unity 职业的考试 unity careers_游戏

unity 程序员技能

Unity programmers rise above the competition with professional certifications for every stage of their career.


“Unity is one of the most in-demand tech skills and has one of the highest forecasted growth rates, at over 35% over the next two years.” —Burning Glass job market analytics

“团结是最抢手的技术技能之一,并且是最高的预测增长率之一,在未来两年内将达到35%以上。” —燃烧玻璃工作市场分析

(A new Unity Certification for the global community of Unity programmers)

As more industries recognize the value of real-time 3D applications, Unity Programmer has become one of the most in-demand new job categories. Unity has responded to the changing needs of hiring managers and job seekers with a new standard for validating industry-readiness: Unity Certified Programmer.

随着越来越多的行业认识到实时3D应用程序的价值,Unity编程器已成为最受欢迎的新工作类别之一。 Unity通过一种新的标准来验证行业就绪性,以应对招聘经理和求职者不断变化的需求:Unity认证程序员。

Whether you’re applying for your first Unity job or looking to propel your career to the next level, Unity Certified Programmer helps entry- to mid-level programmers across all industries validate their abilities and demonstrate their commitment to professional standards. Learn more and see what’s covered on the exam: Unity Certified Programmer.

无论您是申请第一个Unity工作还是希望将自己的职业提升到一个新水平,Unity认证程序员都可以帮助各行各业的入门级到中级程序员验证其能力,并证明他们对专业标准的承诺。 了解更多信息,并查看考试内容: Unity Certified Programmer 。

(Take the exam anytime, anywhere)

As with Unity’s Expert Certifications, the Unity Certified Programmer exam is now available through the Pearson VUE network of more than 5,200 testing centers around the world, and can also be taken online.

与Unity的专家认证一样,Unity认证程序员考试现在可以通过Pearson VUE网络在全球超过5,200个测试中心进行,也可以在线进行 。

Sign in at our Pearson VUE page to schedule the Unity Certified Programmer exam or any of our Expert-level Certification exams.

登录我们的Pearson VUE页面以安排Unity认证程序员考试或我们的任何专家级认证考试。

立即注册以获得Unity认证。 (Sign up today to get Unity Certified.)

(Expert Gameplay Programmer: Test-prep courseware now available on Coursera)

The wait is over! You can now sign up for learning materials created specifically to prepare you to take the Unity Expert Gameplay Programmer certification. In partnership with Coursera, the leading platform for online education, Unity has created a series of courses designed to help advanced Unity programmers practice and prepare for the certification exam. These courses together provide over 9 hours of video instruction and dozens of realistic game programming challenges to tackle, but you can also drill down to just the topics where you need the most review.

等待已经结束! 现在,您可以注册专门为准备获得Unity Expert Gameplay Programmer认证而准备的学习材料。 通过与领先的在线教育平台Coursera合作,Unity创建了一系列旨在帮助高级Unity程序员练习和准备认证考试的课程。 这些课程共同提供了超过9个小时的视频教学,并解决了许多现实的游戏编程难题,但您也可以深入了解最需要复习的主题。

This will be the first of Unity’s new Certification courseware offerings on Coursera; look for courses covering the Unity Certified Programmer and Unity Certified 3D Artist exams soon.

这将是Coursera上Unity的新认证课件产品中的第一个; 尽快寻找涵盖Unity认证程序员和Unity认证3D艺术家考试的课程。

Sign up to get notified of when these products are available.

注册以获取有关这些产品何时可用的通知 。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2018/05/28/now-available-worldwide-unity-certified-programmer/

unity 程序员技能