Spark版本 1.3 Spark源码 Spark.createTaskScheduler TaskScheduler初始化过程

1.// SparkContext中
 * Create a task scheduler based on a given master URL.
 * Return a 2-tuple of the scheduler backend and the task scheduler.
private def createTaskScheduler(
      sc: SparkContext,
      master: String): (SchedulerBackend, TaskScheduler) = {

	// Regular expression used for local[N] and local[*] master formats
	// 一些关于模式的变量 这里只列举一个 (local[N] and local[*]);
	// 其他的还有 local[N, maxRetries], a Spark cluster of [N, cores, memory] locally, 
	// Spark deploy clusters, Mesos cluster, Simr cluster
    val LOCAL_N_REGEX = """local\[([0-9]+|\*)\]""".r

    // When running locally, don't try to re-execute tasks on failure.
    // 他说本地模式下当任务失败的时候, 不会重试运行任务...

    master match {
    	case "local" =>

    	// spark的StandAlone模式
      	case SPARK_REGEX(sparkUrl) =>
	        // 创建了一个TaskSchedulerImpl
	        val scheduler = new TaskSchedulerImpl(sc)
	        val masterUrls = sparkUrl.split(",").map("spark://" + _)
	        // 创建了一个SparkDeploySchedulerBackend, 他到底是怎么创建的? 详见下文 1.1
	        val backend = new SparkDeploySchedulerBackend(scheduler, sc, masterUrls)
	        // 调用initialize创建调度器 相见下文 1.2
	        // 下文会查看initialize方法~, 了解TaskScheduler的初始化过程
	        (backend, scheduler)

	    case LOCAL_CLUSTER_REGEX(numSlaves, coresPerSlave, memoryPerSlave) =>

1.1 val backend = new SparkDeploySchedulerBackend(scheduler, sc, masterUrls)

class SparkDeploySchedulerBackend(
    scheduler: TaskSchedulerImpl,
    sc: SparkContext,
    masters: Array[String])
  extends CoarseGrainedSchedulerBackend(scheduler, sc.env.actorSystem)	//注意这里传入了一个ActorSystem
  with AppClientListener
  with Logging {

	override def start() {
	// 首先调用父类的start方法来创建DriverActor
	// 用于和Executor通信, 将任务发送给Executor
	// 详见下文 1.1.1

	// 准备一些参数,以后把这些参数封装到一个对象中,然后将该对象发送给Master
	val driverUrl ...

	// 重要: CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend 这个参数是以后Executor的实现类
	// 把任务信息参数封装到 Command
    val command = Command("org.apache.spark.executor.CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend",
    	args, sc.executorEnvs, classPathEntries ++ testingClassPath, libraryPathEntries, javaOpts)

    // 最终的封装: 把command 和 任务资源信息 封装到ApplicationDescriptionval
    val appDesc = new ApplicationDescription(sc.appName, maxCores, sc.executorMemory, command,
    	appUIAddress, sc.eventLogDir, sc.eventLogCodec)

    // 创建一个AppClient, 把ApplicationDescription通过主构造器传进去
    client = new AppClient(sc.env.actorSystem, masters, appDesc, this, conf)

    // 然后调用AppClient的start方法,在start方法中创建了一个ClientActor
    // 其中像Master和Worker的actor一样需要preStart像Master注册
    // 其用于与Master通信, 用来发送任务信息 详见下文 1.1.2

1.1.1 super.start()
// 调用的是 CoarseGrainedSchedulerBackend.start (粗粒度调度程序后端器)
class CoarseGrainedSchedulerBackend(scheduler: TaskSchedulerImpl, val actorSystem: ActorSystem)
  extends ExecutorAllocationClient with SchedulerBackend with Logging{

	override def start() {
	    // (prashant) send conf instead of properties
	    // 通过创建本粗粒度调度程序后端器时传入的ActorSystem, 在Driver端创建DriverActor
	    // 其用来和Excutor交互, 将任务发送给Executor
	    driverActor = actorSystem.actorOf(
	      Props(new DriverActor(properties)), name = CoarseGrainedSchedulerBackend.ACTOR_NAME)

// TaskScheduler的初始化过程, 在TaskSchedulerImpl中他的简介是这么写的 ?
 * Schedules tasks for multiple types of clusters by acting through a SchedulerBackend.
 * It can also work with a local setup by using a LocalBackend and setting isLocal to true.
 * It handles common logic, like determining a scheduling order across jobs, waking up to launch
 * speculative tasks, etc.
 * Clients should first call initialize() and start(), then submit task sets through the
 * runTasks method.
 * THREADING: SchedulerBackends and task-submitting clients can call this class from multiple
 * threads, so it needs locks in public API methods to maintain its state. In addition, some
 * SchedulerBackends synchronize on themselves when they want to send events here, and then
 * acquire a lock on us, so we need to make sure that we don't try to lock the backend while
 * we are holding a lock on ourselves.


通过SchedulerBackend执行多种类型群集的计划任务. 它也可以通过使用LocalBackend并将isLocal设置为true来使用本地设置. 它处理通用逻辑, 例如确定跨作业的任务调度顺序, 唤醒以启动推测任务等. 客户端应首先调用 initialize() 和 start(), 然后通过 runTasks 方法提交TaskSet. THREADING: SchedulerBackends和任务提交客户端可以从多个线程调用此类, 因此需要同步公共API方法来维护其状态. 另外, 一些SchedulerBackend被Lock时不会尝试Lock后端调度器, 以防止发生死锁"""

// TaskSchedulerImpl 源码
class TaskSchedulerImpl(
    val sc: SparkContext,
    val maxTaskFailures: Int,
    isLocal: Boolean = false) extends TaskScheduler with Logging {

	def initialize(backend: SchedulerBackend) {
		this.backend = backend
		// temporarily set rootPool name to empty
		// rootPool是调度池, 最小值设置为0, 
		rootPool = new Pool("", schedulingMode, 0, 0)
		// 创建一个调度器构建器
		schedulableBuilder = {
			schedulingMode match {
				// 指定任务信息的调度方式让Worker来拿取, 方式: 先进先出 和 公平调度 方法
				case SchedulingMode.FIFO =>
					new FIFOSchedulableBuilder(rootPool)
				case SchedulingMode.FAIR =>
					new FairSchedulableBuilder(rootPool, conf)
		// 构建任务调度池

private[spark] class AppClient(
    actorSystem: ActorSystem,
    masterUrls: Array[String],
    appDescription: ApplicationDescription,
    listener: AppClientListener,
    conf: SparkConf)
  extends Logging {
	//TODO ClientActor的生命周期方法
    override def preStart() {
      context.system.eventStream.subscribe(self, classOf[RemotingLifecycleEvent])
      try {
        //TODO ClientActor向Master注册
      } catch {
        case e: Exception =>
          logWarning("Failed to connect to master", e)

    def registerWithMaster() {
		// 向Master注册

    def tryRegisterAllMasters() {
      for (masterAkkaUrl <- masterAkkaUrls) {

        // 循环所有Master地址,跟Master建立连接
        val actor = context.actorSelection(masterAkkaUrl)

        // 拿到Master的一个actor引用,然后向Master发送注册应用的请求,所有的参数都已经封装到 appDescription 继续往下看 1.1.3
        actor ! RegisterApplication(appDescription)

class Master(...){
	//TODO ClientActor发送过来的注册应用的消息
    case RegisterApplication(description) => {
		if (state == RecoveryState.STANDBY) {
			// ignore, don't send response
		} else {
			// 生成任务信息
			val app = createApplication(description, sender)

			// 将应用的信息放到内存中存储

			// 利用持久化引擎保存

			// Master向ClientActor发送注册成功的消息, 就是将appId 和Master的Url返送给ClientActor
			// 之后ClientActor会更新MasterUrl, 并且调用监听器开始监听任务的运行情况~之后整个任务注册就完成了
			sender ! RegisteredApplication(, masterUrl)

			// 重要:Master开始调度资源,其实就是把任务启动到哪些Worker上
			// 整个集群的资源发生改变的时候调用schedule(), 注册时有新的worker节点, 提交任务