Our first TECH stream release of the year is available as of today. Unity 2020.1 includes a wide range of features and improvements that make Unity workflows even more intuitive and make you more productive, while Unity 2019 LTS remains the recommended version for projects in production.

截止到今天,我们已经发布了今年的第一个TECH流。 Unity 2020.1包括广泛的功能和改进,使Unity工作流更加直观,使您的工作效率更高,而Unity 2019 LTS仍然是生产中项目的推荐版本。

Also, if you hadn’t heard our latest news, Unity has acquired the Bolt visual scripting asset from Developer Ludiq, and Bolt is now included in all Unity plans at no additional cost. You can read more about it in this blog post.

另外,如果您没有听到我们的最新消息,那么Unity会从开发人员Ludiq获得Bolt视觉脚本资产,并且Bolt现在已包含在所有Unity计划中,无需支付额外费用。 您可以 在此博客文章中 了解更多 信息 。

For Unity 2020.1 our guiding principle has been to make Unity an even more reliable and highly performant platform, to help you realize your creative and business goals. In this blog post, we will highlight some of the new improvements, whether you plan to take advantage of them now or wait until Unity 2020 LTS next year. If your project is beyond the prototyping phase and you’re about to lock in your production on a specific version of Unity for maximum stability, we recommend you use the latest Long-Term Support (LTS) version of Unity, Unity 2019 LTS. 

对于Unity 2020.1,我们的指导原则一直是使Unity成为一个更加可靠和高性能的平台,以帮助您实现创意和业务目标。 在此博客文章中,我们将重点介绍一些新改进,无论您打算立即利用它们还是要等到明年的Unity 2020 LTS。 如果您的项目已经超出了原型开发阶段,并且您打算将产品锁定在特定版本的Unity上以实现最大的稳定性,那么我们建议您使用Unity的最新长期支持(LTS)版本 Unity 2019 LTS 。

社区反馈就是一切 (Community feedback is everything)

Before we dig into what’s new, we want to thank you for all the feedback you provide – from ongoing customer meetings to forum discussions and beta testing. One of the key factors in prioritizing features and determining our roadmap is the feedback from our community. 

在我们研究新功能之前,我们要感谢您提供的所有反馈-从正在进行的客户会议到论坛讨论和Beta测试。 来自社区的反馈是确定功能优先级和确定路线图的关键因素之一。

According to recent feedback, our community is clearly concerned about Unity’s becoming more modular. With more features now available as packages and in different stages of development, it’s challenging to identify the right tools to use for your project – what to use just for testing and what to use for actual productions about to ship. We often share features in their early stages. Labeled as “Preview,”  these features are intended for developers to try out for their use case and provide feedback that may still impact the feature set. However, for projects in production or live, we always recommend that you use the latest LTS version and packages that have been verified. For more information on how we label our packages, see the user manual.

根据最近的反馈,我们社区显然对Unity变得越来越模块化感到担忧。 由于现在有更多功能作为软件包提供,并且处于不同的开发阶段,因此要确定适合您的项目使用的正确工具是一项挑战,这些工具仅用于测试,而实际用于即将交付的产品。 我们经常在其早期阶段共享功能。 这些功能标记为“预览”,供开发人员试用其用例并提供可能仍会影响功能集的反馈。 但是,对于正在生产或投入生产的项目,我们始终建议您使用经过验证的最新LTS版本和软件包。 有关我们如何给包裹贴标签的更多信息,请参见 用户手册 。

全新的Package Manager体验 (A new Package Manager experience)

With the 2020.1 release, we made significant changes to Package Manager. It has several design updates, including a new user interface (UI) with new iconography and improved layout to help clearly distinguish the status of packages. We also added clear labeling and a warning section in the Package Manager UI, to provide better information about packages in use that are in Preview. The list of packages we display in the Package Manager UI will also be more strictly curated, meaning only packages closest to the verified stage will be available. We do this to offer a stable experience for the broad user base in general. For expert teams with use cases and interest, bleeding-edge tech will still be available. For them, we are providing a powerful new option: you can install custom packages in your project with authentication support for your npm-scoped registries and Git packages in repository subfolders. 

在2020.1版本中,我们对Package Manager进行了重大更改。 它具有多个设计更新,包括带有新图标的新用户界面(UI)和经过改进的布局,以帮助清晰地区分软件包的状态。 我们还在Package Manager UI中添加了清晰的标签和警告部分,以提供有关Preview中正在使用的软件包的更好信息。 我们将在Package Manager UI中显示的软件包列表也将更严格地进行管理,这意味着只有最接近已验证阶段的软件包才可用。 我们这样做的目的是为广大用户群提供稳定的体验。 对于具有用例和兴趣的专家团队,尖端技术将仍然可用。 对于他们,我们提供了一个强大的新选项:您可以在项目中安装自定义软件包,并为您的npm范围的注册表和存储库子文件夹中的Git软件包提供身份验证支持。

Unity 2020.1的新增功能 (What’s new in Unity 2020.1)


编辑和团队工作流程 (Editor and team workflows)

New improvements to the toolsets make you more productive, provide more ways to customize your workflows to your specific needs, and reduce interruptions so you can stay in the flow. With Unity 2020.1 you can now visualize the scene context or parent Prefab while editing your Prefab asset. We added several importer improvements so custom properties for objects originating from SketchUp can now be imported along with new axis conversion settings, letting you fix axis import issues without having to reopen meshes in a digital content creation (DCC) program. The new Asset Import Pipeline v2, which we introduced last year, is now the new default and comes with support for serialized files larger than 2 GB and a status bar. With a Focused Inspector window, you can now easily see the Inspector details of a selected GameObject,  the new Progress API and the Background Tasks window let you track progress better, and Partial Presets give more flexibility and control when applying Presets to your scene.

工具集的新改进使您的工作效率更高,提供了更多方式来根据您的特定需求自定义工作流,并减少了中断,因此您可以继续工作。 借助Unity 2020.1, 您现在可以 在编辑Prefab资源时 可视化场景 上下文或父Prefab 。 我们对 导入程序进行 了一些 改进, 因此可以将来自SketchUp的对象的自定义属性与新的轴转换设置一起导入,从而使您无需重新打开数字内容创建(DCC)程序中的网格即可解决轴导入问题。 我们去年推出 的新的 Asset Import Pipeline v2 现在是新的默认设置,并支持大于2 GB的序列化文件和状态栏。 通过“ 焦点检查器”窗口 ,您现在可以轻松查看所选GameObject的“检查器”详细信息, 新的Progress API和“ 后台任务”窗口使您可以更好地跟踪进度,并且在将预设应用于场景时,局部预设可以提供更大的灵活性和控制力。

Visit our Editor and team workflows page for more details.

访问我们的 编辑器和团队工作流程页面 以获取更多详细信息。

编程工具 (Programmer tools)

For programmer tools, we have primarily focused on improving usability and stabilizing workflows introduced in previous releases. You can run the Profiler as a standalone app, which reduces the performance overhead when profiling the Editor and gives you cleaner profile data. The Flow Event feature makes it easier to detect when code in the main thread of execution is waiting for a job to complete in multithreaded code. A new C# debugging workflow allows you to easily switch between release and Debug mode and makes the Editor run with C# code optimization in Release mode by default. Attaching a C# debugger will also allow you to enable Debug mode if you were in Release mode. We also improved support for serializing fields of generic types and the Visual Studio integration is now a package. Finally, Burst Compiler 1.3 is now available and adds native debugging capabilities, among other improvements.

对于程序员工具,我们主要专注于提高可用性和稳定先前版本中引入的工作流程。 您可以将Profiler作为 独立的应用程序 运行 ,从而减少了对编辑器进行性能分析时的性能开销,并为您提供了更简洁的轮廓数据。 该 流动事件 的特征使得它更容易当执行主线程代码在多线程代码正在等待作业完成检测。 一个 新的C#调试工作流程 让您轻松发布和调试模式之间进行切换,并与默认的发布模式C#代码优化的编辑器中运行。 如果您处于发布模式,则附加C#调试器还将允许您启用调试模式。 我们还改进了支持 序列化泛型类型的字段 和 Visual Studio的集成 现在是一个包。 最后, Burst Compiler 1.3 现在可用,并添加了本机调试功能以及其他改进功能。

Check out our page dedicated to programmer tools in Unity 2020.1 for more details.

请查看我们 专用于Unity 2020.1中的程序员工具的页面,以 获取更多详细信息。

2D开发工具 (2D development tools)

2D Animation now gets a performance boost if you install the Burst Compiler and Collections packages via the Package Manager. This allows the 2D Animation package to use Burst compilation and low-level array utilities to speed up Unity’s processing of Sprite mesh deformation. Sprite Shape mesh baking allows mesh data to be stored while editing so it can be reloaded at runtime, avoiding unnecessary runtime mesh generation. 2D Physics includes updates like Rigidbody2D XY Position Constraints improvements, Per-frame Auto-Simulation to update physics at the same rate as the rendering cycle, and Edge Collider2D. We offer a sample project to test all 2D Physics features. The 2D default template has been updated so it now includes all the verified 2D tools, precompiled, so new projects load faster with the entire 2D toolset at your disposal.

现在, 如果 通过程序包管理 器 安装了 Burst Compiler 和Collections程序包,则 2D Animation的性能将得到提高 。 这允许2D动画包使用Burst编译和低级数组实用程序来加快Unity对Sprite网格变形的处理。 Sprite Shape网格烘焙 允许在编辑时存储网格数据,因此可以在运行时重新加载网格数据,从而避免了不必要的运行时网格生成。 2D Physics 包括诸如Rigidbody2D XY位置约束改进,每帧自动模拟以与渲染周期相同的速率更新物理的更新以及Edge Collider2D。 我们提供了一个 示例项目 来测试所有2D物理功能。 2D默认模板已更新,因此它现在包含所有经过验证的,已预编译的2D工具,因此,使用整个2D工具集可以更快地加载新项目。

Check out our artist tooling page for more details.

请查看我们的艺术家工具页面以获取更多详细信息 。

图形,可扩展的质量和相机 (Graphics, scalable quality, and cameras)

You can now use Camera Stacking to layer the output of multiple Cameras and create a single combined output using the Universal Render Pipeline for when you need something that is rendered out of the main camera’s context (e.g., a version of your character in a pause menu, or a special cockpit setup in a mech game).

现在,您可以使用“ 摄影机堆栈” 对多个“摄影机”的输出进行分层,并使用“ 通用渲染管线” 创建单个组合的输出,以 用于需要从主摄影机上下文中渲染的内容时(例如,暂停菜单中的角色版本) ,或在机甲游戏中进行特殊的座舱设置)。

GPU and CPU Lightmapper has improved sampling. Lightmapping is now simpler in general, and we added Lightmapped cookie support. And with the Contributors and Receivers Scene View, you can now see which objects are influencing Global Illumination (GI) within the Scene. Lighting Setting Assets let users change settings that are used by multiple Scenes simultaneously. 

GPU和CPU Lightmapper改进了采样功能。 现在,一般而言,Lightmapping更加简单,我们添加了 Lightmapped cookie支持 。 现在,借助“ 贡献者和接收者”场景视图 ,您可以看到哪些对象正在影响场景中的全局照明(GI)。 照明设置资产 使用户可以同时更改多个场景使用的设置。

Finally, Cinemachine, our suite of tools for dynamic codeless camera behavior, version 2.5 is now a verified package.

最后, Cinemachine (我们用于动态无 编码 相机行为的工具套件,版本2.5)现已通过验证。

Check out our graphics or artist tooling pages for more details.


接触观众:平台 (Reaching your audience: Platforms)

The new Input System was introduced during the 2019 cycle, and with 2020.1 it is now verified. It was built from the ground up to offer a unified Input Action window where you can bind actions from a wide range of modern and custom devices separately from the project logic. 

新的输入系统 是 在2019年周期 引入 的, 现已通过 2020.1 进行了验证 。 它是从头开始构建的,提供了一个统一的“输入操作”窗口,您可以在其中绑定项目逻辑之外的各种现代和自定义设备中的操作。

For augmented reality (AR) in Unity 2020.1, AR Foundation now officially supports the Universal Render Pipeline, and feature support for ARKit, ARCore, Magic Leap, and Hololens is also enhanced. We’ve also significantly reduced the amount of time it takes to enable AR and virtual reality (VR) in your project with a new streamlined UI in Project Settings.

对于 Unity 2020.1中的 增强现实(AR) , AR Foundation 现在正式支持Universal Render Pipeline,并且对ARKit,ARCore,Magic Leap和Hololens的功能支持也得到了增强。 我们还 通过“项目设置”中 新的 简化UI 大大减少了在项目中启用AR和虚拟现实(VR)所需的时间 。

In 2020.1, we have added high dynamic range (HDR) display support for the Editor, allowing developers that use displays that support HDR to take advantage of the increased color and brightness ranges while working with HDR content without having to build for the target device to see the results. 

在2020.1中,我们 为编辑器 添加了 高动态范围(HDR)显示支持 ,从而使使用支持HDR的显示器的开发人员可以在处理HDR内容的同时利用增加的颜色和亮度范围,而无需构建目标设备来查看结果。

Unity has been supporting development for the next generation of Xbox and PlayStation platforms since the release of our 2019.3 TECH stream, and our current releases continue to do so. 

自从我们的2019.3 TECH流发布以来,Unity一直支持下一代Xbox和PlayStation平台的开发,而我们当前的发行版仍在继续这样做。

2020.1中的预发布技术 (Pre-release technology in 2020.1 )

Find out what’s coming next from our dedicated pre-release technology page. 

从我们专用的 预发布技术页面 了解下一步 。

Please be mindful that Preview packages are not yet verified for use with the current version of Unity, so you should only use them for research and prototyping, not in production. Try them out and let us know what you think on the Betas & Experimental Features forum. Your feedback and bug reports are invaluable to us.

请注意, Preview软件包 尚未经过验证可与当前版本的Unity一起使用,因此,您仅应将其用于研究和原型制作,而不应在生产中使用。 试试看,让我们在 Beta和实验功能论坛 上知道您的想法 。 您的反馈和错误报告对我们非常宝贵。

We will include Preview packages in the Package Manager when we believe that the package will be verified within that version’s release cycle. Naturally, things can change, but this is our initial guidepost in determining which packages are visible.

当我们认为该软件包将在该版本的发行周期内得到验证时,将在软件包管理器中包含预览软件包。 自然,事情可以改变,但这是我们确定哪些软件包可见的最初指南。

Other packages remain available in the production registry. At some point in the future, they might pass the requirements to be included in the Package Manager; however, they might be deprecated instead. If you still want to test them out, the easiest way to add them to your project is by clicking the add button in the Package Manager status bar, selecting Add package from git URL, and then writing in the name of the package, such as com.unity.tiny.all. It’s important to note that hidden packages are still working when they’re declared as dependencies for other packages. See this forum thread for the current summary of package visibility changes.

添加” 按钮,选择“ 从git URL添加程序包” ,然后输入程序包的名称,例如全部社区。 重要的是要注意,当隐藏包被声明为其他包的依赖项时,它们仍在工作。 有关 软件包可见性更改的最新摘要, 请参 见此论坛主题 。

For more information about the Preview state and the lifecycle of packages, see Package states and lifecycle.

有关包的预览状态和生命周期的更多信息,请参见包状态和生命周期 。

Here are some quick highlights of a few of the new Preview packages available in the Package Manager, as well as updates to existing packages in Preview.


The Profile Analyzer package, which enables users to compare frame and marker data from a set of Unity Profiler frames at the same time, comes with improved overall performance and a more streamlined user experience. Also, Code Coverage helps you visualize which lines of your code are being tested. If you want to see what’s next in 3D animation, Kinematica is now available as a Preview Package. Another Preview feature, Animation Rigging, includes the new Bidirectional motion transfer that provides you an authoring workflow that lets you transfer existing motion onto active constraints. 

Profile Analyzer 软件包使用户能够同时比较来自一组Unity Profiler框架的框架和标记数据,它具有改进的整体性能和更简化的用户体验。 此外, 代码覆盖率还 可以帮助您直观地查看要测试的代码行。 如果您想查看3D动画的下一步, Kinematica 现在可以作为预览包使用。 预览的另一个功能是“ 动画索具”,其中包括新的双向运动传递 ,它为您提供了创作工作流,可让您将现有运动传递到活动约束上。

For mobile, we’ve added even more devices and improved the user experience (UX) in the Device Simulator (Preview), making it even easier to simulate specific resolutions and notch/cutout layouts in the Game view, as well as preview device-specific customizations like quality settings based on device information like RAM and chipset.

对于移动设备,我们在 设备模拟器(预览)中 添加了更多设备,并改善了用户体验(UX) ,从而更轻松地在游戏视图中模拟特定分辨率和缺口/切口布局,以及预览设备-基于设备信息(例如RAM和芯片组)的特定定制(例如质量设置)。

Ray Tracing (Preview) now supports animation via the Skinned Mesh Renderer component and Alembic Vertex Cache. Streaming Virtual Texturing (Preview) is a feature that reduces GPU memory usage and texture loading times when you have many high-resolution textures in your Scene.

光线跟踪(预览)现在通过“ 蒙皮网格渲染器”组件 和 Alembic Vertex Cache 支持动画 。 当场景中有许多高分辨率纹理时, 流虚拟纹理化 (预览)功能可减少GPU内存使用和纹理加载时间。

2020年发布两个TECH系列 (Two TECH stream releases in 2020)

As we announced in January with the release of 2019.3, since more and more features are distributed as packages are continuously updated, we’re reducing the number of TECH stream releases from three to two per year.  This allows for an extended stabilization phase to validate and improve the stability and quality of our tools between releases. Finally, you have fewer major releases to upgrade to. Unity 2020.2 is scheduled for Q4 2020. 

正如我们在 1月发布的2019.3版本中 宣布的那样 ,由于软件包的不断更新会分发越来越多的功能,因此我们将TECH流版本的数量从每年3个减少到2个。 这样可以延长稳定阶段,以验证和改善版本之间工具的稳定性和质量。 最后,您需要升级的主要版本较少。 Unity 2020.2计划于2020年第四季度发布。

This means that Unity 2020.2 beta will be available during the summer. To be among the first to try it out, sign up for our beta newsletter and get an update in your inbox when it’s available for testing.

这意味着Unity 2020.2 beta将在夏季提供。 要抢先试用,请 注册我们的Beta版新闻通讯, 并在收件箱中有更新供测试时使用。

了解更多并参与其中 (Learn more and get involved)

2020.1 Beta抽奖活动获胜者 (2020.1 beta sweepstakes winners)

We’re happy to announce the four lucky winners of our Unity 2020.1 beta sweepstakes! Dmitriy, Quentin, Peter, and Robert each win an NVIDIA GeForce RTX™ 2080 graphics card, and they have been contacted directly. Congratulations!

我们很高兴宣布Unity 2020.1 Beta抽奖活动的四名幸运获奖者! 德米特里(Dmitriy),昆汀(Quentin),彼得(Peter)和罗伯特(Robert)分别赢得了NVIDIA GeForce RTX™2080显卡,并且已经直接联系他们。 恭喜你!

unity2021 hololens2项目发布 unity 2020lts_编程语言

Are you curious about what’s coming in Unity 2020.2? You can get access to the alpha version now or wait for the beta. 

您是否对Unity 2020.2中的功能感到好奇? 您可以立即访问Alpha版本或等待Beta。

挖 (Dig in)

Get a full overview of what’s available in the release notes, and visit our 2020.1 Overview hub to dig into these areas of interest: programmer tools, artist tools, editor and team workflows, graphics and platform support. Community feedback is everything to Unity! Let us know what you think about Unity 2020.1 in the forums.

全面了解 发行说明中 的可用内容 ,并访问我们的 2020.1概述中心 以深入研究以下感兴趣的领域: 程序员工具 , 美术工具 , 编辑器和团队工作流 , 图形 和 平台支持 。 社区反馈是Unity的一切! 在 论坛中 让我们知道您对Unity 2020.1的看法 。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2020/07/23/unity-2020-1-is-now-available/