MySQL REGEXP and LIKE Efficiency

In MySQL, when we want to search for specific patterns in a string column, we often use the REGEXP and LIKE operators. Both operators can be used for pattern matching, but they have different syntax and performance characteristics. In this article, we will discuss the differences between REGEXP and LIKE and their efficiency in terms of query execution.

Introduction to REGEXP and LIKE

LIKE Operator

The LIKE operator is used to find rows that match a specific pattern. It uses wildcard characters such as % and _ to represent any number of characters or a single character, respectively. For example, the following query will find all rows where the name starts with "John":

SELECT * FROM users WHERE name LIKE 'John%';

REGEXP Operator

The REGEXP operator, also known as regular expression matching, allows us to search for patterns using regular expressions. Regular expressions are a powerful tool for pattern matching and can be used to perform complex searches. For example, the following query will find all rows where the name contains either "John" or "Jane":

SELECT * FROM users WHERE name REGEXP 'John|Jane';

Syntax Comparison

The syntax of LIKE and REGEXP is different, and this can affect the readability and ease of use of the queries.

The LIKE operator uses simple wildcard characters to represent patterns. For example, the % character represents any number of characters, and the _ character represents a single character. This makes it easy to use for simple pattern matching. However, it is limited in its capability to perform complex searches.

On the other hand, the REGEXP operator uses regular expressions, which can be more complicated but also more powerful. Regular expressions allow us to specify patterns that match specific character sequences. For example, we can use the | character to represent an alternative pattern, and the [] characters to specify a range of characters. This flexibility allows for more advanced pattern matching.

Performance Comparison

When it comes to performance, there are some differences between LIKE and REGEXP.

Index Usage

One of the key differences is the ability to utilize indexes. The LIKE operator can use indexes efficiently when the pattern starts with a constant string. For example, in the query SELECT * FROM users WHERE name LIKE 'John%', an index on the name column can be used to quickly find the matching rows.

However, the REGEXP operator cannot use indexes efficiently. It needs to scan the entire column to find the matching rows, which can be slow for large tables. This is because regular expressions are more complex and cannot be easily optimized using indexes.

Pattern Complexity

The complexity of the pattern also affects the performance of the query. Simple patterns with a small number of wildcard characters can be processed faster than complex patterns. For example, the query SELECT * FROM users WHERE name LIKE 'John%' will generally execute faster than the query SELECT * FROM users WHERE name REGEXP '^J.*n$'.

This is because the LIKE operator can perform pattern matching using simple string comparisons, while the REGEXP operator needs to parse and evaluate the regular expression pattern, which can be more time-consuming.

Case Sensitivity

Another factor to consider is case sensitivity. The LIKE operator is case-insensitive by default, but it can be made case-sensitive by using the BINARY keyword. On the other hand, the REGEXP operator is case-sensitive by default, but it can be made case-insensitive by using the REGEXP BINARY or REGEXP [[:<:]] and REGEXP [[:>:]] syntax.

Case sensitivity can affect the performance of the query, as case-insensitive searches require additional processing. In general, case-sensitive searches tend to be faster than case-insensitive searches.


In conclusion, both the REGEXP and LIKE operators have their own syntax and use cases. The LIKE operator is simple and efficient for basic pattern matching, especially when used with indexes. The REGEXP operator is more powerful and flexible, allowing for complex pattern matching using regular expressions. However, it is slower and cannot utilize indexes efficiently.

When choosing between REGEXP and LIKE, it is important to consider the complexity of the pattern, the size of the table, and the need for case sensitivity. By understanding the differences and performance characteristics of these operators, you can make informed decisions to optimize your queries.

"The LIKE operator is simple to use and efficient when searching for basic patterns, especially when used with indexes. The REGEXP operator, on the other hand, is more powerful and flexible but slower and unable to utilize indexes efficiently."

Table 1: Comparison of REGEXP and LIKE

Comparison LIKE REGEXP
Syntax Simple Complex
Index Usage Efficient Inefficient
Pattern Complexity Simple Complex
Case Sensitivity Default: Case-insensitive <br> BINARY keyword: Case-sensitive Default: Case-sensitive <br> REGEXP BINARY or REGEXP [[: