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Looking for an easy way build landing pages in WordPress? You need a landing page plugin that allows you to quickly create landing pages by using simple drag and drop tools without writing any code. In this article, we will review top 5 of the best WordPress landing page plugins and compare them against each other.

寻找一种简单的方法来在WordPress中构建登录页面? 您需要一个目标网页插件,该插件可让您使用简单的拖放工具快速创建目标网页,而无需编写任何代码。 在本文中,我们将回顾最好的WordPress登陆页面插件中的前5个,并将它们相互比较。

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(Why Use a Landing Page Plugin for WordPress?)

If you created your website to sell a book, service, or another product, then you need to make a landing page.


Landing pages help you improve your conversions and convert more visitors into customers.


We know that most business owners and WordPress beginners are not tech savvy and cannot write code. That’s where a WordPress landing page plugin comes in.

我们知道,大多数企业主和WordPress初学者都不精通技术,无法编写代码。 这就是WordPress登陆页面插件的来源。

These plugins come with several ready to use templates with drag and drop tools to edit them or create your own landing pages from scratch.


This gives you freedom to quickly build landing pages for your marketing campaigns without hiring a developer. You can reuse your templates, create new ones, and build your own library of ready to deploy landing page designs.

这使您可以自由为营销活动快速构建目标页面,而无需雇用开发人员。 您可以重复使用模板,创建新模板并构建自己的库,以准备部署目标页面设计。

That being said, let’s take a look at the best WordPress landing page plugins, and how they stack up against each other.


Our criteria for this comparison is: ease of use, flexibility, and design possibilities.

我们进行比较的标准是: 易用性,灵活性和设计可能性 。

All plugins mentioned in this list are mobile responsive.


1.海狸建造者 (1. Beaver Builder)

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Beaver Builder is a popular WordPress landing page plugin. It comes with dozens of ready-made templates that you can use as starting point for your landing pages.

Beaver Builder是一个流行的WordPress登陆页面插件。 它带有许多现成的模板,您可以将它们用作着陆页的起点。

Editing landing pages is a breeze with Beaver Builder’s blazing fast drag and drop builder. Simply point and click on any element in a page to edit its properties. You can also move them up and down, or add new modules to your page. You can see more details in our article on creating custom WordPress layouts with Beaver Builder

Beaver Builder出色的快速拖放生成器使编辑登录页面变得轻而易举。 只需指向并单击页面中的任何元素即可编辑其属性。 您也可以上下移动它们,或将新模块添加到页面中。 您可以在我们的有关使用Beaver Builder创建自定义WordPress布局的文章中看到更多详细信息。

Beaver Builder is designed to work with any WordPress theme. You can switch themes without worrying about your landing pages.

Beaver Builder旨在与任何WordPress主题配合使用。 您可以切换主题而不必担心您的登录页面。

If at any point you decide to stop using it, then your content will be neatly ported to the default WordPress editor.


By far, it is the most beginner-friendly and easy to use WordPress landing page plugin on the market. Despite its ease of use, it is still powerful enough to create landing pages for any kind of website.

到目前为止,它是市场上最适合初学者且易于使用的WordPress登陆页面插件。 尽管易于使用,但它仍然足够强大,可以为任何类型的网站创建登录页面。

Grade: A+

成绩: A +

Pricing: Starting from $99 for unlimited websites and 1 year of support.


Review: We found Beaver Builder to be the most easy to use landing page plugin for WordPress. The builder interface is intuitive and fast. The ability to edit anything with point and click works really well. With dozens of ready-made templates, Beaver Builder is certainly the best WordPress landing page plugin.

评论:我们发现Beaver Builder是WordPress最容易使用的登陆页面插件。 构建器界面直观,快速。 使用鼠标点击即可编辑任何内容的功能非常好。 通过数十种现成的模板,Beaver Builder当然是最好的WordPress登陆页面插件。

2.潜在客户 (2. Leadpages)

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Leadpages is another excellent WordPress drag and drop page builder to instantly create beautiful landing pages. It is a standalone landing page builder, which means you can use it with or without a WordPress website.

Leadpages是另一个出色的WordPress拖放页面生成器,可立即创建漂亮的登录页面。 它是一个独立的着陆页生成器,这意味着您可以在有或没有WordPress网站的情况下使用它。

It comes with dozens of professionally designed templates to use as an starting point. All these templates are optimized for lead generation and conversion. It integrates with many third-party tools and all top email marketing services.

它带有数十个经过专业设计的模板,可以用作起点。 所有这些模板都针对潜在客户生成和转换进行了优化。 它与许多第三方工具和所有顶级电子邮件营销服务集成。

Their drag and drop builder allows you to just point and click to select any element on a page to edit it. You can also drag and drop widgets to add different elements including images, backgrounds, text, multimedia, call to action buttons, signup forms, and more.

他们的拖放生成器使您可以指向并单击以选择页面上的任何元素以对其进行编辑。 您还可以拖放窗口小部件以添加不同的元素,包括图像,背景,文本,多媒体,号召性用语,注册表单等。

It integrates with many third-party tools and all top email marketing services. Simply add a sign-up form to your landing page and then click on ‘Add Integration’ button. See our article on how to create a landing page in WordPress for detailed instructions.

它与许多第三方工具和所有顶级电子邮件营销服务集成。 只需将注册表单添加到您的登录页面,然后单击“添加集成”按钮即可。 有关详细说明,请参阅我们有关如何在WordPress中创建登录页面的文章。

Grade: A+

成绩: A +

Pricing: Starting from $35 / month paid monthly or $25 / month paid annually.


Review: We found Leadpages to be one of the most easy to use and comprehensive WordPress landing page plugins on the market. It seamlessly integrates with top email marketing services to help you generate more leads and boost conversions. It is super flexible and allows you to quickly create professional looking landing pages without any special skills

评论:我们发现Leadpages是市场上最易于使用和最全面的WordPress登陆页面插件之一。 它与顶级电子邮件营销服务无缝集成,可帮助您产生更多潜在客户并提高转化率。 它超级灵活,可让您快速创建具有专业外观的目标网页,而无需任何特殊技能

3.元素 (3. Elementor)

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Elementor is another easy to use WordPress landing page builder. It is super fast and comes with several ready-made templates for different scenarios including landing pages.

Elementor是另一个易于使用的WordPress登陆页面生成器。 它速度超快,并带有针对不同情况(包括登录页面)的多个现成模板。

It has a blazing fast UI with live editor. Page area can be arranged into sections and columns. You can add modules to your columns like buttons, images, headings, sliders, and more. You can also use WordPress widgets and widgets added by other WordPress plugins installed on your website.

它具有实时编辑器的快速UI。 页面区域可以按节和列排列。 您可以将模块添加到列中,例如按钮,图像,标题,滑块等。 您还可以使用WordPress小部件以及网站上安装的其他WordPress插件添加的小部件。

Want to build a page from scratch? You can start with Elementor’s canvas template which offers a blank slate to create your own pages with unique design and layout. See it in action in our guide on how to create custom wordpress layouts with Elementor.

想要从头开始构建页面吗? 您可以从Elementor的画布模板开始,该模板提供空白面板以创建具有独特设计和布局的自己的页面。 请参阅我们的指南, 了解如何使用Elementor创建自定义wordpress布局 。

Grade: A

成绩: A

Pricing: Starting from $49 for single site with 1 year of support and updates.


Review: Elementor is easy to use and learn, which makes it a great landing page plugin. It has professionally designed templates and several modules, which offer even more flexibility to create your own pages.

点评: Elementor易于使用和学习,这使其成为出色的着陆页插件。 它具有专业设计的模板和几个模块,为创建您自己的页面提供了更大的灵活性。

4. Divi (4. Divi)

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Divi is a popular option for building landing pages in WordPress. It is created by Elegant Themes, one of the oldest WordPress theme shops in the market. If you are using one of their themes, then you probably already have access to Divi.

Divi是在WordPress中构建目标网页的常用选项。 它由市场上最古老的WordPress主题商店之一Elegant Themes创建。 如果您使用他们的主题之一,那么您可能已经可以访问Divi。

It comes with 20+ ready to use templates. You can also create your own templates and reuse them later. Divi comes with beautiful point and click page editor and a ton of drag and drop elements. It is super easy to use and work with.

它带有20多个随时可以使用的模板。 您也可以创建自己的模板,以后再使用。 Divi带有漂亮的指向和单击页面编辑器以及大量的拖放元素。 它非常易于使用和使用。

Divi is available as a theme with integrated builder, so you can use it to make a custom blog design. It is also available as a standalone builder that works with any other WordPress theme.

Divi可用作集成构建器的主题,因此您可以使用它来进行自定义博客设计 。 它也可以作为与任何其他WordPress主题一起使用的独立生成器提供。

Grade: A

成绩: A

Pricing: Starting from $89 per year for unlimited websites


Review: Divi offers a good user experience with a very easy to use and intuitive landing page editor. There’s a strong community around Divi that’s fast growing, and the ElegantThemes team is constantly coming up with new features.

评论: Divi的易用性和直观的目标页面编辑器提供了良好的用户体验。 Divi周围有一个快速发展的强大社区,ElegantThemes团队不断推出新功能。

5. OptimizePress (5. OptimizePress)

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OptimizePress is a powerful WordPress landing and sales page plugin. It comes as a theme as well as a plugin allowing you to use it with any other WordPress theme.

OptimizePress是一个功能强大的WordPress登陆和销售页面插件。 它作为一个主题以及一个插件允许您将其与任何其他WordPress主题一起使用。

There are 30+ ready to use templates. Each one of them is designed to be a high converting sales page.

有30多个随时可以使用的模板。 他们每个人都被设计成一个高转化率的销售页面 。

It comes with a design tool to edit landing page templates. The part that stands about OptimizePress is that it seamlessly connects with several email marketing services and WordPress membership plugins.

它带有设计工具来编辑着陆页模板。 有关OptimizePress的部分是,它与多个电子邮件营销服务和WordPress成员资格插件无缝连接。

This makes OptimizePress a very comprehensive solution for landing pages.


Grade: B+

年级: B +

Pricing: Starting from $97 for 3 websites with 1 year of support and updates.

定价: 3个网站的价格从$ 97起,提供1年的支持和更新。

Review: OptimizePress is a comprehensive solution with a lot of features. However, when it comes to editing, it is not as intuitive as some other plugins in this list.

点评: OptimizePress是具有许多功能的综合解决方案。 但是,当涉及到编辑时,它不如此列表中的某些其他插件那样直观。

6. SeedProd即将推出Pro (6. Coming Soon Pro by SeedProd)

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Coming Soon Pro by SeedProd is another great option to quickly build beautiful coming soon pages that are optimized for conversions.

SeedProd的Coming Soon Pro是另一个不错的选择,可以快速构建针对转换进行了优化的漂亮的即将推出的页面。

It has several beautifully designed templates that you can easily tweak and setup. It works with all top email marketing services and has built-in social media integration in all templates.

它具有几个设计精美的模板,您可以轻松地对其进行调整和设置。 它与所有顶级电子邮件营销服务一起使用,并且在所有模板中都内置了社交媒体集成。

Unlike other plugins on the list, Coming Soon Pro is limited to creating coming soon, maintenance pages, and product launch placeholders. For details, see our guide on creating beautiful coming soon pages in WordPress with SeedProd.

与列表中的其他插件不同,Coming Soon Pro仅限于创建即将推出,维护页面和产品发布占位符。 有关详细信息,请参阅有关使用SeedProd在WordPress中创建漂亮的即将发布页面的指南 。

Grade: B

成绩: B

Pricing: Starting from $29 for 1 site with no addons. $79 for all addons included.

定价: 1个站点(无插件)起价29美元。 包含所有附加组件的价格为$ 79。

Review: Coming Soon Pro is a great tool to quickly build coming soon or product launch landing pages. However, it is not ideal to build landing pages for sale and post-launch marketing.

点评:即将推出Pro是一个不错的工具,可以快速构建即将推出或产品发布的目标网页。 但是,构建用于销售和启动后营销的登录页面不是理想的。


Looking at the top WordPress landing page plugins, it became quite clear to us that Beaver Builder is the best landing page plugin in the market.

通过查看顶级WordPress登陆页面插件,我们已经很清楚, Beaver Builder是市场上最好的登陆页面插件。

It has beautiful landing page templates. The page editor is intuitive, fast, and easy to use. The best part is that it works with any WordPress theme and is compatible with all essential WordPress plugins.

它具有漂亮的目标网页模板。 页面编辑器直观,快速且易于使用。 最好的部分是,它可以与任何WordPress主题一起使用,并且与所有必需的WordPress插件兼容。

We hope this comparison helped you find the best WordPress landing page plugins. You may also want to see our comparison of best WordPress contact form plugins and WordPress backup plugins.

我们希望这种比较可以帮助您找到最佳的WordPress登陆页面插件。 您可能还想看看我们比较最佳的WordPress联系人表单插件和WordPress备份插件 。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。
