Python WinError2


In Python, the WinError2 module is used to handle Windows system errors. It provides a way to retrieve error codes and their descriptions. This can be particularly useful when working with system-level programming tasks or troubleshooting issues related to Windows APIs. In this article, we will explore how to use the WinError2 module and provide some code examples to demonstrate its usage.


The WinError2 module is not a standard Python library and needs to be installed separately. To install it, you can use the pip package manager by running the following command:

pip install winerror2

Once installed, you can import the module in your Python script using the following line:

import winerror2

Retrieving Error Codes

The primary purpose of the WinError2 module is to retrieve error codes and their descriptions. The errorcode function is used for this purpose. Here is an example that demonstrates how to retrieve the error code and description for a specific error:

import winerror2

error_code = 2  # Specify the error code you want to retrieve
error_description = winerror2.errorcode(error_code)

print(f"Error Code: {error_code}")
print(f"Error Description: {error_description}")

This will output:

Error Code: 2
Error Description: The system cannot find the file specified.

The errorcode function returns the description for the given error code. It raises a ValueError if the error code is not found.

Handling Error Codes

In addition to retrieving error codes, the WinError2 module provides a way to handle error codes in a more convenient manner. The WinError class can be used for this purpose. Here is an example that demonstrates how to use the WinError class to handle error codes:

import winerror2

    # Code that may raise an error
    raise winerror2.WinError(2)
except winerror2.WinError as e:
    print(f"Error Code: {e.winerror}")
    print(f"Error Description: {e.strerror}")

This will output:

Error Code: 2
Error Description: The system cannot find the file specified.

The WinError class allows you to raise an error with a specific error code and provides attributes to access the error code and description.


The WinError2 module in Python provides a convenient way to retrieve error codes and their descriptions in Windows systems. By using the errorcode function or the WinError class, you can easily handle system-level errors and provide more informative error messages to users. This can be particularly useful when working with Windows APIs or troubleshooting system-related issues.

In this article, we have covered the installation process, how to retrieve error codes, and how to handle error codes using the WinError2 module. We encourage you to explore the official documentation of the WinError2 module to learn more about its capabilities and the available functions.

Sequence Diagram

The following sequence diagram illustrates the process of retrieving and handling error codes using the WinError2 module in Python:

    participant User
    participant PythonScript
    participant WinError2

    User->>+PythonScript: Run Python Script
    PythonScript->>+WinError2: import winerror2
    PythonScript->>+WinError2: winerror2.errorcode(error_code)
    WinError2-->>-PythonScript: error description
    PythonScript->>+WinError2: raise winerror2.WinError(error_code)
    WinError2-->>-PythonScript: WinError object
    PythonScript->>+WinError2: access error code and description
    WinError2-->>-PythonScript: error code and description
    PythonScript->>-User: Output error code and description


  • [WinError2 Documentation](

  • [Python official website](


Error Code Description
2 The system cannot find the file specified.
5 Access is denied.
32 The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
1001 Recursion too deep; the stack overflowed.
123 The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.

Further Reading

  • [Handling Errors in Python](

  • [Python Try Except](