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Hosting a Zoom meeting with a large number of participants can be tough. Adding a co-host to your session allows you to share host privileges, letting them take some of the workload like managing participants and screen sharing. Here’s how it’s done.

与大量参与者主持一次Zoom会议可能很困难。 在会话中添加共同主持人可以共享主持人特权,让他们承担一些工作量,例如管理参与者和屏幕共享。 这是完成的过程。

(Enable the Co-Host Setting in Zoom)

Before you can add a co-host to a Zoom video conference, you’ll need to enable the setting. To do this, head over to the Zoom web portal, sign in to your Zoom account, and then select the “Settings” tab.

在将共同主持人添加到Zoom视频会议之前,您需要启用该设置。 为此,请转到Zoom网站门户 ,登录您的Zoom帐户,然后选择“设置”标签。

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You’ll now be in the Meeting tab of the Settings menu. Here, scroll down until you find the “Co-Host” option.

现在,您将进入“设置”菜单的“会议”选项卡。 在这里向下滚动,直到找到“ Co-Host”选项。

Zoom has a lot of options on this page, so it’s easy to overlook something. To make things easier, we’d recommend using the “Control+F” keyboard shortcut (Command+F for Mac) and typing “co-host” in the search box.

缩放在此页面上有很多选项 ,因此很容易忽略某些内容。 为了简化操作,我们建议您使用“ Control + F”键盘快捷键(对于Mac,则为Command + F),然后在搜索框中输入“ co-host”。

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Using the Search feature will bring you right where you need to be. Toggle on the slider next to the “Co-Host” option to enable Zoom’s co-host feature.

使用“搜索”功能可以将您带到需要的地方。 切换“共同主持人”选项旁边的滑块以启用Zoom的共同主持人功能。

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With this enabled, the host can now assign a co-host to a meeting. The co-host has the same in-meeting controls as the host. However, a co-host can’t start meetings scheduled by the host.

启用此功能后,主持人现在可以将共同主持人分配给会议。 共同主持人具有与主持人相同的会议中控件。 但是,共同主持人无法开始主持人安排的会议。

(Add a Co-Host in a Zoom Meeting)

To assign a participant as a co-host, you’ll first need to select the “Manage Participants” button at the bottom of the conference call window during a Zoom call.


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A list of participants will appear in the right-hand pane. Here, hover over the name of the participant you wish to make the co-host and select the “More” option.

参与者列表将出现在右侧窗格中。 在这里,将鼠标悬停在您希望成为共同主持人的参与者的姓名上,然后选择“更多”选项。

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From the menu that appears, select “Make Co-Host.”


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A pop-up message will appear confirming that you want to make this participant the co-host of your meeting. Select the “Yes” button to proceed.

将会出现一条弹出消息,确认您希望将此参加者作为会议的共同主持人。 选择“是”按钮继续。

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Verify that the selected participant has the (Co-host) label next to their name.


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(Remove a Co-Host in a Zoom Meeting)

If you want to revoke co-host privileges, hover over the co-host’s name, click the “More” option, and then select “Withdraw Co-Host Permission” from the menu.


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You can add an unlimited number of co-hosts to a Zoom meeting using this method. If you need to leave the meeting earlier than expected, be sure to pass over hosting privileges before you do, or else the video conference will abruptly end the moment you exit the call.

您可以使用此方法向Zoom会议添加无限数量的共同主持人。 如果您需要比预期的时间提前离开会议,请务必先取消主持权限,然后再退出视频会议,否则视频会议将突然结束。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/672050/how-to-add-a-co-host-to-a-zoom-meeting/
