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The first phase of our plan to create a networking solution that allows Unity developers to build multiplayer games for any type of game with any number of players is coming to a game engine near you soon.

我们计划创建网络解决方案的第一阶段 ,使Unity开发人员可以为具有任意数量的玩家的任何类型的游戏构建多人游戏,即将到您附近的游戏引擎。

泰勒·拉格兰奇(Tyler LaGrange)和React Games的网络工程师马克·欧文(Mark Owen)自从在2014年游戏连接欧洲(Game Connection Europe)赢得社交游戏开发奖并吸引了独立发行商的资金以来,一直在即将推出的游戏《 超级地牢兄弟》中使用Unity Multiplayer(以前称为UNET)。 这是该工作室的首款多人游戏。 (Tyler LaGrange and Networking Engineer Mark Owen of React Games, have been using Unity Multiplayer (formerly known as UNET) in upcoming title Super Dungeon Bros since it won the Development Award for social games at Game Connection Europe 2014 and attracted funding from an independent publisher. It’s the studio’s first multiplayer game.)

Tyler and Mark highlight a number of advantages to using Unity Multiplayer. One big benefit for Super Dungeon Bros, which will target desktop platforms, Xbox, and PS4, is that the underlying engineering framework is cross platform compatible, so very little customization has been necessary.

泰勒和马克重点介绍了使用Unity Multiplayer的许多优点。 面向地下平台,Xbox和PS4的Super Dungeon Bros的一大优势在于,其基础工程框架与跨平台兼容,因此几乎不需要自定义。

“We didn’t have to change the network code at all to port it from PC to Xbox. It just worked..”

“我们完全不需要更改网络代码即可将其从PC移植到Xbox。 它只是工作。

Unity Multiplayer is flexible enough to suit a wide range of games with both a high level and a low level API. When the ReactGames team agreed to help out with a Unity Multiplayer demo for GDC 2015, they were able to get something up and running quickly just using the high level API and were impressed by how easy it was prototype and iterate.

Unity Multiplayer具有足够的灵活性,可以使用高级API和低级API来适应各种游戏。 当ReactGames团队同意为GDC 2015提供Unity Multiplayer演示的帮助时,他们仅使用高级API就能够快速启动并运行某些东西,并且对其原型和迭代的简易性印象深刻。

With their game now well into production, Mark splits his time roughly 50-50 between the high level and the low level API. In general, he’s a big fan of the amount of automation Unity Multiplayer makes possible. “It generates a lot of code, saving us a lot of time.”

现在,他们的游戏已全面投入生产,Mark在高级API和低级API之间的时间大约分配为50-50。 总的来说,他非常喜欢Unity Multiplayer可以实现的自动化程度。 “它生成了大量代码,为我们节省了很多时间。”

An innovative feature that Mark, who’s an experienced network engineer, highlights is the way that Unity Multiplayer combines a P2P and Client Server architecture into a hybrid where users can just switch between the two. It’s not something he’s come across before.

经验丰富的网络工程师Mark强调的一项创新功能是Unity Multiplayer将P2P和客户端服务器体系结构结合为混合体的方式,用户可以在两者之间进行切换。 这不是他以前遇到的东西。

unity pun多人联机 UI同步 unity多人联机游戏_游戏_02

Once Unity Multiplayer is released, Tyler feels sure that we’ll see a lot more multiplayer games being made with Unity. Indeed, with Unity Multiplayer following the usual Unity paradigm of allowing anyone with an engineering background to pick up the tool and start using it, he confidently predicts that Unity Multiplayer will help introduce networking to a number of people who haven’t tried it before.

发行Unity Multiplayer后,泰勒确信我们会看到用Unity制作的更多多人游戏。 的确,随着Unity Multiplayer遵循通常的Unity范式,即允许具有工程背景的任何人都可以使用该工具并开始使用它,他充满信心地预测Unity Multiplayer将帮助向以前从未尝试过的人们引入网络。

“No-one is saying that making a networked game is super easy, but if you do it in the right way, and start planning your networking implementation from the start, it doesn’t have to be a major pain.”


This is something the team have learnt the hard way as Super Dungeon Bos wasn’t originally conceived as a multiplayer game. However, Mark has found that Unity Multiplayer has actually catered well for that scenario, even though it’s not what he’d recommend doing.

由于超级地牢Bos最初并不是多人游戏,因此团队已经学会了这一艰难的方法。 但是,马克发现,即使不是他所建议的,Unity Multiplayer实际上也能很好地适应这种情况。

In developing Super Dungeon Bros, Tyler’s team have employed Mark as a fulltime networking engineer with three other members of the team helping out from time to time. Overall, Tyler estimates that adding the game’s networking is taking up between 10 and 20% of their engineering resources.

在开发《超级地牢兄弟》时,泰勒(Tyler)的团队聘用了马克(Mark)为专职网络工程师,团队中的其他三名成员则不时提供帮助。 总体而言,泰勒(Tyler)估计,添加游戏的网络占用了其工程资源的10%至20%。

If you are considering a multiplayer game, Tyler and Mark have some advice:


Best of luck, React Games!

祝您好运,React Games!

Hone your dungeon battling skills with the Dungeon Bros beta, or follow Dungeon Bros on Twitter for all the latest news.

使用Dungeon Bros beta改进您的Dungeon战斗技能,或者在Twitter上关注Dungeon Bros ,以获取所有最新消息。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2015/04/14/unity-networking-in-super-dungeon-bros/
