Programming Python, 3rd Edition 翻译

1.1. "And Now for Something Completely Different"

1.1. "前所未有的表演"

This book is about using Python, an easy-to-use, flexible, object-oriented, mature, popular, and open source[*] programming language designed to optimize development speed. Although it is completely general purpose, Python is often called a scripting language, partly because of its sheer ease of use and partly because it is commonly used to orchestrate or "glue" other software components in an application. Python is also commonly known as a high-level language, because it automates most low-level tasks that programmers must handle manually in traditional languages such as C.


[*] Open source systems are sometimes called freeware, in that their source code is freely distributed and community controlled. Don't let that concept fool you, though; with roughly 1 million users in that community today, Python is very well supported. For more information on open source, see

[*] 开源系统有时被称为自由软件,因为它们的源代码由社团管理,可自由分发。不过不要被概念欺骗,现在Python社团有大约一百万用户,Python有着很好的技术支持。有关开源的更多信息可见。

If you are new to Python, chances are you've heard about the language somewhere but are not quite sure what it is about. To help you get started, this chapter provides a general introduction to Python's features and roles. Most of it will make more sense once you have seen real Python programs, but let's first take a quick pass over the forest before wandering among the trees. In this chapter, we'll explore Python's philosophy, its history, and some of its most prominent benefits and uses, before digging into the details.
