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wordpress 功能

WordPress comes with so many awesome features and is continuously changing. Some of these features may not get the attention they deserve and remain a little hidden. In this article, we will show you 10 awesome WordPress features that you probably didn’t know existed.

WordPress具有许多很棒的功能,并且还在不断变化。 其中某些功能可能没有引起应有的关注,并且有些隐藏。 在本文中,我们将向您展示您可能不知道的10个很棒的WordPress功能。

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(1. Show/Hide Things Using Screen Options)

You may have noticed the Screen Options button on some pages of your WordPress admin area. This Screen Options button allows you to show and hide items on the WordPress admin screen you are currently viewing.

您可能已经注意到WordPress管理区域某些页面上的“屏幕选项”按钮。 使用此屏幕选项按钮,您可以在当前正在查看的WordPress管理屏幕上显示和隐藏项目。

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Many beginner WordPress users are unaware of this feature. It allows you to simplify your admin pages like post edit screen to meet your workflow.

许多初学者WordPress用户都不知道此功能。 它可以简化您的管理页面(如后期编辑屏幕),以满足您的工作流程。

(2. Move, Add, or Delete Dashboard Widgets)

By default, users are redirected to the dashboard page in WordPress admin area when they login. The dashboard page has several handy shortcuts pointing to different sections of your website.

默认情况下,用户登录时将重定向到WordPress管理区域中的仪表板页面。 仪表板页面上有几个方便的快捷方式,指向您网站的不同部分。

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These sections are divided into different boxes called dashboard widgets. You can click on the Screen Options button to show or hide these boxes. You can also drag and drop them to rearrange items on your WordPress dashboard.

这些部分分为称为仪表板小部件的不同框。 您可以单击“屏幕选项”按钮以显示或隐藏这些框。 您也可以拖放它们以重新排列WordPress仪表板上的项目。

(3. Paste URL to Make Links in Visual Editor)

WordPress 4.5 introduced inline link editing in the visual editor.

WordPress 4.5在视觉编辑器中引入了内联链接编辑。

Many users didn’t realize that instead of using a popup to paste a link, they can just select a text and press CTRL+V (Command+V on mac) to paste the URL. The visual editor automatically converts it into a link.

许多用户没有意识到,与其使用弹出窗口来粘贴链接,他们只是选择文本并按CTRL + V(在Mac上为Command + V)粘贴URL。 可视编辑器自动将其转换为链接。

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(4. Accessibility Mode for Widgets)

We all like how easy it is to just drag and drop widgets into sidebars. However, for many users it is not easy to drag and drop things using a mouse or trackpad.

我们都喜欢将小部件拖放到侧边栏中是多么容易。 但是,对于许多用户而言,使用鼠标或触控板拖放东西并不容易。

WordPress also comes with a hidden accessibility mode for widgets. This accessibility mode makes it easier to add widgets without draging and dropping the items.

WordPress还具有用于小部件的隐藏可访问性模式 。 这种可访问性模式使您无需拖放项目即可轻松添加小部件。

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Accessibility mode for WordPress widgets can be activated by clicking on Screen Options button on the Appearance » Widgets page.


(5. Preview Themes Without Activating Them)

Many users worry that changing their WordPress theme will have unwanted consequences for their website. Their concern is genuine, that’s why we prepared a checklist of things you must do before changing your WordPress theme.

许多用户担心更改WordPress主题会对网站造成不良后果。 他们的担心是真实的,这就是为什么我们准备了更改WordPress主题之前您必须做的事情的清单。

One of the things you can do is to test the new theme without activating it. Simply install your new WordPress theme and then go to Appearance » Themes page.

您可以做的一件事就是在不激活新主题的情况下对其进行测试。 只需安装新的WordPress主题,然后转到外观»主题页面。

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Take the mouse to the newly installed theme’s thumbnail and then click on Live Preview button. WordPress will launch the theme customizer showing preview of your website using the new theme.

将鼠标移到新安装的主题的缩略图上,然后单击“实时预览”按钮。 WordPress将启动主题定制器,以使用新主题显示您的网站预览。

(6. Edit Images in WordPress)

WordPress makes it easy to add images to your posts and pages. What many beginners don’t know is that WordPress also comes with some basic image editing features.

WordPress使添加图像到您的帖子和页面变得容易。 许多初学者不知道的是WordPress还具有一些基本的图像编辑功能。

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Simply visit Media » Library page and then click on any image. From the image details popup you can click on the Edit Image button.

只需访问媒体»库页面,然后单击任何图像。 从图像详细信息弹出窗口中,您可以单击“编辑图像”按钮。

In the image editing mode, you can crop, rotate, and resize an image. You can also flip an image in horizontal or vertical directions. These image editing features come in handy when you need to quickly crop or resize a large image file directly from WordPress.

在图像编辑模式下,您可以裁剪,旋转和调整图像大小。 您还可以沿水平或垂直方向翻转图像。 当您需要直接从WordPress快速裁剪或调整大型图像文件的大小时,这些图像编辑功能会派上用场。

For more details, see our guide on how to crop, rotate, scale, and flip images in WordPress.

有关更多详细信息,请参阅有关如何在WordPress中裁剪,旋转,缩放和翻转图像的指南 。

(7. Split Single Post into Multiple Pages)

Want to split a lengthy post into multiple pages? Simply add <!–nextpage–> tag in your post and WordPress will split it into two pages. Add the tag again if you want to split it into more pages.

想要将冗长的帖子分成多页吗? 只需在帖子中添加<!–nextpage–>标记,WordPress就会将其分成两页。 如果要将标签分成更多页面,请再次添加标签。

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This feature is particularly helpful if you are writing an unusually lengthy article and don’t want users to scroll to much.


See our guide on how to split WordPress posts into multiple pages for more details on post pagination.


(8. Embed Links, Videos, and Multimedia)

WordPress automatically embeds content from some of the most popular websites like YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, etc. All you need to do is paste a URL from one of the supported sites and WordPress will automatically embed it for you.


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Since WordPress 4.4, all WordPress sites have become oEmbed service providers themselves. This means you can paste URL from another WordPress site into your post and WordPress will embed the post for you.

从WordPress 4.4开始 ,所有WordPress网站本身都已成为嵌入式服务提供商。 这意味着您可以将来自另一个WordPress网站的URL粘贴到您的帖子中,而WordPress将为您嵌入该帖子。

(9. Hidden Secret Options Page in WordPress)

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WordPress comes with a hidden master page for all your blog options. This page is hidden because users can easily mess things up here, so we don’t want you to use it. But you should definitely check it out. You can access it by visiting this URL:

WordPress随附所有博客选项的隐藏母版页。 该页面是隐藏的,因为用户很容易在这里弄乱事情,因此我们不希望您使用它。 但您绝对应该检查一下。 您可以通过访问以下URL来访问它:



Replace example.com with your own domain name. You will see a page with a long list of options. For more details see our guide on the hidden secret options page in WordPress.

用您自己的域名替换example.com。 您将看到一个包含一长串选项的页面。 有关更多详细信息,请参阅WordPress中隐藏秘密选项页面上的指南。

(10. Markdown and Keyboard Shortcuts Help you Write Faster)

Most WordPress users spend more time writing content than anything else on their site. This is is why WordPress developers are always trying to improve the writing experience in WordPress.

大多数WordPress用户花费在编写内容上的时间比他们网站上的其他时间更多。 这就是WordPress开发人员一直试图改善WordPress写作体验的原因。

WordPress comes with a whole range of keyboard shortcuts that you can use to write faster. Apart from these shortcuts, you can also use Markdown like formatting shortcuts. Just enter the formatting shortcuts and WordPress will convert them into HTML.

WordPress随附了一系列键盘快捷键 ,您可以使用它们来更快地编写。 除了这些快捷方式之外,您还可以使用Markdown等格式快捷方式。 只需输入格式快捷方式,WordPress就会将其转换为HTML。

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  • * or *或– will start an unordered list.–将启动无序列表。
  • 1. or 1.或1) will start an ordered list.1)将启动一个有序列表。
  • # will transform into h1. #将转换为h1。 ## for h2, ##代表h2, ### for h3 and so on.###代表h3,依此类推。
  • > will transform into blockquote.>将转换为blockquote。

You can also disable these formatting shortcuts if you want.

您还可以根据需要禁用这些格式化快捷方式 。

We hope this article helped you discover some awesome WordPress featured that you probably didn’t know about. You may also want to see our list of 10 WordPress plugins that will quickly help you get more traffic.

我们希望本文能帮助您发现一些您可能不知道的精妙的WordPress功能。 您可能还想查看我们的10个WordPress插件列表, 这些列表将快速帮助您获得更多流量 。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在Twitter和Facebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/awesome-wordpress-features-that-you-probably-didnt-know-existed/

wordpress 功能