r语言 安装程序包

(R language Installation)

Prior to the coding part, it is essential to install the necessary environment for the R language. So here is the process of installation of the R programming language on your system.

在编码部分之前,必须为R语言安装必要的环境。 因此,这是在系统上安装R编程语言的过程。

(R language Installation in Windows Systems)

You can download the Windows installer version of the R language. At present, the latest versions of the R language for Windows are of R-3.2.2 do both 32 bit and 64-bit versions. One of the advantages of installing this version is, it automatically saves the software in the local directory.

您可以下载R语言的Windows安装程序版本。 当前,用于Windows的R语言的最新版本是R-3.2.2,可同时执行32位和64位版本。 安装此版本的优点之一是,它会自动将软件保存在本地目录中。

The following are the main steps involved while installing the latest version of the R language.


Since the software can be easily pointed as it contains the extension file as(.exe) and that is usually named as " R-version-win.exe". After one finds this in the windows installer then you just need to ought to double click on it. And the next step includes running the installer by accepting all the default settings.

由于该软件包含扩展文件as(.exe),因此可以轻松地指向该软件,因此通常将其命名为“ R-version-win.exe” 。 在Windows安装程序中找到此文件后,您只需要双击它即可。 下一步包括接受所有默认设置来运行安装程序。

In case you have windows with 32 bit then it makes sure to install the 32-bit version. Or else it moves to the installation of a 64-bit version when it finds the version of the computer to be 64 bit.

如果您的Windows使用32位版本,则请确保安装32位版本。 否则,当它发现计算机的版本为64位时,便转而安装64位版本。

Once the installation completes then one will be able to find the icon in the directory structure in the form of "R\R3.2.2\bin\i386\Rgui.exe". Also, the icon of R-GUI can be directly spotted in the windows program files. Thus, the R-GUI is the required console for performing the programs in the R language.

安装完成后,便可以在目录结构中以“ R \ R3.2.2 \ bin \ i386 \ Rgui.exe”的形式找到该图标。 同样,可以在Windows程序文件中直接发现R-GUI的图标。 因此,R-GUI是执行R语言程序所必需的控制台。

(R language Installation in Linux Systems)

It is interesting to find that the R language has its advantages over the other various programming languages. The R language is also available in the form of Binary for several available versions of Linux. Coming to the installation of the Linux, the variation can be noticed and appreciated.

有趣的是,R语言比其他各种编程语言都有其优势。 对于几种可用的Linux版本,R语言也以Binary的形式提供。 即将安装Linux时,会注意到并赞赏这种变化。

Moving further, it is widely advised to note that there are various versions available for the different Linux versions. In case if you are in a rush to work on the R language console then you can easily opt the below way.

进一步地,广泛建议注意用于不同Linux版本的各种版本。 如果您急于在R语言控制台上工作,则可以轻松选择以下方式。

$ yum install R

In the above case, a command called yum is normally used to install the R. The above statement helps in installing the core functionality of the R, by embedding the required packages to make the console a user-friendly one. Once the installation is completed then it the time to launch the R prompt with the help of the following code:

在上述情况下, 通常使用名为yum的命令来安装R。 上面的声明通过嵌入所需的软件包使控制台成为用户友好的软件包,有助于安装R的核心功能。 安装完成后,就可以在以下代码的帮助下启动R提示符了:

$ R
    R version 3.2.0 (2015-04-16) -- "Full of  Ingredients"          
    Copyright (C) 2015 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
    Platform: x86_64-Redhat-Linux-gnu (64-bit)

R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.


You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.


Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details.

输入“ license() ”或“ licence() ”以获取分发详细信息。

R is a collaborative project with many contributors.


Type 'contributors()' for more information and

键入“ contributors() ”以获取更多信息和

'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications.

有关如何引用出版物中的R或R软件包的' citation() '。

Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or

对于某些演示,请键入“ demo() ”,对于在线帮助,请键入“ help() ”,或者

'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help.

' help.start() '为HTML浏览器界面提供帮助。

Type 'q()' to quit R.

输入' q() '退出R。

As stated earlier the installation of R will include all the required packages embedded in it but however, to improve the experience it is widely advised for the users to install many other packages available for performing a particular function.


Now, for example, the below command will help the user in installing the package called the plotrix package that is used in the case where the 3D charts are required.

现在,例如,下面的命令将帮助用户安装称为plotrix软件包的软件包 ,该软件包在需要3D图表的情况下使用。

> install.packages("plotrix")

Thus, in an above-mentioned way, one can easily install the R in their computer and eventually enjoy the benefits of the R programming language.


(R language Installation in Mac Systems)

Mac users can directly install the R from the official site. Here is one of the sites that provide the provision of downloading the R for mac version. And this is as follows:

Mac用户可以从官方站点直接安装R。 这是提供下载R for mac版本的站点之一。 如下所示:



The above site takes the user to the download page of the R. After getting into the site, then click on the option available for downloading the R which is labeled as "Download R".  Then after that select any of the mirror links for moving forward to the next phase of downloading process. Thereby the mac users find the option "Download R for (Mac) OS X". Once the users find the option under the files section then save it under the name of .pkg. Thus, the file saves with the given name. Now open the package and complete the setup process. Once the setup is completed with all the necessary permissions granted then finally the R gets installed in your system.

上述站点将用户带到R的下载页面。进入该站点后,然后单击可用于下载R的选项,该选项标记为“ Download R ”。 然后,选择任何镜像链接以前进到下载过程的下一个阶段。 因此,mac用户可以找到“ 下载R(用于Mac OS X) ”选项。 用户在文件部分下找到该选项后,将其保存为.pkg。 因此,文件以给定名称保存。 现在打开包装并完成设置过程。 完成设置并授予所有必要的权限后,R最终将安装在您的系统中。

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/r/installation-process-of-r-language.aspx

r语言 安装程序包