 
511. +   httpHeaderPackInto(&hdr, &p,0); 
512.     httpHeaderClean(&hdr); 
513.     packerClean(&p); 
514.      } 
515. --- src/structs.h   2008-09-25 10:33:37.000000000 +0800 
516. +++ src/structs.h   2013-01-15 17:07:38.000000000 +0800 
517. @@ -1275,6 +1275,7 @@ 
518. /* Temporarily here for storeClientCopyHeaders */
519. /* Temporarily here for storeClientCopyHeaders */
520. int
521. +    size_t flvstart;   /*shunter add this to store the start value of url*/
522.  }; 
524. struct
525. @@ -1695,6 +1696,7 @@ 
527. void
528.  #endif
529. +    size_t flvstart; /*the flv start value added by shunter*/
530.  }; 
533. @@ -1794,6 +1796,7 @@ 
534.      ping_status_t ping_status:3; 
535.      store_status_t store_status:3; 
536.      swap_status_t swap_status:3; 
537. +    size_t flvstart;//shunter
538.  }; 
540. struct
541. --- src/comm.c  2008-06-28 04:56:56.000000000 +0800 
542. +++ src/comm.c  2013-01-11 17:03:17.000000000 +0800 
543. @@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ 
544.  } ConnectStateData; 
546. /* STATIC */
547. +static int isTcpMiss(log_type code);//shunter
548. static int commBind(int s, struct
549. static void commSetReuseAddr(int); 
550. static void commSetNoLinger(int); 
551. @@ -81,6 +82,23 @@ 
552. static
553. static
555. +static int
556. +isTcpMiss(log_type code) 
557. +{ 
558. +    /* this should be a bitmap for better optimization */
559. +    if
560. +   return
561. +    if
562. +   return
563. +    if
564. +   return
565. +    if
566. +   return
567. +    if
568. +   return
569. +    return
570. +} 
571. + 
572. static void
573. int fd, int
574.  { 
575. @@ -876,7 +894,7 @@ 
576.         need_read = 1; 
577. break; 
578. case
579. -       need_read = 1;  /* Not really I/O dependent, but this shuld get comm_select to wake up */
580. +       need_read = 1;  /* Not really I/O dependent, but this should get comm_select to wake up */
581.         need_write = 1; 
582. break; 
583.     }