在unity商店在哪 unity的商店_在unity商店在哪

unity spring

With springtime comes hopping rabbits, flowers blossoming, and fresh green leaves on the trees.  You can pretty much say the same about the Unity Asset Store this April: business is hopping, the catalog is blossoming, and many sellers find fresh green in their bank accounts!  (*ducks*).  We are nearing the 20K registered Asset Store user mark, have multiple top sellers now making nearly $1000/day, and a steady stream of new content keeps rolling in.  Here’s a selection of new, popular and exciting additions to the store..

随着春天的到来,兔子,花开,树上还有新鲜的绿叶。 关于今年四月的Unity Asset Store,您几乎可以说同样的话:生意兴隆,目录蓬勃发展,许多卖家在他们的银行帐户中发现了新鲜的绿色! (*鸭子*)。 我们已经接近2万注册的Asset Store用户标记,有多个畅销商品现在每天的收入接近$ 1000,并且源源不断的新内容不断涌入。这是商店的一些新的,受欢迎的和令人兴奋的新增内容。

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One of the most popular newcomers is NeoPax’s VIZIO, which has taken off like a rocket!  VIZIO is a node-based logic editor which will feel quite friendly to anyone who has ever used Virtools.  Their motto “Imagination + Create Art + Draw Blocks + Create the Game” pretty much sums up the workflow VIZIO brings to the Unity developer. VIZIO is the second node-based editor on the Asset Store, preceded by Hutong Games’ popular PlayMaker, another top-selling visual node-based-editor.

NeoPax的VIZIO是最受欢迎的新人之一 ,它像火箭一样起飞了! VIZIO是一个基于节点的逻辑编辑器,对于使用过Virtools的任何人都非常友好。 他们的座右铭“想象力+创建艺术+抽奖块+创建游戏”几乎总结了VIZIO带给Unity开发人员的工作流程。 VIZIO是Asset Store中第二个基于节点的编辑器, 紧随其后的是Hutong Games受欢迎的PlayMaker ,这是另一种最畅销的基于节点的可视化编辑器。

If the reactions on the forum and in-store reviews are any indicator, both editors appear to be quite successful already.  If you’re looking for an alternative to text-based scripting, check these two powerful new tools out!

如果对论坛和店内评论的React有任何迹象,那么两位编辑者似乎都已经非常成功。 如果您正在寻找替代基于文本的脚本的方法,请签出这两个功能强大的新工具!

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One of my personal new favorites this month is iGui by Avam Studios, the first true WYSIWYG gui editor on the Asset Store. With iGui, you create user interfaces the visual way– dragging and placing GUI elements from the iGui toolbar directly into the game window.  It features nested containers, various alignment settings, draggable windows, drop-down menus, buttons, ready-to-go mobile slider panels and much more.  When a user interacts with these elements, it calls events which you specify right in the inspector window. Truly fantastic for UI artists, iGui allows you to create great interfaces without ever having to touch the OnGUI event in code– and if you don’t know what OnGUI means, this is UI tool for you! Once you have it, you’ll never imagine UI design in Unity without it.  It’s completely compatible with UnityGUI skins, so you can easily customize the UI style as you please–  and don’t forget, we have a growing assortment of UnityGUI Skins on the Asset Store too!

我个人最喜欢的一个是Avam Studios的iGui ,这是Asset Store中第一个真正的所见即所得gui编辑器。 使用iGui,您可以直观地创建用户界面-将iGui工具栏中的GUI元素直接拖放到游戏窗口中。 它具有嵌套容器,各种对齐设置,可拖动窗口,下拉菜单,按钮,随时可用的移动滑块面板等功能。 当用户与这些元素进行交互时,它将调用您在检查器窗口中指定的事件。 对于UI美术师而言,iGui真是太棒了,它使您无需触摸代码中的OnGUI事件就可以创建出色的界面-如果您不了解OnGUI的含义,那么这就是您的UI工具! 一旦拥有了它,您将永远无法想象没有它的Unity设计。 它与UnityGUI外观完全兼容,因此您可以轻松自定义UI样式-并且不要忘记,我们在Asset Store上的UnityGUI 外观也越来越多!

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Edy's Vehicle Physics


Also on the incredibly-hot-asset-list is Edy’s Vehicle Physics, by the mysterious content provider known simply as Edy(tm).  Whoever he or she is, Edy has done a fine job creating a vehicle editing system with results which (according to some reviewers) surpass the driving experience in the GTA(tm) series. Quite a claim!  Personally I find it quite a lot of fun and relatively straightforward to create realistically behaved vehicles– from slow, lumbering, heavy school buses to slick, high performance sports cars.  Not only does it provide a great framework and editor for designing your vehicles, it also comes with four well-made prefab vehicles which you can adapt to your needs. Definitely one of the best vehicle editors on the Asset Store.  If you’re making a game with any kind of land vehicle, Edy’s Vehicle Physics is going to be a huge timesaver.

令人难以置信的热门资产清单上还有Edy的Vehicle Physics,它是由神秘的内容提供商(简称为Edy(tm))提供的。 无论他或她是谁,Edy在创建车辆编辑系统方面都做得很好,其结果(据某些评论家认为)超过了GTA(tm)系列的驾驶经验。 相当索赔! 我个人认为,从慢速,笨拙,沉重的校车到光滑的高性能跑车,创建逼真的车辆非常有趣并且相对简单。 它不仅为设计车辆提供了一个出色的框架和编辑器,还提供了四款精巧的预制车,您可以根据需要进行调整。 绝对是Asset Store上最好的车辆编辑之一。 如果您使用任何类型的陆地车辆进行游戏, Edy的《车辆物理》将节省大量时间。

Mixamo’s in-editor plugin continues to be a popular way for animating characters right inside Unity.  Simply drag your rigged character from the Hierarchy View right into the Mixamo plugin window, you might have to do a bit of bone retargeting with a few clicks (easy), and suddenly your character is tapped into terabytes of animation data on the Mixamo database!  With some adjustment to sliders, you can procedurally adapt the animation’s movement and cadence to suit your character, right in the Unity editor, whether it’s a lumbering, slow moving giant or a little mouse!

Mixamo的编辑器插件仍然是在Unity内部动画人物的一种流行方法。 只需将已绑定的角色从“层次结构视图”中直接拖到Mixamo插件窗口中,您可能只需单击几下即可进行一些骨骼重新定向(轻松),然后突然将您的角色挖掘到Mixamo数据库中的TB动画数据中! 通过对滑块进行一些调整,您可以在Unity编辑器中以程序方式调整动画的运动和节奏以适合您的角色,无论是笨拙,缓慢移动的巨型鼠标还是小老鼠!

Don’t forget– if you’re a modeler, artist, sound designer, scripter, or hardcore programmer, you can sell your content to nearly 20K registered Asset Store users.  Submit your masterpiece to the Unity Asset Store!

别忘了-如果您是建模者,艺术家,声音设计师,脚本作者或中坚程序员,则可以将内容出售给将近2万名Asset Asset Store注册用户。 将您的杰作提交到Unity Asset Store!

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2011/04/06/springtime-newcomers-to-the-unity-asset-store/

unity spring