HarmonyOS NEXT 三星手机 镜像 三星手机镜像模式_机器学习

Samsung Galaxy smartphones typically have great cameras. Pro Mode lets you move beyond the simple “point and shoot” features by unlocking advanced adjustments like ISO and aperture settings, and letting you tweak just about every aspect of the photography experience. Here’s how to access and use it.

三星Galaxy智能手机通常具有出色的相机。 专业版模式通过解锁ISO和光圈设置等高级调整功能,让您超越简单的“即取即拍”功能,并且可以调整摄影体验的各个方面。 这是访问和使用它的方法。

(How to Access Pro Mode)

If you’re interested in checking out Pro Mode for yourself (or just following along), it’s pretty easy to get to.

如果您有兴趣亲自体验Pro Mode(或只是继续学习),那很容易上手。

Fire up the camera app on your Galaxy smartphone. Along the top of the viewfinder area, you’ll see several presets: Food, Panorama, Selective Focus, and more. Just slide over to the “Pro” preset—that’s all there is to it.

在您的Galaxy智能手机上启动相机应用。 在取景器区域的顶部,您将看到几个预设:食物,全景,选择性聚焦等。 只需滑到“ Pro”预设即可,仅此而已。

HarmonyOS NEXT 三星手机 镜像 三星手机镜像模式_人工智能_02

If you don’t see these settings along the top, you’re likely using a slightly older Galaxy phone. No worries—to find it on those phones, slide over to the leftmost panel in the viewfinder, and then click the “Pro” preset there.

如果您没有在顶部看到这些设置,则可能是您使用的是较旧的Galaxy手机。 不用担心,要在这些手机上找到它,请滑至取景器中最左侧的面板,然后单击那里的“ Pro”预设。

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Note: We’re using a Galaxy S9 for this tutorial, so things may be in a slightly different area compared to your phone.

注意:本教程使用的是Galaxy S9,因此与您的手机相比,事情可能会稍有不同。

(What You Can do With Pro Mode)

Much like with a DSLR camera, you can tweak settings that are important to you. If you’re already familiar with the settings found on these cameras, you’ll feel right at home in Pro Mode.

就像使用DSLR相机一样,您可以调整对您来说很重要的设置。 如果您已经熟悉这些相机上的设置,则可以在专业模式下感到宾至如归。

But if you’ve never messed with a DSLR camera before, Pro Mode can act as a great primer to get you ready for one—or even help you decide if that’s something you want try. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with being content to just use Auto mode (or some other preset) on your smartphone. That’s why they’re there!

但是,如果您以前从未接触过DSLR相机,那么Pro Mode可以充当入门入门,甚至可以帮助您决定是否要尝试这种方法。 满足于只在智能手机上使用自动模式(或其他一些预设)绝对没有错。 这就是为什么他们在那里!

But if you’re looking to get more out of your phone’s camera, Pro mode is absolutely the way to do it. Here’s a look at each button and what it does.

但是,如果您希望从手机的摄像头中获得更多收益,那么Pro模式绝对是实现此目的的方法。 这是每个按钮及其作用的说明。

HarmonyOS NEXT 三星手机 镜像 三星手机镜像模式_python_04

Note: Most of the items below have links to deeper descriptions of the feature as it relates to photography. If you’re interested in learning more about each setting and what it does in pictures, this additional reading will help with that.

注意:以下大多数项目都具有指向该功能的更详细描述的链接,因为该功能与摄影有关。 如果您想了解有关每种设置及其在图片中的功能的更多信息,那么本补充阅读将对此有所帮助。

  • ISO: ISO adjusts the light sensitivity of the image sensor. A lower setting makes it less sensitive to light, while a higher one will make it more sensitive. This controls how detailed or grainy an image ultimately is—the lower the ISO you can get away with in a given situation, the better. ISO : ISO调整图像传感器的感光度。 较低的设置会使它对光的敏感性降低,而较高的设置会使它对光的敏感性更高。 这样可以控制图像最终的详细程度或颗粒度-在给定的情况下可以降低的ISO越低越好。
  • Aperture: This changes the size of the hole in the lens that allows light in. It goes hand-in-hand with ISO, and is used to achieve the shallow depth of field you see in portrait photography. 光圈:这会更改允许光线进入的镜头Kong的大小。它与ISO齐头并进,用于获得您在人像摄影中看到的浅景深。
  • Filter: Preset filters, like on Instagram…but before you take the picture. 滤镜:预设滤镜,例如在Instagram上…但是在拍照之前。
  • Focus Mode: Auto Focus or Manual Focus. 聚焦模式:自动聚焦或手动聚焦。
  • White Balance: Allows you to adjust for the lighting in your situation. This is primarily controlled with presets, like Daylight, Cloudy, Florescent, and the like. 白平衡:允许您根据情况调整照明。 这主要是由预设控制的,例如日光,阴天,荧光等。
  • Exposure: In short, this settings controls how bright or dark your photo is. 曝光:简而言之,此设置可控制照片的亮度。

Below this row, there is a second row:


  • Settings: Access basic camera settings. 设置:访问相机的基本设置。
  • View Mode: Toggle full view mode, which uses the entire screen and overlays the controls. 查看模式:切换全视图模式,该模式使用整个屏幕并覆盖控件。
  • Flash: Turn the flash on or off, or to automatic. 闪光灯:打开或关闭闪光灯,或将其设为自动。
  • Metering: Measure the amount of light in the shot. There are three modes here: Spot, Center, and Center-weighted. 测光:测量镜头中的光量。 这里有三种模式:点测光,中央测光和中央重点测光。
  • AutoFocus Area: Tells the camera whether to focus on the entire shot, or just the center. 自动对焦区域:告诉相机是对焦于整个镜头还是仅对焦于中央。
  • Camera Select: Flips between the front- and rear-facing camera. 摄像头选择:在前后摄像头之间切换。

Here’s the best part: most of these settings have an Auto mode, so you only have to tweak the ones you care about. This means you can leave the White Balance on auto mode, which will pick the best setting for your current lighting, while manually tweaking the ISO and Aperture.

这是最好的部分:大多数设置都具有自动模式,因此您只需要调整您要关注的设置即可。 这意味着您可以将白平衡保持为自动模式,这将为您当前的照明选择最佳设置,同时手动调整ISO和Aperture。

So, while this is called “Pro” mode, it’s still a very beginner-friendly way to get more from your Galaxy phone’s camera. Leave the settings you don’t want to mess with on automatic, and just play with the settings that matter to you.

因此,尽管这被称为“专业”模式,它仍然是一种非常适合初学者的方法,可以从您的Galaxy手机的相机中获取更多信息。 自动保留您不想弄乱的设置,然后播放对您重要的设置。

As you get more comfortable with these settings and learn how they all work together, your photos will get better as a result. If you plan on working your way up to a DSLR, using Pro Mode is a great start—by the time you’ve mastered it, you’ll really be able to unlock the potential of a “real” camera.

当您对这些设置更加满意并了解它们如何协同工作时,您的照片将因此变得更好。 如果您打算逐步升级到数码单反相机,则使用专业模式是一个不错的开始-在您掌握了它之后,您才真正能够发掘“真实”相机的潜力。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/353266/what-is-pro-mode-in-the-samsung-galaxy-camera-and-what-can-you-do-with-it/