Python SMB WinError 10054


When working with Python and SMB (Server Message Block) protocol, you may encounter the WinError 10054 error. This error occurs when there is a connection reset by the peer on the network, leading to the failure of the communication between the client and the server. In this article, we will explore the causes of this error, how to handle it, and provide some code examples to demonstrate how to work with SMB in Python.

Causes of WinError 10054

WinError 10054 can occur due to various reasons, including:

  • Network issues such as a sudden drop in connectivity
  • Server-side firewall blocking the connection
  • Timeout issues
  • Incorrect credentials or permissions
  • Unsupported SMB protocol version

Handling WinError 10054

To handle WinError 10054 in Python when working with SMB, you can implement error handling mechanisms such as try-except blocks to catch and handle the error gracefully. Additionally, you can also check for network connectivity, firewall settings, and ensure that the correct credentials and permissions are being used for the connection.

Code Examples

Here are some code examples to demonstrate how to work with SMB in Python and handle WinError 10054:

Connecting to an SMB server

import smbclient

    with smbclient.SambaClient("smb://server/share", username="user", password="password") as client:
        files = client.listdir()
        for file in files:
except smbclient.SMBConnectionError as e:
    print(f"Error connecting to SMB server: {e}")
except smbclient.SMBAuthenticationError as e:
    print(f"Authentication error: {e}")
except smbclient.SMBOSError as e:
    print(f"SMB error: {e}")

Handling WinError 10054

import smbclient

    with smbclient.SambaClient("smb://server/share", username="user", password="password") as client:
        files = client.listdir()
        for file in files:
except smbclient.SMBConnectionError as e:
    if e.winerror == 10054:
        print("Connection reset by peer - WinError 10054")
        print(f"Error connecting to SMB server: {e}")
except smbclient.SMBAuthenticationError as e:
    print(f"Authentication error: {e}")
except smbclient.SMBOSError as e:
    print(f"SMB error: {e}")

Sequence Diagram

    participant Client
    participant Server

    Client->>Server: Connect to SMB server
    Server-->>Client: Respond with authentication request
    Client->>Server: Provide credentials
    Server-->>Client: Authentication successful
    Client->>Server: Request to list files
    Server-->>Client: Respond with file list


In conclusion, WinError 10054 in Python SMB connections can be caused by various network issues and can be handled by implementing proper error handling mechanisms. By checking for connectivity, firewall settings, and ensuring correct credentials, you can prevent and handle this error effectively. Additionally, using try-except blocks to catch specific errors such as WinError 10054 can help in troubleshooting and resolving connection issues with SMB servers in Python.