
1. 数据读入,生成MAF对象

# if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
#   install.packages("BiocManager")
# BiocManager::install("maftools")

# ls("package:maftools")
# 演示数据
laml.maf = system.file('extdata', 'tcga_laml.maf.gz', package = 'maftools') 
laml.clin = system.file('extdata', 'tcga_laml_annot.tsv', package = 'maftools') 

laml = read.maf(maf = laml.maf, clinicalData = laml.clin) # MAF对象

# 查看MAF对象
# write.mafSummary(maf = laml, basename = 'laml')

# 所有样本中突变统计图
plotmafSummary(maf = laml, rmOutlier = TRUE, addStat = 'median', 
               dashboard = TRUE, titvRaw = FALSE)

2. 取MAF子集

## 取MAF对象子集。tsb:subset by these samples (Tumor Sample Barcodes)
# mafObj = FALSE,返回data.frame
subsetMaf(maf = laml, tsb = c('TCGA-AB-3009', 'TCGA-AB-2933'), 
          mafObj = FALSE)[1:5]
# 默认mafObj = TRUE,返回MAF object
subsetMaf(maf = laml, tsb = c('TCGA-AB-3009', 'TCGA-AB-2933')) 

subsetMaf(maf = laml, genes = c('DNMT3A', 'NPM1'), mafObj = FALSE,
          query = "Variant_Classification == 'Splice_Site'")

subsetMaf(maf = laml, genes = c('DNMT3A', 'NPM1'), 
          mafObj = FALSE, 
          query = "Variant_Classification == 'Splice_Site'", 
          fields = 'i_transcript_name')

laml_m4 = subsetMaf(maf = laml, clinQuery = "FAB_classification %in% 'M4'")

# Filter MAF by genes or samples
filterMaf(maf = laml, genes =c("TTN", "AHNAK2"))

3. oncoplot 作图


oncoplot( maf, top = 20, minMut = NULL, genes = NULL, altered = FALSE, drawRowBar = TRUE, drawColBar = TRUE, leftBarData = NULL, leftBarLims = NULL, rightBarData = NULL, rightBarLims = NULL, topBarData = NULL, logColBar = FALSE, includeColBarCN = TRUE, clinicalFeatures = NULL, annotationColor = NULL, annotationDat = NULL, pathways = NULL, path_order = NULL, selectedPathways = NULL, pwLineCol = "#535c68", pwLineWd = 1, draw_titv = FALSE, titv_col = NULL, showTumorSampleBarcodes = FALSE, barcode_mar = 4, barcodeSrt = 90, gene_mar = 5, anno_height = 1, legend_height = 4, sortByAnnotation = FALSE, groupAnnotationBySize = TRUE, annotationOrder = NULL, sortByMutation = FALSE, keepGeneOrder = FALSE, GeneOrderSort = TRUE, sampleOrder = NULL, additionalFeature = NULL, additionalFeaturePch = 20, additionalFeatureCol = "gray70", additionalFeatureCex = 0.9, genesToIgnore = NULL, removeNonMutated = TRUE, fill = TRUE, cohortSize = NULL, colors = NULL, cBioPortal = FALSE, bgCol = "#CCCCCC", borderCol = "white", annoBorderCol = NA, numericAnnoCol = NULL, drawBox = FALSE, fontSize = 0.8, SampleNamefontSize = 1, titleFontSize = 1.5, legendFontSize = 1.2, annotationFontSize = 1.2, sepwd_genes = 0.5, sepwd_samples = 0.25, writeMatrix = FALSE, colbar_pathway = FALSE, showTitle = TRUE, titleText = NULL, showPct = TRUE )

# 基因的突变图
oncoplot(maf = laml, top = 20)
oncoplot(maf = laml, draw_titv = TRUE)

# 自定义颜色
vc_cols = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(n = 8, name = 'Paired')
names(vc_cols) = c(

oncoplot(maf = laml, colors = vc_cols, top = 10)

# 加上突变的信号通路
pathways = data.frame(
  Genes = c(
  Pathway = rep(c(
    "TSG", "DNAm", "Signalling", "TFs", "ChromMod"
  ), c(3, 6, 4, 2, 3)),
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE

oncoplot(maf = laml, pathways = pathways)

# 加上临床特征
oncoplot(maf = laml, top = 20,clinicalFeatures = "FAB_classification")

4. 其他突变统计分析图

### 1.plotTiTv
laml.titv = titv(maf = laml, plot = FALSE, useSyn = TRUE)

##plot titv summary: 
# 1.contributions of 6 mutational conversion 
# 2. Ti/Tv ratios of each sample
plotTiTv(res = laml.titv)

### 2. lollipopPlot
## 绘制棒棒糖的氨基酸变化图。蛋白质结构域来源于PFAM数据库。
  maf = laml,
  gene = 'DNMT3A',
  AACol = 'Protein_Change',
  showMutationRate = TRUE,
  labelPos = 882, # 只表这个位置的突变:c(882,909),"all"
  repel = TRUE

### 3. plotProtein
# 画蛋白结构域图
plotProtein(gene = "TP53")
plotProtein(gene = "TP53",refSeqID = "NM_000546")
plotProtein(gene = "DNMT3A")
plotProtein(gene = "KRAS",showDomainLabel=FALSE)


### 4. rainfallPlot
## 降雨图显示基因组突变热点区域。
brca <- system.file("extdata", "brca.maf.gz", package = "maftools")
brca = read.maf(maf = brca, verbose = FALSE)
rainfallPlot(maf = brca, detectChangePoints = TRUE, pointSize = 0.4)

### 5. tcgaCompare
## 将输入MAF中的突变负荷与来自MC3项目的所有33个TCGA队列进行比较。
par(fig=c(0,0.8,0,0.8))  #c(left, right,bottom,top)
laml.mutload = tcgaCompare(maf = laml, cohortName = 'Example-LAML',
                           logscale = TRUE, capture_size = 50)

### 6. plotVaf
# 统计基因在各自样本中突变频率的箱线图
plotVaf(maf = laml, vafCol = 'i_TumorVAF_WU')  # i_TumorVAF_WU: 样本名称
plotVaf(maf = laml, genes = "DNMT3A",vafCol = 'i_TumorVAF_WU')

### 7. plotCBSsegments
tcga.ab.009.seg <- system.file("extdata", "TCGA.AB.3009.hg19.seg.txt", 
                               package = "maftools")

# 画某一样本的拷贝数变异图
# tcga.ab.009.seg文件字段:Sample Chromosome Start End Num_Probes Segment_Mean
par(fig=c(0.01,1,0,1))  #c(left, right,bottom,top)
plotCBSsegments(cbsFile = tcga.ab.009.seg)

### 8. somaticInteractions

somaticInteractions(maf = laml, top = 25, pvalue = c(0.05, 0.1))

### 9. plotOncodrive
# 基于变异的位置聚类检测癌症驱动基因并作图
laml.sig = oncodrive(maf = laml, AACol = 'Protein_Change', 
                     minMut = 5, pvalMethod = 'zscore')
plotOncodrive(res = laml.sig, fdrCutOff = 0.01, 
              useFraction = TRUE, labelSize = 0.5)

### 10. pfamDomains
# 突变结构域统计图
laml.pfam = pfamDomains(maf = laml, AACol = 'Protein_Change', top = 10)
#Protein summary (Printing first 7 columns for display convenience)
laml.pfam$proteinSummary[,1:7, with = FALSE]
#Domain summary (Printing first 3 columns for display convenience)
laml.pfam$domainSummary[,1:3, with = FALSE]

5. 联合生存分析作图

# 根据基因突变分组并作生存分析图
mafSurvival(maf = laml, genes = 'DNMT3A', time = 'days_to_last_followup', 
            Status = 'Overall_Survival_Status', isTCGA = TRUE)

# 预测与生存相关的基因集
prog_geneset = survGroup(maf = laml, top = 20, geneSetSize = 2, 
                         time = "days_to_last_followup", 
                         Status = "Overall_Survival_Status", 
                         verbose = FALSE)
# 根据基因集(geneset)突变分组并作生存分析图
mafSurvGroup(maf = laml, geneSet = c("DNMT3A", "FLT3"), 
             time = "days_to_last_followup", 
             Status = "Overall_Survival_Status")


primary.apl = system.file("extdata", "APL_primary.maf.gz", package = "maftools")
primary.apl = read.maf(maf = primary.apl)
#Relapse APL MAF
relapse.apl = system.file("extdata", "APL_relapse.maf.gz", package = "maftools")
relapse.apl = read.maf(maf = relapse.apl)

# fisher检验两个队列(MAF),以发现差异突变基因。
pt.vs.rt <- mafCompare(m1 = primary.apl, m2 = relapse.apl, 
                       m1Name = 'Primary', m2Name = 'Relapse', 
                       minMut = 5)
# 不同队列中的基因突变差异森林图。x轴为log10转换优势比,y轴上的差异突变基因。
forestPlot(mafCompareRes = pt.vs.rt, pVal = 0.1)

# 不同队列中的基因突变差异图:显示具体突变类型
genes = c("PML", "RARA", "RUNX1", "ARID1B", "FLT3")
coOncoplot(m1 = primary.apl, m2 = relapse.apl, 
           m1Name = 'PrimaryAPL', m2Name = 'RelapseAPL', 
           genes = genes, removeNonMutated = TRUE)

coBarplot(m1 = primary.apl, m2 = relapse.apl, 
          m1Name = "Primary", m2Name = "Relapse")

lollipopPlot2(m1 = primary.apl, m2 = relapse.apl, 
              gene ="PML", 
              AACol1 = "amino_acid_change", 
              AACol2 = "amino_acid_change", 
              m1_name = "Primary", m2_name = "Relapse")
# 不同临床特征分组中基因突变差异比较并作富集图(每一组都和其余比)
fab.ce = clinicalEnrichment(maf = laml, clinicalFeature = 'FAB_classification')
fab.ce$groupwise_comparision[p_value < 0.05]
plotEnrichmentResults(enrich_res = fab.ce, pVal = 0.05)

7. 药物相互作用的突变基因分析

# 队列中和药物的相互作用的突变基因
dgi = drugInteractions(maf = laml, fontSize = 0.75)
#dgi[which(dgi$category=="LIPID KINASE"),]

dnmt3a.dgi = drugInteractions(genes = "DNMT3A", drugs = TRUE)
#Printing selected columns.
dnmt3a.dgi[,.(Gene, interaction_types, drug_name, drug_claim_name)]

8. 突变基因在致癌通路的富集分析

# 突变基因在已知致癌通路的富集及作图
OncogenicPathways(maf = laml)
PlotOncogenicPathways(maf = laml, pathways = "RTK-RAS")
PlotOncogenicPathways(maf = laml, pathways = "TP53")

9. VAF聚类

tcga.ab.2972.het = inferHeterogeneity(maf = laml, tsb = 'TCGA-AB-2972', 
                                      vafCol = 'i_TumorVAF_WU')
plotClusters(clusters = tcga.ab.2972.het)

seg = system.file('extdata', 'TCGA.AB.3009.hg19.seg.txt', package = 'maftools')
tcga.ab.3009.het = inferHeterogeneity(maf = laml, tsb = 'TCGA-AB-3009', 
                                      segFile = seg, vafCol = 'i_TumorVAF_WU')
# 加上拷贝数变异聚类信息
plotClusters(clusters = tcga.ab.3009.het, 
             genes = 'CN_altered', showCNvars = TRUE)

10. 突变特征(mutational signatures)分析

### Extract mutational signatures###########
# APOBEC富集样品和非APOBEC富集样品之间的差异并作图:
# 包括突变负荷、tCw基序分布和主要突变基因差异的子图。
library("BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19", quietly = TRUE)
laml.tnm = trinucleotideMatrix(maf = laml, prefix = 'chr', 
                               add = TRUE, 
                               ref_genome = "BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19")
plotApobecDiff(tnm = laml.tnm, maf = laml, pVal = 0.2)

laml.sign = estimateSignatures(mat = laml.tnm, nTry = 6, 
                               pConstant = 0.1, 
                               plotBestFitRes = FALSE, 
                               parallel = 2)
plotCophenetic(res = laml.sign)
laml.sig = extractSignatures(mat = laml.tnm, n = 3, 
                             pConstant = 0.1, parallel = 2)

laml.og30.cosm = compareSignatures(nmfRes = laml.sig, sig_db = "legacy")
#Compate against updated version3 60 signatures 
laml.v3.cosm = compareSignatures(nmfRes = laml.sig, sig_db = "SBS")

pheatmap::pheatmap(mat = laml.og30.cosm$cosine_similarities, 
                   cluster_rows = FALSE, 
                   main = "cosine similarity against validated signatures")

pheatmap::pheatmap(mat = laml.v3.cosm$cosine_similarities, 
                   cluster_rows = FALSE, 
                   main = "cosine similarity against validated signatures")
maftools::plotSignatures(nmfRes = laml.sig, title_size = 1.2, sig_db = "SBS")


# Converts annovar annotations into MAF.
# 参数 MAFobj 默认为FALSE,返回data.frame格式数据
var.annovar = system.file("extdata", "variants.hg19_multianno.txt", 
                          package = "maftools")
var.annovar.maf = annovarToMaf(annovar = var.annovar, 
                               Center = 'CSI-NUS', 
                               refBuild = 'hg19', 
                               MAFobj = TRUE,
                               tsbCol = 'Tumor_Sample_Barcode', 
                               table = 'ensGene')

# Converts ICGC Simple Somatic Mutation format file to MAF
esca.icgc <- system.file("extdata", "", package = "maftools")
esca.maf <- icgcSimpleMutationToMAF(icgc = esca.icgc, 
                                    addHugoSymbol = TRUE)
#Printing first 16 columns for display convenience.
print(esca.maf[1:5,1:16, with = FALSE])

12. 读入并处理gistic输出数据

## Read and summarize gistic output
all.lesions <- system.file("extdata", "all_lesions.conf_99.txt", package = "maftools")
amp.genes <- system.file("extdata", "amp_genes.conf_99.txt", package = "maftools")
del.genes <- system.file("extdata", "del_genes.conf_99.txt", package = "maftools")
scores.gis <- system.file("extdata", "scores.gistic", package = "maftools")

laml.gistic = readGistic(gisticAllLesionsFile = all.lesions, gisticAmpGenesFile = amp.genes, gisticDelGenesFile = del.genes, gisticScoresFile = scores.gis, isTCGA = TRUE)
class(laml.gistic)   #An object of class  GISTIC 

# 突出显示扩增和缺失区域片段的基因组图。
gisticChromPlot(gistic = laml.gistic, markBands = "all")
# 样本数对cytobands拷贝数变异显著性(-log10q)的气泡图
gisticBubblePlot(gistic = laml.gistic)

# 不同样本拷贝数变异图,类似展示基因突变的oncoplot
# par(fig=c(0,0.2,0.2,0.8))  #c(left, right,bottom,top)
# par(mai =c(0,0.2,0.2,2))  # 无法设定
gisticOncoPlot(gistic = laml.gistic, clinicalData = getClinicalData(x = laml), 
               clinicalFeatures = 'FAB_classification',
               gene_mar = 8,
               barcode_mar = 6,
               sepwd_genes = 0.5,
               sepwd_samples = 0.25,
               sortByAnnotation = TRUE, top = 10)
